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T HE development of new techniques in combustion-chamber design may well open up a fresh field of progress in petrol engines...
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R. Hodgson Men Who Make Transport-11 HEN one has a positive liking for people, as has Mr. Charles R. Hodgson, chairman of the...
A T a time when so much human suffering cries out for relief, it requires cool nerve to establish a fund to save a tram. This...
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FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT CHIPPING SODBIJ RY, Tuesday. A FTER a whole day's hearing here today, the magistrates adjourned...
W HEN Mr. T. Orton, Birmingham, sought a new A licence for two vehicles to replace one on contract-A licence before Mr. W. P....
T O discover where, why and how goods are carried within the United Kingdom is the aim of the newly formed Road and Rail...
A NEW round of wage claims for busmen has officially begun. London Transport last Friday received a demand for an increase of...
Road Pl.Haulage Wages Council has devised a form of words which, it is thought, will enable the agreed concessions on night...
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A GREED special damages of £360, and general damages of £750, were awarded at Lincolnshire Assizes on Monday to a man who was...
Between AprilNovember this year 135,915 more passengers were carried than in the corresponding period of 1958. The city council...
. 1-1 . A PARK for more than 1,000 Vehicles could be provided if the bus station at Victoria railway terminus, London, were...
A N outline plan of a new bus service, to replace trolleybuses by the end of the financial year, has been presented to the...
W ORK began this week on erecting anti-dazzle metal mesh fencing on two miles of the M1 between the A505 junction and...
T HE appointment of Mr. Ernest Partridge, M.P., as Parliamentary Private Secretary to Mr. John Hay, Joint Parliamentary...
A MENDMENTS to the Construction and Use Regulations which came into force on Monday (The Commercial Motor, November 27) have...
THE Bedford trans European " caravan " had been the most successful sales-promotion enterprise ever staged by the company, said...
ROME contentious views on traffic 1.- 1 problems - were put forward by Prof. D. L. Munby, reader in the economics and...
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F LEET standardization and greater flexibility are being sought by J. and A. Smith (Maddiston), Ltd. Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish...
ICENCE applications should be made in such precise terms that they provided adequate scope for enforcement, said Mr. W. F....
A. Burton Holt, Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: E. V. Horne, Hope Mill Cottages, Goodhurst, Kent, and A. A. Holt, 2 Hope Mill Cottages,...
TH E agreement which British Road Services have concluded to cover operation of heavy vehicles at 30 m.p.h. will benefit...
SRI GRAHAM CUNNINGHAM last Friday completed 30 years as managing director of Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd. MR. E. R....
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Handing Back : Long-distance road transport in Argentina, and services in Buenos Aires, are to be returned to private...
T HE importance of an applicant's preparing a case properly and fully briefing a legal representative was illustrated at...
W HEN Mr. F. Williamson, North Western Licensing Authority, added a trailer of 61 tons to the A licence of J. Walsh (Darwen),...
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CABS of agricultural and industrial tractors should be constructed so that drivers, when using the vehicles on the road, can...
THE chemical and road transport 1 industries are willingly co-operating in preparing a scheme for the marking of vehicles...
I F land used to garage and maintain a fleet of vehicles were compulsorily purchased by York City Council, a family...
MUMEROUS complaints from custo i mers, the specialized nature of the work and inability to hire suitable vehicles with drivers...
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D EVELOPMENT of an entirely new desi g n of vehicle motive unit, described as a pulse motor, is reported from Lancashire. The...
I ONDON'S pro g ramme of major road works was denounced as utterly inade q uate by Sir Edmund Stockdale. Lord Mayor of London,...
A PROPOSAL by the South Wales I. Transport Co., Ltd., to increase revenue by limiting the use of season tickets to one round...
A NEW 7-ton normal-control g oods chassis has been introduced in Sweden by A.B. Scania-Vabis, SOdertalje. Known as the L55, it...
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N a reserved judgment at Chesterfield County Court, last week, Judge Sir Henry Braund awarded damages of £182 against the...
"THE Transport Tribunal were told in I London last week that Bulk Liquid Transport, Ltd., Leeds, had made declarations of...
D ELAYS resulting from the closing of eight railway stations were mentioned by Mr. Roderick Mackenzie for Stewart Cameron...
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STRONG Criticism of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., was made by Mr. J. C. Backhouse, before the North Western Traffic...
P ERMISSION to run more tours from Scunthorpe, Cleethorpes, Louth, Boston and •Sleaford next year has been granted to the...
A SUMMONS against Crossley and Sons, Ltd„ Middlesbrough, for causing a lorry to emit excessive smoke, was dismissed at West...
T HE grant of an A licence for a trailer to Mr. F. E. N. Townend, Leeds, by the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority was upheld...
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n URING the past year the motor industry had achieved more than ever before, Mr. A. B. Waring, president of the Motor Industry...
r ONTRAD1CT1NG the Northern Is- , Licensing Authority last week, Sir Hubert Hull, president of the Transport Tribunal, said...
EV1DENCE of a major increase in the ,- 1 -4 volume of storage and delivery work done for customers was instrumental in securing...
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OAD development and facilities for 1\. off-road loading and unloading -bad been neglected over the years, Mr. J. B. Mitchell, a...
A LOSS of £1,798,917 was incurred in the year ended March 31 last by Caras lompair Eireann, the State transport organization of...
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1'0 be employed mainly for the transport of grain from docks to storage depots, a self-discharging bulk container has been...
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A ' part of their publicity programme, the newly formed security committee of the Road Haulage Association staged a...
T HE Jones 10-10 10-ton mobile crane produced by K. and L. Steelfounders, Ltd., Letchworth, Herts, has been superseded by a new...
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By Alan Smith, F.R.S.A. A £300,000 grocery warehouse has been newly built at Cheshunt, Herts, by Tesco Stores, Ltd., for the...
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By D. R. MacGregor, B.Se. (Econ.) y ORKSHIRE has a number of industrial centres and seaside resorts, and its countryside is...
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Load Cushions A LTHOUGH primarily intended for use in rail vans. Air-Blok inflatable cushions for load support and protection...
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W HEN he spoke to members of the Road Haulage Association a few days after his appointment as Ministersof Transport, Mr. Ernest...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. A MPLE power for rapid acceleration and a high maximum speed are essential for a fire...
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'THE very fact that history does not I repeat itself, for circumstances, personalities and the spirit of the times are all...
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Bristow Case Is A Warning I T has been said in some quarters that the case of C. Bristow, Ltd., shows that the Transport...
The General Election result has given the green light to many hauliers' expansion plans, and there is more business in nearly...
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A PLASTICS-BODIED two-wheeled trailer with a payload of 12 cwt. has been produced by Reinforced Plastics, Ltd., Bath Lane,...
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/ EMPHASIZED last week that the increased industrial output of recent years could well mean extended terminal times for...
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Traction,' Ltd., Hounslow, Middx, have • modified two Land-Rover long -wheelbase chassis to carry 10 X. 28 tractor tyres: The...
T HE suggestion that the cost of motorways construction should be recovered by a system, of tolls was typical of the lack of...