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A good case has been made out by the trade associations and individual employers for a reduction in the hgv driving age to 18....
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• The Transport Managers' Licence committee has asked the Department of the Environment for a £50,000 government loan to get...
• A sense of perspective was needed about the contribution to pollution from motor vehicles, said Mr Eldon Griffiths,...
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BRS tell CM following Len Payne's Rolls catastrophe warning • British Road Services told Commercial Motor through a National...
• Following the move at the time of the last Earls Court Show to a simpler parallel-flanged frame on its Perkins VS-powered...
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• "What alarms us is the kind of report we are receiving of the plans that are being hatched within the Department of the...
• In response to concern expressed that there was no sign of the urgent transport investment decisions which were needed over...
• Details of the new Anglo-French "co-operation" quota system, announced last December, have now been worked out. The system,...
• Mr Richard Marsh, MP for Greenwich and a former Minister of Transport, opened a f+m warehousing complex for Ralph Hilton...
• Reports of increased police vigilance on the adequacy of container securing on lorries, especially in the London area, are...
• Variations in speed limits for vans up to 30cwt and lorries over 3 tons unladen, already agreed by the House of Lords, were...
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• Warehousing and distribution services in northern France provided considerable material of interest for members of the...
• The full range of trailers formerly manufactured by Doughty Trailers is to be produced again; the company was put into the...
• Application's are invited for a Rees Jeffreys Studentship at the London School of Economics, to enable a candidate to devote...
• Mr Peter Walker, Secretary of State for the Environment, took over on April 1 legal responsibility for issuing driving and...
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CM-sponsored seminar looks at pay and productivity; drivers' hours; load security; tachographs; European regulations. Britain...
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• A five-day course on transport planning, operation and management at the University of Leeds last week was attended by 67...
relations— a conference report • Verbatim reports of the recent CMsponsored Industrial Relations Legislation Conference will...
• An item in the March 26 issue of CM, dealing with new legislation affecting rubbish skips left on the highway, stated that...
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• An improved, up-dated version of the FTA's existing vehicle check system has been developed. The main difference between the...
• Unless the tide of emotion and public opinion concerning commercial vehicles is countered, the possibility of achieving any...
by Bob Holliday • The band of enthusiasts who last year undertook the organization Of the Isle of Man's first I_DoY...
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• A new London coach pool or coach availability service for 1971, covering journeys beginning and /or ending within the Greater...
• In a letter from Mr Eldon Griffiths, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Department of the Environment, to Mr Robert...
• The London Transport Passengers' Committee, set up under the Transport (London) Act. 1969 last month sent to the Greater...
• The South Wales Transport Co Ltd has appealed to the Department for Environment against the refusal of the South Wales...
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• British European Airways have placed an order with J. H. Sparshatt and Sons for a fleet of 10 articulated airside coaches...
• While private transport mileage (mainly by car) increased by 124 per cent in the 10-year period 1959-1969, the number of...
• Plans for taking over Midland Red services inside the West Midlands Passenger Transport Area have been dropped at least for...
• The winner of the award National Coach Driver of the Year in 1969 and 1970 will be competing again in the llth National Coach...
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• In Sheffield last week the Yorkshire deputy LA, Mr M. Gosnay, decided not to exercise his power under Section 69 of the...
• Infringements of the Road Traffic Act by private bus operators in West Lothian are an open secret, says their association's...
• Following a merger with several small haulage concerns, Edwin Gowers and Sons Ltd, of Sheffield, successfully applied to the...
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• Trading as Mason's of Wath, Mr Clarence William Mason, of Willow Road, kiliath-on-Dearne, was refused an application for a...
• An application to take over an express licence originally held by Cox's Coaches, of Bilston, was granted by Mr John Else,...
• At Brentford magistrates' court on March 24 the Metropolitan LA took proceedings against Isleworth Coaches Ltd for failing to...
A. D. Jack, 29, has been appointed company secretary of British Leyland Truck and Bus Division Ltd. A former British Leyland...
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• To protect electrical charging systems on vehicles from misuse, Butec has produced a new device called an RPP for use with...
• Northern Transport Engineering Ltd has developed a new system for the support of ISO-type contaihers. .The system consists...
• A new series of van bodies under the name Freight Box has been announced by Coachwork Conversions Ltd, Windsor Street, Colne,...
