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ITAL as is the need for the conservation of fuel, lubricants, metal scrap, waste paper, bones and many other items, the saving...
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O NE of the vital war-time jobs entrusted to road transport is the movement of tools from factory to factory. This task has...
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Simple Method of A MERICANS are proverbial Converting Pneu r for their ability to improvise macs to 'Solids . . gadgets. One...
That the war will end in 1942-3-4-5 . . . • That it was not a haulier who ordered sparking • plugs for oil engines. That...
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J UST after last week's issue went to press it was announced that Viscount Ridley was resigning from his office of Director of...
D ISSATISFACTION with present conditions in the road haulage industry, particularly in relation, to the chartered-fleet side of...
A N invitation to all operators of commercial vehicles and to all concerned with servicing them to attend a meeting at the...
L AST Sunday, Mr. William John Lee, managing director of Lee's Trans ff port (Cardiff), Ltd., died suddenly. at his home in...
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S EVER AL men well known to our industry have become Regional Controllers in the new Ministry of Production organization. Mr....
at Liverpool to secure a clear-cut ruling as to the liability of the carrier for loss or damage on road-hauled raw cotton, in...
Mr. Liddall last week related to the difficulty hauliers were experiencing in obtaining commercial vehicles for National...
T HE North Midland Regional Transport Commissioner, Mr. J. H. Stirk, has refused the appeal of the Co-operative Wholesale...
T WO fines arising out of the same incident were recently imposed on a lorry driver at Barnsley--L1 for leaving the vehicle...
A T the Royal Society of Arts, at 6.30 p.m. on July 21, Mr. L. H. Hounifield, A.R.C.S., M.I.Mech.E., will read, before the...
D OZENS of pulping machines with L./hungry maws are waiting for those scraps of paper, periodicals, books, out-of-date...
S OME interesting figures concerning the huge development in agriculture in Great Britain have now been released. As a result...
T HE Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of War Transport was asked in the House, last week, whether, in 'ogler to save...
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P ROBABLY the first prosecution of its kind in Scotland recently took place at Dumfries Sheriff Court when .a driver was fined...
work it is undertaking in connection with the National effort, Scottorn, Ltd., New Malden, is discontinuing its normal...
F OR the financial year ended May 31, a world record for municipal transport has been achieved by Glasgow. The revenue from the...
D ELAYS in the settlement of accounts for casual haulage on tonnage or job rates have resulted in the suggestion being made to...
MR. JAMES D. HENRY, deputy director of public cleansing at Leeds, has been appointed superintendent of cleansing for Dundee, in...
F OLLOWING •a report from the Agricultural Improvement Council, the Minister of , Agriculture and Fisheries and the Secretary...
T HE accounts of Leyland Motors, Ltd., have just been issued for the years ended September, 30, 1940, and 1941, the delay in...
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I N connection with its "Help Your Neighbour" campaign the Tractor Users' Association is launching a new scheme having as its...
1 N April last year, Manchester Transport Committee decided that it would continue for another year the basis of eight years,...
D tiRING the first eight months of 1.../their work, up to the end of April last, the 450 vans of the Ford Emergency Food Vans...
P ROTESTS against restrictions which, to a large extent, amount to a ban on the transport of soft fruits by road were voiced in...
Supplied by the Ministry of War Transport and the Hauliers' National Traffic Pool, to keep the industry informed of...
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Another Haulier Who Disbelieves in the Principle, and Emphatically Denies the Practicability of Adopting Rail Rates Is a...
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Reasons for the Present Depression in the Road Haulage Industry: Suggestioris as to How the Position Should be Met: What the...
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A Sensible Scheme, Offering Home Amenities, Which Solves the Problem of Housing Large Numbers of American Workers Employed on...
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Courageous Appreciation of the Possibilities of a Growing Industry Results in the Establishment of an Efficient Organizationi...
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By W. H. Goddard M.Inst.Pet. Survey of Consumption and Resources of a Commodity which Plays a Vast Part in World Affairs O...
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By " Tantalus " At Last Concrete Arrangements Are Being Made • to Improve the Lot of the Long-distance Transport • Men in...
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A Big R.A.O.C. Establishment Finds that Women Can Satisfactorily Tackle Many Jobs Hitherto Done by Men H ow much of man's work...
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A SAVING of 250 tons of high-speed steel . in a year is effected -by one concern alone—according to an official publication—by...
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DATENT No. 545,051, communicated by the General Motors Corporation, Detroit, U.S.A., deals with an interesting metho'd of...