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The admission into Britain of foreign commercial vehicles with higher noise levels than are permitted for UK trucks is...
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SOME OPERATORS ARE 'LIVING FROM HAND TO MOUTH by CM reporter • Coach and tour excursion operators are losing ground in the...
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European type-approval braking and noise limits now accepted here • From August 28, British truck manufacturers will be able...
by CM reporter • The four British operator associations in the bus and coach industry have this week formed the European...
• The prices of British Leyland vehicles, including commercials, are to rise by an average of seven per cent with effect from...
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container stuffing dispute by Anthony O'Toole Aliens' agreement with URTU acceptable to TGWU • An 11th-hour settlement of a...
• An appeal by Meachers Transport Ltd against the decision of the South Eastern LA to curtail the company's licence from 66 to...
• From Monday (August 13) drivers of under-3-ton-ulw recovery vehicles "fitted with apparatus designed for raising a disabled...
• Bulk tankers carrying corrosive or dangerous substances were involved in 14 serious accidents reported to the Inspectors of...
• The Road Haulage Association is to encourage women to become heavy goods drivers in a move to alleviate the acute labour...
• Tozer Kemsley and Millbourn (Holdings), one of whose subsidiaries is to import MAN vehicles, has taken a 30 per cent interest...
• Operating costs of Britain's major road hauliers have risen by over 50 per cent in the past five years, says Midland British...
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• TLT Distribution, .a division of Tate and Lyle Transport Ltd, has opened a purposebuilt depot at Avonmouth, Bristol, for the...
• A proposed £2.40 a week rise by the Road Haulage Wages Council has been turned down by the Pay Board — because it is more...
• The ferry freight charge between Britain and the Continent will be excluded from the bracket haulage rates which EEC member...
• The transport division of Oliver Rix Ltd has been enlarged by the company's acquisition of Stockport Storage and Distribution...
• Container traffic through the port of Antwerp rose by 42 per cent in the first three months of this year compared with the...
• An export order for a Snorkel fire unit has recently been completed for the Dubai Municipality in the Arabian Gulf by ERF....
• Employees of Smiths Electric Vehicles Ltd of Gateshead have been recommended to strike by their unions because of the refusal...
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British hauliers because "it is in the wrong place for road freight movements into Europe," says Mr Philip Turner, chairman and...
and Repairers' Association have come to an agreement with the Institute of Automobile Assessors whereby independent...
£226,000 for the year ended March 31. The total profit was £1,395,671.
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is the fuel crisis? by John Darker • Nearly 70 years ago, in CM dated March 23 1905, we published an article with the title:...
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• The Freight Transport Association's two-tier structure of 46 areas and eight divisions is to be streamlined into a single...
• R. K. Crisp, the haulage subsidiary of Richards and Wallington Industries, has announced an agreement to purchase a French...
Keith Sabey, 27, divisional manager for United Carriers at Caerphilly, has been appointed Winchester divisional manager and...
• The next one-week course sponsored by the Road Haulage Association for directors and senior managers of road haulage...
for wine man • Dick Insoll, director of the Wine and Spirit Association, and at one time secretary of the RHA's International...
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• An eight months' fight to save his licence for one vehicle and one trailer ended this week when the operator, Mr C. C....
• A case before Preston borough magistrates, concerning drivers' hours was unusual, because it was the result of information...
• A prohibition issued against Mr James G. Thomas in May this year was the fault of the driver, South Wales deputy LA, Mr C....
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• After agreeing to carry a 22 tons 14cwt load of timber for British Road Services Ltd, a Hereford haulage contractor ended up...
• A lorry which could not stand up to the tough conditions of building sites landed building merchant Robert J. Gamier Ltd...
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• Eastbourne is to get its Dial-a-Bus service despite objections from local taxi men. The Corporation was granted approval last...
• Brighton, Hove and District Omnibus Co Ltd is putting its fare stage traffic before the tourist services. Shortage of staff...
• Hull's 460 municipal buses ground to a halt last Thursday as drivers commenced their two-day unofficial strike. Thousands of...
