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A SK the majority of operators and manufacturers in Britain whether they honestly consider that there are adequate spare parts...
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COOD communications and good transkJ port were the life-blood of industry today. Therefore, the recent cut in the road...
A REMARKABLE demonstration of the grip afforded on ice by studs in tyre treads was given at Cresta Ice Rink, Solihull,...
BIG SURVEY IN THE NEW YEAR r - t A MAJOR survey of goods transport operators' costs is to be undertaken in the New Year by the...
I - 100AD transport's share of freight traffic measured in ton-miles rose to more than 70 per cent in 1964. This was revealed...
A s a result of the Minister of Transport's reply to a question in the House of Commons last week concerning goods vehicles...
A NEW industrial services division set up Cl by the Morton Group of companies will offer machinery and plant moving ; storage...
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. 1-1 A NEW unitized air cargo service, introduced by Anglo Continental Container Services Ltd., will start operations between...
B OOKING forms are now available from the RI-IA for a special reduced-rate charter air trip to the USA next June. Leaving on...
T HE heavy haulage group of the Road Haulage Association has objected to a letter circulated by the Surrey Constabulary, which...
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From a Special Correspondent THE second Stage in the working up of British Railways' liner-train services between London and...
THE national council of the Traders Road Transport Association has decided to increase annual subscription rates as from...
been installed in all the London-based vehicles of Factory g uards Ltd., the industrial security or g anization. The system,...
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beer. But many other containers still carried ballast to simulate commercial loads. The NUR has still not budged in its...
F ORMER bus driver Mr. James Smith, Mayor of Carlisle, is to move at the next meeting of his city's Road Safety Committee a...
CONTRARY to many speculative reports, The Commercial Motor now has it on good authority that there is no likelihood of the BMC...
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farewell to Major Frank Eastwood by staging a lunch for the retiring Yorkshire Traffic Commissioner in Leeds on December 6. Mr....
R ECENT members admitted to the Industrial Transport Association are: Mr. F. L. Leah (Bullard and Sons); Mr. J. S. Sheppard...
WE regret to record the deaths of Mr. Charles H. Roe and Mr. G. V. Rodgers. Mr. Roe, who was 79, started a coachbuilding...
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A 30-ton steel tanker carries 4,500 gallons (20,250 litres); a 30-ton Gloster alloy tanker carries 5,000 gallons (22,500...
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T HE Minister of Transport has at present no proposals about co-ordination between British Road Services and British Railways...
EE XPLAINING last week •how the Transport Holding Company financed the acquisition of private companies, Mr. Fraser said that...
will be issued over a period and not all in one hatch. It was the Transport Minister's desire to make sectional groups of...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT QOME bus operators have been so slow 1 , -) in claiming their 6d. a gallon fuel rebate from...
A S a result of this year's elections Mr. Geoffrey Wilson, Conservative MP for Truro, has come back into the leadership of the...
oads widely known and well understood? The question was asked by Miss Joan Quennell (Tory. Petersfield) in the Commons last...
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London Transport Services is being urged by Mr, John Page (Tory, West Harrow). He is to seek permission to introduce a Bill in...
TH E braking systems of most heavy vehicles will need power assistance to meet the proposals circulated by Mr. Fraser which...
T HE banning of battery-driven vehicles with a top speed of less than 40 miles an hour from motorways was still under...
W HEN Everton Coaches Ltd. applied for a night express licence from Worcester to Great Yarmouth at Birmingham on Wednesday, the...
VORIE CITY COUNCIL has refused, by 26 votes to 25, to back an application by York/West Yorkshire to raise the city's bus fares....
A T a Section 178 inquiry at Eastbourne last Friday, Itchen Transport Co. Ltd., of Southampton, was reprimanded by the South...
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T HE 150-mile radius sought by members of the Mid-Southern Tipping Group covered more than half the area of England and Wales,...
EUROPEAN PETROLEUM TO APPEAL IT is illegal for a petrol company to sell petrol direct from a stationary tanker to motorists,...
V , failed to appear at a Western area public inquiry at Devizes last week, the Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R. C....
'THE Minister of Transport had received a number of representations from local authorities asking for legislation to allow...
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IN a written decision, the Northern 1 Licensing Authority, Mr. J, A. T. Hanlon, has refused an application by C. H. Shepherd...
A T a public inquiry at Dunfermline last week-the first ever to be held in the town-the Scottish deputy Licensing Authority,...
NORTHERN APPLICATIONS (December 1. 1965) S. Huby and Son, West Hartlepool, new A lie., 9 veh. (4110. Plasterboard, plaster....
