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One-way Trunk Roads?
COOD communications and good transkJ port were the life-blood of industry today. Therefore, the recent cut in the road programme was ludicrous in regard to modern conditions and......
Studs For Traction
A REMARKABLE demonstration of the grip afforded on ice by studs in tyre treads was given at Cresta Ice Rink, Solihull, Birmingham, on Tuesday before 150 invited guests, who......
Ministry Quiz On Operators' Costs
BIG SURVEY IN THE NEW YEAR r - t A MAJOR survey of goods transport operators' costs is to be undertaken in the New Year by the Ministry of Transport, which wants to gather a lot......
Still More Freight Carried By Road
I - 100AD transport's share of freight traffic measured in ton-miles rose to more than 70 per cent in 1964. This was revealed on Friday by the Minister of Transport in reply to......
Trta Concern On Spot Checks
A s a result of the Minister of Transport's reply to a question in the House of Commons last week concerning goods vehicles examined under the spotcheck scheme, the Traders Road......
New Morton Group Division
A NEW industrial services division set up Cl by the Morton Group of companies will offer machinery and plant moving ; storage of machinery, plant and production materials ;......