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• Alarm over the critical shortage of staff plagueing London Transport — and causing a decline in services — was voiced this...
• A children's competition with prizes awarded to children who travel the greatest distance in a day is currently being run by...
• Negotiations over a 10 per cent shift allowance are to commence between Teesside Corporation Transport and the Association of...
• Children travelling half fare have been told by Hartlepool Town Council that they must give up their seats to passengers...
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• Tricentrol Ltd has bought Silverline Tours Ltd, of Hounslow, to become the second largest independent British coach operator;...
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• Refuting suggestions — made in the national press in connection with the Advanced Passenger Train's record speed runs last...
• The 34 millionth Volkswagen one-ton Commercial — an ambulance — rolled off the VW production line at Hanover a few days ago...
• Two orders, worth a total of about £110,000, have been won by the Envec Group — Yorkshire Vehicles Ltd, of Leeds; Eagle...
• The manufacture, under licence to an American company, of four sizes of Colectomatic waste-collection truck body is expected...
• South West London's Vauxhall Cross improvement scheme, which has been designed to eliminate congestion when Covent Garden...
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CM samples six-wheeler and 16-ton 4x2 tipper by Gibb Grace • Daimler-Benz announced this week the first models of a new...
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for psv lift-off by Martin Hayes Cheaper tooling and material, and freedom from corrosion among benefits • During the past...
• Four years ago textile manufacturer Laura Ashley Ltd delivered its dresses from a factory in Carno, Montgomeryshire, to its...
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A new research and experimental centre, opened last month by ZF at Friedrichshafen is giving this leading European producer of...
In an altogether different sphere, ZF has combined with Siemens to produce a novel electric wheel hub motor for application to...
A special study group of the IRU as well as the European Transport Ministers' conference have given support recently to a trend...
More decisive measures have been taken in the Netherlands where legislation governing taxi and private hire operation has been...
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Wider recognition of German efforts to standardize critical dimensions of demountable bodies is beginning to give operators in...
At the Turin commercial motor show in November Italian makers are expected to demonstrate several prototype demountables...
After the presentation last year by Ford and General Motors, and more recently by VW, of "basic" transporters for assembly and...
The braking performance of truck tyres seems to have received less attention than durability, and car tyres have, in typical...
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by Ralph Cropper, MSc (Econ), MCIT FEW people would suspect that a government publication with such an urbane title as Urban...
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William Caunter • A happy extrovert with a keen sense of humour is perhaps a good description of William Caunter recently...
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John Darker continues his report of a Texaco industrial relations training course WHEN I heard that Alan Law was leading a...
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A question of priorities CONCERN for the continuing high rate of road accidents has itself become one of the casualties of the...
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a t o ne by G bb Grace THE MUTUAL co-operation in vehicle production achieved by Saviem in France and. MAN in Germany is not...
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I see that in an attempt to overcome the perennial problem of poor attendances at meetings — which seems to afflict almost...
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regarding the exemption of transporting agricultural produce, we were wondering if your answer is also applicable to furniture...
from a local club on a Continental holiday. I understand that I must comply with Common Market Regulations but does this mean...
A Based on braking tests carried out by CM on road tests, say 0.5g deceleration is average for a 20-ton-gvw vehicle then this...
heavy goods vehicle which is registered on a six miles a week farmer 's exemption licence? A Exemption from the need for a...
a compulsory purchase order, could you tell me how the compensation will be calculated? A You should receive the value of your...
and had intended to purchase a 45-ton single rear axle Foden tractive unit with a trailer to give a gross train weight of 32...
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How TDG sets the pace by James Millen EFFICIENT management of a company is a tough business, as many care-worn directors of...
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Trailer roll-over Reference the paper concerned with trailer roll-over (reported in CM July 13) and Mr P. M. Davies' letter of...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE Trailers (3) APART from some minor exceptions pneumatic tyres must be fitted on...
Troutts Transpod (Coachworks) Ltd. Cap: £1150. Dirs: C. A. Troutt. Cheridah S. Troutt, Ford House. Nicholashayne, Devon. Sec:...