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Running long hauls at high speeds, you won't want to risk using anything less than the best in the way of fuel. With BP Diesel...
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By Derek Moses CHOULD one-man operated buses be fitted %-..) with automatic ramps leading from the pavement into the bus so...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT TH E London Transport Board has hit back at MPs who criticized it severely last September for...
A NNOUNCING that the Automobile Association would "fight tooth and claw" against a congestion tax on urban traffic unless...
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its seating capacity, while the average distance travelled by the London passenger was about 21 miles and the majority...
A NEW development within the Leyland Motor Corporation which should interest coach operators, starved as they are of the wide...
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DICTURED above last week, on the first day of East Yorkshire Motor Services' rail-replacement service between York and Hull via...
EMBERS of Reading Corporation transport committee have recommended that discussions should be resumed with Thames Valley...
IVFORE than 4,200 men employed in the London Transport Board's bus workshops have been awarded a pay rise of 3+ per cent,...
WHEN local authority representatives V , discussed rural transport at the Ministry of Transport on Friday, all endorsed the...
'THE MIC has refused to allow Glasgow I Corporation to pay the city's 5,000 bus drivers and conductors overtime of tune-andhalf...
DLANS for the development and / improvement of the Dublin City bus services of CIE include the decision to purchase new...
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HERE'S THE PROVEN EFFICIENCY OF THE `BIC .1' CAB. 'Big J' cabs have logged over 200,000 miles under searching conditions to...
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I -1 A NO-LOSS hydraulic system, an improved fast-lowering mechanism, time-saver controls and a modified skip-elevating gear...
A NEW £150,000 factory is to be built by the ERF Group in Hanley, Stoke-uponTrent, and will be occupied by R. Evans and Sons...
N OTABLE amongst recent orders received by Vauxhall Motors Ltd. is one for 1,056 normal-control 5-ton chassis to be delivered...
1 - 0 improve control and boost the export sales of the special products division of the Leyland Motor Corporation the sates...
'r HE new London Borough of Wands-1worth is re-equiooing its refuse collection fleet, which shifts 350 to 450 tons of waste a...
AEC In Portugal Reach Om.: New orders received from Portugal by AEC Ltd. bring the total from this country in 1963 to Om. The...
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committee has accepted the offer of Guy Motors Ltd. to extend its tender to cover the supply of three new double-decker bus...
Repair Turn-round—Time and Space W ITH the arrival in service of additional semi-trailers in their varied lengths, together...
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and Publications Oil-fired Heater O NE of the features of a new American-made heater to be marketed by W. C Youngman Ltd is...
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VIEW By the Hawk Fame in Spain A dozen UK companies were represented at a recent Anglo-Spanish gathering in Barcelona when, in...
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T HE economic difficulties of rural bus operators have been highlighted in many reports in recent years, the latest being the...
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A. J. P. WILDING, AM I Mech E, MIRTE REELY available spares are essential to the economic running of vehicles and yet more and...
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Haulage Workers BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT , 1 -1 A COMPREHENSIVE pension and life-assurance scheme has recently been...
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T HERE are many small businesses started each year by persons who have had no previous commercial experience and the value of...
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B ECAUSE new regulations will limit the maximum length of draw-bar trailer outfits to 59 ft. from January 1, car carriers based...
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between the decks of 7 ft. 3 in. for a distance of 26 ft. behind the section over the fifth wheel coupling which has the normal...
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axim 16-ton-gross four-wheeler By...,. P. feature is the brake design. Wet weather prevented the best possible stopping...
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S OMEHOW it is difficult to accept the Prime Minister's picture of Lord Beeching as a rabid railway enthusiast who would have...
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S UCCESSFUL road transport operators are essentially practical men. They must have a flare for making spot decisions. The...
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Wilkinson's Higher Interim RE was splendid news for the shareholders of 'T'HERE WILKINSON'S TRANSPORT GROUP. The directors...
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Bad Image —we are all to blame A sa young man who has always been interested in road transport, may I add another voice to the...
THE item by Handyman in the November 26 issue entitled "Unusual Cause of Dropped Semitrailer" was read by us with great...
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A. Smith and Sons (Frame) Ltd. Cap. £3,000. Objects: To carry on the business of general agents and carriers, etc. Dirs.: A....
I AM so often asked the question "Surely there is no need to read widely in preparation for a transport examination; is not the...
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WITH A DIFFERENCE This is no ordinary vehicle. It's a Carmichael bulk transporter for granular and powdery materials which...