An air-operated mechanism for releasing the taildoor of a tipper at the flick of a switch in the driver's cab has been...
• Five-day courses on road vehicle ride, vibration and noise and on the braking of road vehicles Will be held at Loughborough...
loading body • A. C. Penman Ltd, Heathhall, Dumfries, has just completed the first of a new design of swop body container...
is launching a new monthly "journal within a journal" dealing with 'the tyre industry. Entitled, Tyre Trader, it will be bound...
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• A regular planned maintenance and inspection scheme is now offered by Fodens Ltd. It will be of particular benefit to...
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FROM - NOVEMJBER 1 this year heavy goods vehicles and trailers will have to be fitted with rear marker plates in reflective...
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A. E. Teer • This year's LDoY competition is under way and the qualifiers from Weymouth and the Isle of Man for the 1971 final...
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by lain Sherriff, MITA THE RENEWAL of an operator's licence will not be automatic. When the current licence expires operators...
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A professional step-by-step guide to workshop planning and building by Duncan McInnes, FRICS THE Transport Act of 1968 (and,...
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out? The question facing small fleet operators by David Lowe, MInstTA THE SMALL OPERATOR with no maintenance facilities of...
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by R. W. Eaton, sales manager. Servicing Equipment Division, Tecalemit (Engineering) Ltd. THE Department of the Environment...
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My attention has been drawn to the letter from Mike Pearce (CM, February 19) and I should be most grateful if you would allow...
I would like to express my concern over the fluctuation in charges made by medical practitioners for an hgv driver's licence...
With reference to the discussion on LPG, Commercial Motor, March 12: (just received). While the use of LPG by itself in a road...
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control by John Hillier MAINTENANCE activities are perhaps the most difficult to apply work measurement to and consequently...
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workshop by Handyman Benchwise: tool tricks (3) drilling clamp for small work IN MY EXPERIENCE, no garage machine toot is...
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by Gordon Crabtree IN the early 'fifties it was the general opinion that for most commercial road vehicles a once or twice...
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by Inspector K. W. Norman Crime Prevention Section, New Scotland Yard. • The hijacking of commercial vehicles usually...
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Reports on vandalism in north-west Lancashire are beginning to give me the impression that when the inhabitants of that area...
This week on page 68 Gordon Crabtree talks about the virtues of cleanliness. Recently, while on a thousand-mile round trip, I...
It has taken IR years for someone to think about producing a tie for competitors at LDoY competitions. This year the Kent...
Public passenger operators , frequently exchange ideas on how to increase loadings. Last week, I heard of a suggestion alleged...
The Perrins motor company party last week at which Geoff Moore, the PR director of Vauxhall Motors, handed over 60 Bedfords to...
Operators whose drivers use M6 should know that the last service station travelling north is 52 miles from the top of the...
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by Tim Hoare THE PROBLEM of spares, their control and availability probably engenders as much, and very often more, emotion...
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Safer in a lorry by Janus U NCONGEN1AL though the subject may be, road operators should not hesitate to emphasize the...
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IN the following surveys (continuing CM's annual reviews of servicing aids) three classes of equipment of importance in the...
GEORGE BRYDEN ENGINEERING LTD, York Road, Seacroft, Leeds 14, Yorkshire. THREE riveting machines are included in the Bryden...
12-16 Brunel Road, Acton, London W3. BRAKE relining machines, brake-drum lathes, disc refacers and brake-shoe grinders are...
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Cobden Road, 'London SE26. THIS company is a concessionaire for Alfred Teves GmbH of Frankfurt/Main, Germany, which produces a...
Birmingham 30. THE Elms Garage Lightening Autoriveter brake and clutch relining tool clamps on a vice and is fully adjustable....
26-27 Diesel! Street, Birmingham 5. THE JARC 50 range of hydraulic brake servicing units is designed for complete...
THE PCL portable pressure brake bleed unit enables brake bleeding to be performed by one man and it can be used to bleed...
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E. P. BARRUS LTD, 12-16 Brunel Road, Acton, London W3. COMPACT, portable and operating at a low noise level, the three...
Lyon Industrial Estate, Mortlake Road, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. THE WANDESS equipment marketed by this company comprises two...
Olchneadow Road, King's Lynn, Norfolk. THIS company is the concessionaire in this country for the wide range of brake...
