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at certain features of commercial and industrial management in Britain today — and rightly so. The balance of power is quite...
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E BRITISH Association of Removers is to take a stand at the al Home Exhibition in March to encourage the public to use Tiber...
THE NEW range of vehicles from the VW/MAN Corporation will definitely appear at the Frankfurt Show in September 1979. This was...
INVESTIGATIONS into the SpaniSh tanker disaster have shown that the most likely explanation is that the tanker was over filled...
FORMER West Midlands PTE director general Frederick Lloyd is the new chairman of the Road Transport Industry Training Board,...
IBULANCE drivers in three jor Scottish areas have de1 management and union rice and have left them hout any emergency ser 'his...
FRENCH lorry drivers took up the running in the French disputes race this week with a campaign for improved hours and...
ITAIN has now been officially notified that its appearance in dock of the European Court on charges of failing to reduce...
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ROAD Haulage Association national chairman John Silbermann launched an attack on the Price Commission investigation into road...
HAULIERS are the IA salesman in the world editor lain Sherriff to meeting of the Charterei stitute of Transport in 111 last...
THE CONFEDERATION of British Industry showed an ur ally militant attitude at its Brighton conference this week. In his...
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■ CCORDING to a recent British Safety :ottncil survey British industry is in an larming state of ignorance over pening...
JEST Midlands Fire Brigade c ent 1 y discovered that lmost half the tankers carOng hazardous loads which 'ere parked in three...
GREATER Glasgow PTE's three-week old maintenance workers' strike looked no nearer solution as we went to press, following a...
LABOUR MP's call for lorry weights ) be held down has been criticised by ie two main road haulage bodies. MP Walter Johnson...
JUST ABOUT scraped through that was the verdict on how the Government dealt with its most serious life-or-death problem at the...
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EARLY decision is expected on the future of the Warrington . ation of road haulage company Shelliway Transport Ltd. lanaging...
PLIFIED record books are ig made available to goods Ede drivers who work for than four hours each day who keep within a 50km us...
A SCHEME to protect immigrants from the depredations of shady removers officially comes into force on January 1. It is being...
M23 inquiry A PUBLIC inquiry may be held to decide whether or not the Hooley-Mitcham northern extension of the M23 will be...
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weighbridge was installed at the company's depot at the end of 1976 in an attempt to solve the problems. Mr Newell added he...
ONCE again, there has be an increase in the number entries to the Institute of t Motor Industry's fir examination. The total...
THE DEPARTMENT Transport has denied knowledge of any minim' dimensions for sleeper cabs However, the fact rema that under EEC...
A NEW ro-ro terminal at Immingham Dock has been given the go-ahead by the British Transport Docks Board. To be built at the...
RYDER Truck Rental has announced that it now operates a fully comprehensive network of depots in the UK from Glasgow to London...
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MAIN'S first Motor Show outside London did cause some .oblems, admitted Society of Motor Manufacturers and .aders president Sir...
VO Aberdeen heavy goods hide operators are to have Mr number of vehicles Cut 1111November 30. The LA for otland decided to...
TRAFFIC levels in London reached all - time record levels last month, according to the Greater London Council. Automatic...
No change THERE will be no changes to the speed limits on British roads, says Transport Minister William Rodgers. A new...
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MIDLANDS British Road Services has promoted Stephen Jones to company truck rental manager. He already has experience of the...
new holding company set up to bring together the Scottish Transport Group ' s commer cial interests outside public passenger...
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20RDING to Bob Palmer, ?rintending engineer of the ), no commitment has been epted by the UK on types royal for commercial...
WY goods vehicles are . e likely to follow each T closely than cars, accorto a report issued by the isport and Road Research...
A LOW-LOADER described as a totally new concept in articulated low-loader design, will have its first public showing at the...
PROVIDING the current strike has been resolved, Ford is to exhibit four vehicles at the 1978 Public Works Exhibition, at the...
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DAF Trucks (GB) Ltd has today launched a new chassis aimed at the 28/32 ton drawbar market, bringing up to six the number of...
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at-fare circular 1NDON Transport has anunced that it intends to inch a new flat-fare circular s service specially designed...
AXTON's Service Division in Scarborough has now introced a new 17-seater all metal mini-coach bodies to be lunted on a Bedford...
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EFFICIENT Public Transport for the 1980s is the title of the tenth Annual Symposium of Public Transport•to be held at the...
PARK and ride buses provided for Southampton football fans have been such a success that the council proposes to run them for...
CURTAILMENT of local I services on country row leaving villages with adequate transport service cited as a cause of the dee]:...
BURNLEY and Pendle Jo Transport Committee Genc manager Roy Marsh reported a £275,110 operat surplus to the Burnley a Pendle...
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Many of our competitors are whollyowned subsidiaries of a single trailer manufacturer. Which means they can only buy what the...
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THE TERM lorry routes has a splendid ring to it. For operators it conjures up a future with special roads for their vehicles;...
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Alan Millar talks to an international operator with provocative viewf WHEN AN air freighter tells you: Most British TIR...
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THE POPULARITY of rollon /roll-off services is still growing; even a Channel Tunnel is likely only to obtain a share of...
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WELL DONE, a thoroughly professional job. This was the judges' summing up of the winning entry in our TIR livery competition....
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WITH the 1979 season almost upon us, some coach operators face requests from private hire clients for original ideas for...
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THE WIDE range of good graphic design now on show on travel agents' display stands imposes other demands on the operator. He...
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As a change from morning jogging, a tyre-rolling contest is being run by Associated Tyre Specialists during the Bri-Tyrex 79...
Flying saucers boarded from a tower near Accrington, or cable cars slung above the streets and disappearing into a hole in the...
I have often suspected my telephone bills but until Alan Rich, manager of National Utility Services' Telecommunications...
If you think Thermoskyships Limited put model boats in Russian vacuum flasks, you are quite wrong. They are to build a...
Short films of blood-stained accident victims are being shown on television and cinema screens in Brazil as part of an...
What was John Grant, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Employment, talking about when he said: "— of any kind is...
A Wren in the Royal Marines Motor Transport section who wishes to adopt transport as her civilian career has been taking the...
To most Welsh people a bus stop is just that. But the rabid nationalists insist on their own lingo and Crosville is erecting...
Diamonds are no longer just a girl's best friend. They are a safeguard for everyone, as a new poster campaign by the Health and...
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Brian Chalmers-Bunt interviews international haulier Glen Campbell ROAD hauliers must be prepared to adjust their vehicle...
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CONTINUING our review of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1978, Regulation 11 requires that every motor,...
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Bravo Ron Douglas — your article so mirrored my nearly finished letter that I was obliged to pluck it from my typewriter and...
'Recently I was detained at Freightliners depot at Birmingham along with about 40 other drivers. The depot was almost at a...
aid I must make abundantly clear that my letter to you, – Hgv training for police – (CM, October 20) is my own personal...
Now that the fighting is over, it would be interesting to know who won at the NEC Motor Show. Certainly not the customers. I am...
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RISK management is the "in thing" today in the business sphere. Broadly, the idea is to eliminate, control or reduce risk...
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SUSPENSION, 3 Because the weight which can be transmitted to the road by each wheel and axle is limited by law, many heavy...