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New Sheppard Range Of Container-handling Units
I -1 A NO-LOSS hydraulic system, an improved fast-lowering mechanism, time-saver controls and a modified skip-elevating gear that enables the container to be lifted from 3 ft.......
Erf Company Expands
A NEW £150,000 factory is to be built by the ERF Group in Hanley, Stoke-uponTrent, and will be occupied by R. Evans and Sons (Engineers) Ltd., the latest ERF acquisition. A......
Bedford Forges Ahead
N OTABLE amongst recent orders received by Vauxhall Motors Ltd. is one for 1,056 normal-control 5-ton chassis to be delivered to India. , Other overseas orders include :......
A Leyland Regrouping
1 - 0 improve control and boost the export sales of the special products division of the Leyland Motor Corporation the sates organization of special products at AEC has been......
Forty Fords For Wandsworth
'r HE new London Borough of Wands-1worth is re-equiooing its refuse collection fleet, which shifts 350 to 450 tons of waste a day. For the purpose, 40 Ford D 7-tonners have been......
News In Brief
AEC In Portugal Reach Om.: New orders received from Portugal by AEC Ltd. bring the total from this country in 1963 to Om. The latest contracts call for 115 buscs and coaches and......