Doman Road, Camberley, Surrey. BERING semi-automatic and automatic oil-fired heaters are of the warm-air blower type designed...
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Tropical Works, 145 Sterte Road, Poole, Dorset. DIRECT-FIRED and vented units are included in the Boscombe Tropical range of...
Great Eastern Street, London EC2P 2BH. THIS COMPANY is a distributor of heaters made by Boscombe Engineering and Bering Ltd...
Ambrose Street, West Gorton, Manchester M12 5DH. SUMP OIL, gear oil and most types of waste oil can be burned in the three...
Farlington, Portsmouth, Hampshire. FIVE GAS-FIRED air heaters that Gan be converted to oil firing and five oil-fired models...
Cobden Road, London SE25. HANS MOTORS are agents for EbersOcher heaters that are designed for space heating in vehicles but...
A THERMAL EFFICIENCY in excess of 80 per cent is claimed for the airand gas-fired air heaters produced by this company for the...
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Huoknall, Nottingham. AN AUTOMATIC photocell-type shut-down device is a feature of three of the four Hecta paraffin-burning...
14 Rudolph Road, Bushey, Hertfordshire. DESIGNED for firing all types of boiler, Langham oil burners are produced in three...
Bordesley Chambers, 164 High Street, Birmingham 12. TWO SOLID-FUEL industrial heating stoves are produced by this company and...
Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Eaaex. RADIANT HEATERS, a combined radiant/ convector heater and an infra-red heater in this...
Richmond, Surrey. ONE of the two basic models in the Stenor range of portable /mobile oil-burning blowertype space heaters can...
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ADAPTA CHARTS LTD Nortinvay House, London, N20. THIS company's wall-planning-board system consists essentially of a peg-board...
7 Elstree Way, Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire. THERMOBLOC multi-pass warm air heaters in the Wanson range of horizontal and...
PO Box 2, Triggs Mews, West Didsbury, Manchester, M20 BOB. PRO GRAPH planning boards are custom-built to meet individual...
Elite Works, Station Road, Lawford, Manningtrea, Essex. THE Elite Simplex wall-type planning board employs a combination of...
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Vivian Road, Harborne, Birmingham 17. THE Fonadek Wal!fax is a large version of the small, portable Handifax charting systems...
333 Goswell Road, London Eel. WITH the Flambo panel units manufactured by this company, a firm can devise its own...
Ampler' House, 4 Holywell Road, Watford, Herts. THE Planomatic range of equipment is one of the widest in the country and has...
Remington House, 65 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1. VISIBLE recording systems applicable to vehicle preventive maintenance have...
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As well as the wall planning boards and similar record/charting systems available from the companies shown in this survey, some...
House, Olympic Way, Wembley, Middx. Burmah - Castrol Industrial Ltd, Castrol House, Marylebone Road, London NW1. Esse,...
Shannon Corner, New Malden, Surrey. SHANNON does not have a wall-chart system but the Shannovue record cabinets can give some...
Morris Road, Clarendon Park, Leicester, LE2 6B R. THE visual control system made by Taskmaster consists of custom-built boards...
12 Russell Gardens, London W14. VISUAL CONTROL has recently added two new Roil-a-Chart magnetic "planning boards", both of...
Williams House, 821 Woolwich Road, SET. THE BASIS of the Strafoplan system marketed by this company is a simple...
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about 1 ton or slightly more to carry a 3-ton agricultural roller. The trailer is to be towed by a dieselpowered Land-Rover....
device suitable for BMC. Ford and Commer vehicles, which limits the maximum top speed of the vehicle without restricting rpm in...
hgv licence and this was known to his employers, would they then be contravening the law if they allowed him to drive a vehicle...
Transport Association will be using a common examination system with the Institute of Transport this year. Could you give me...
Bedford SB 41-seat coach fitted with a 300 cu in. Bedford diesel engine. We want to improve the performance of the vehicle and...
16-ton-gross tipper lorry in the South West of England—flat rate and overtime rate? A The current Road Haulage Wages Council...
past lists of books suitable for goods vehicle operators. Could you provide a list of books covering the operation, maintenance...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM The architect's contribution to efficient distribution A CASE STUDY presented recently by Mr J....
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI The Abrasive Wheels Regulations 1970 (2) , AS I STATED last week, the new law concerning...
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SINCE the Transport Manager's Licence Committee recommended to the Minister of Transport Industries a purely voluntary...