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T HE huge attendance at the Royal Show, staged huge is not only indicative of the great interest which the agricultural...
It is obviously too late to stage a show this year. but we are wondering whether it be essential to maintain the old theory...
How the " Fag-end" nURING an I.R.T.E. visit Fire Danger is 1 --"to the Weymann Works at Avoided Addlestone, we were surprised...
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That there are few idle Hands. That " flash " welding is not performed by " spivs." That extended shifts may prove the last...
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C OM M ERCIAL-VEHICLE production in May exceeded the April figure by about 2,000 units. In May, 14,301 commercial vehicles were...
Parliament which proposes to nationalize all transport, and you might find yourself much worse off." Mr. T. W. Nelson, Northern...
A N exhibition of Italian bodybuilding, including about 40 examples of bus bodywork, will be held for the first time in Milan...
R EPLYING to a question as to which parties suggested an increase in the speed limits of commercial vehicles, the Minister of...
UTAY'S exports of commercial lvi vehicles, exceeding 4,000, were 352 per cent, of the 1938 monthly average. In addition to...
A DISCUSSION as to whether pur chase tax should be applied to utility vehicles took place in the House of Commons last week,...
T HE report stage of the , Transport Bill in the House of Lords was due to start on Wednesday (July 9). A number of Opposition...
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says Lord Beveridge " NifORE than 50 amendments have 11 11 been made already by the House of Lords on the Transport Bill, many...
back free enterprise to road transport, which "never had a chance of being carried," Lord Beveridge declared. "Herein lies one...
A 'urgent memorandum on the tyre shortage has been prepared by the vehicles committee of the National Road Transport...
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T HE Motor Vehicles (Construction ahd Use) Regulations, 1941, having been revoked and superseded by those of 1947, the Minister...
O LDHAM Corporation claims the O of having placed in service the first 8-ft. wide buses to be registered in this country. Three...
B I( the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) Regulations, 1947, dated June 25, pedestrian-controlled vehicles on...
QERVICE agents in the following sJoverseas territories have been appointed by Bryce Fuel Injection. Ltd.. Lagonda Works,...
issued the Motor Vehicles (Authorization of Special Types) (Revocation) Order, 1947, dated June 25. This revokes the Motor...
Mn. G. V. BLOOMFIELD, BSc., has been appointed research physicist to the Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Redditch. MR. B. S....
A CCORDING to the annual report tisof the Road Haulage Association's West Riding (Leeds) Area, the Yorkshire road-rail...
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riURING the past six months, the Railway Co. has carried, out intensive research into tarpaulins for railway wagons and road...
the motor trade to meet for monthly luncheons, Manchester had probably started something that was unique, said Mr. R....
T HE Southern Railway Co. and nine road hauliers appeared as respondents in an appeal, on Monday, by F. W. Parratt and Sons,...
trailers, operating with four-wheeled tractors fitted with Scammell conversion gear and quickly detachable couplings, was...
A LTHOUGH they are not spec ill cal ly mentioned in the recommendations, it is understood that the road transport workers of...
QTANDARDIZATION is a subject of 1 , — ) great moment at the present time. In this connection, the Society of Motor...
G LASGOW'S decision to recruit 200 more single women as conductresses is not likely to meet with opposition from men employees...
meets on the ,first Thursday of each month at 1245 p.m., at the Engineers' Club, 17 Albert Square, Manchester, 2. Transport...
ffillE Mark john electric lime spreader, I exhibited at the Royal Show by Markjohn Spreaders, Ltd., 28, F_ccleston Street,...
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N EXT Monday (July 14) a new agreement covering wages and conditions of haulage "bank staffs" will come into force. It has been...
A RISING out of a "closed shop" rldemand made by the local branch of the Transport and General Workers' Union, on behalf of its...
go into recess from July 22 and will not resume hearings before September 14. Prices of the new Trojan 15-cwt. vehicle have...
delegate conference of the Transport and General Workers' Union not to strike, many motorbus and some trolleybus and tram...
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my view the introduction of 'area schemes under a public monopoly can only lead to the equalization of road and rail fares,...
of a new type are being developed by London Transport. The dining saloon seats 16 persons, and the vehicle includes a snack...
P LANS of a new Leyland-D.A.B. 80passenger articulated bus which is being built in Denmark for the Danish State Railways, show...
P REPARED to wait all night, people began to queue for Bank Holiday coach tickets the day before issue was due at the Wakefield...
P EAK-HOUR problems, particularly in the late afternoon, were often as great in market and country towns as in the industrial...
E IG FITY-EIGHT drivers employed by Youngs' Bus Service, Ltd., and Paisley and District Omnibus Co., Ltd., have qualified for...
R ADIATOR Vaters are being fitted in the cabs of Wallasey Corporation's fleet of Leyland buses. The element consists of two...
according to the experience of Coras lompair Eireann. The organization has also, as a safety measure, increased the scheduled...
O RDERS for passenger vehicles would keep the company fully engaged throughout this year and next year, but there was a serious...
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Present and Future Trends C ARE has to be exercised in making any comparison between progress in goodsvehicle body design and...
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Not a )1 Says Owen W. J. Watson, M.I.Mech.E. A DICKENS character once said: "The law is a ass . . ." Since that pronouncement...
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By J. D. McLintock A CERTAIN Thomas Creevey, Member of Parliament and diarist, recorded, on May 6, 1823, that he "had a most...
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A PT slogan on a smart travelling shop operated by Sellwoods, Ltd., grocer, of Whitchurch, is "Our store to your door." The...
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R OAD tests of commercial vehicles are frequently reported in "The Commercial Motor," and they . are of great interest and...
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PRODUCTION SCIENCE A HYDRAULIC jack, weighing only CAI 1 lb., and load-tested up to I/ tons, is being marketed. It is...
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A CONCERN which employs the .titractor as a haulage unit in furniture removal is John Barker and Co., Ltd., Kensington, London,...
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Simms Works A LARGE " number of municipal transport managers and chairmen from the Southern Area Group of the Municipal...
He pointed out that the company was founded in 1889 by the late Mr. F. R. Simms, and amongst the many outstanding achievements...
to I.R.T.E. AST Friday a party of members of Lithe Institute of Road Transport Engineers visited the Addlestone Works of...
A CRITICAL report has been made by Mr. Dingle FOOI on the tyreretreading-industry: of this country. It was compiled at the...
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A New Electric Industrial Truck A SMALL industrial truck of the rlbattery-operated type is shown in patent No. 587,027 by Yale...