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TH_E Road Haulage Wages Council is L to meet on June 18 to discuss the three-part claim for new overtime, subsistence and night...
I N the first quarter of 1963 there were 1,280 thefts of, or from, commercial goods vehicles in the London area. This was...
H ALL AND HAM RIVER'S 1962 profit (£1,325,637 gross, £538,637 net) dipped from the 1961 figures of 11,413,608-1597,608....
Featherstone, national secretary, and Mr. F. D. Fitzgerald, will represent the Traders Road Transport Association at an 1.R.U....
confirmed that the autumnal conference would be held in London this year on Thursday, October 17. The annual conference for...
STANDARD demurrage charges have b--) been recommended by the national committee of the R.H.A. long-distance hauliers functional...
WITH the dissolution of the National ifY Road Transport Federaj ion, the Road Haulage Association is to set up its own joint...
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T HE Beech ing report must put road hauliers on their toes, ready to offer efficient facilities or to attract new traffic where...
THE annual conference of the Institute of Traffic Administration at Plymouth will be opened on May 24 by the president, Lord...
A NEW British Road Services branch was officially opened at Dunoon. Argyllshire yesterday by Provost Hugh A. Christie. The new...
O NE of the Bristol area's best-known independent haulage contractors, Premier Transport of Sussex Street, St. Philip's, opened...
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mobile service training schools which B.M.C. Service Ltd. introduced two years ago that a further 21 are to be put into...
T HE prospect of larger lorries brought criticism from both the Government and Opposition sides of the Commons this week....
to a road vehicle?—he had been told this was arguable, said Lord Derwent, Minister of State at the Board of Trade, when the...
the House, Mr. John Hay on Wednesday answered the last of the many Commons transport questions he has dealt with as...
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T rrims is the first of a series of monthly bulletins designed to I keep you in touch with the world of semi-trailers in...
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O NWednesday at Edin burgh, Macdonald Transport of Fraserburgh appealed to the Transport Tribunal against the Scottish deputy...
NiToRE than 90 elderly people crammed 1 V 1 into Eastbourne Town Council Chamber last Friday to support a coach operator's...
T HE South Eastern Licensing Authority, Mr. H. J. Thom, refused an application by C. W. and D. R. Thorp, of Fordwich, Sturry,...
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FaId House was unsuccessful at Edinburgh on Tuesday in an appeal to the Transport Tribunal against a decision of the Scottish...
IN a second case before the Tribunal on Tuesday, Gavin Wilkie, of Glasgow, failed in an appeal against the Scottish Licensing...
Mr. Squibb, the Tribunal president, suggested that Allan might well make a fresh application for a new A licence, but Mr....
A FTER an application by Gilbraith Tankers Ltd. had been amended. British Railways and British Road Services, who originally...
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A SECOND attempt by seven independent hauliers and British Road Services, to persuade the Transport Tribunal to hear an appeal...
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IN 1962 the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd. fleet ran a total of 75,960,400 miles, or about 0-6 per cent less...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A GREEMENT on pay increases for the last group of bus employees100,000 company busmen—was...
A DATE has been fixed for the intro duction of the Ministry of Transport's revised requirements for standee buses. They are to...
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mEARLY 100 vehicles were entered for the second annual London to Brighton run organized by the Historic Commercial Vehicle...
A FTER long negotiations, an agree ment was signed last week by Leyland Motors Ltd. and Hotchkiss Brandt S.A., of France,...
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S PECIAL bodywork being built by Transport Trading (Vehicles) Ltd., Southbourne, Hants, on a Carrimore semi-trailer can be...
TITANS FOR HOME AND ABROAD: A total of 30 Leyland Titan PD2.37 models has been ordered for service with the municipallyoperated...
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r 0 interesting designs have been d i eveloped by Merriworth (Engineering) Ltd., Dartford, Kent, in conjunction with Morton's...
T HE development of a new tyre repair system has been announced by The Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. of America. The method,...
P LASTICS self-adhesive letters and numerals are made by "Instant Plastic Signwriting " Ltd., 110 Bramley Road, London, W.10,...
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S EVERAL times lately, I have been forced to notice our remarkable British insularity over the speaking of foreign languages. I...
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WRITES The licensing system will continue although almost certainly in a, modified forin' I F ever an announcement was made...
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By A. A. TOWIN Fch.E. ROAD TEST: Leyland Leopard-Duple 49-seat Coach S OME clue to the character of the Leyland Leopard...
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By P. A. C. BROOKINGTON, A.M.I.Mech.E. T THE Austin Motor Company's Long bridge show this year approxi mately 20 per cent...
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Forward Thinking at Vienna Separation of Public and Private Transport T HE need for, and means of, separation of public...
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Small Men Not Attacked TN his letter about "Those Smoking Diesels" (The ComI mercial Motor, April 12) Mr. Mustill is under a...
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IGHTEEN papers were presented at La the Third International Conference of The institute of Materials Handling held at Brighton...
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A LTHOUGH the importance of setting up a standard system of costing is persistently stressed in this series of articles, it is...