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" Bus Fares Will Rise Under Area. Schemes" ) N
my view the introduction of 'area schemes under a public monopoly can only lead to the equalization of road and rail fares, with the inevitable consequence, that road fares will......
13 New Mobile Canteens For London Transport Thirteen...
of a new type are being developed by London Transport. The dining saloon seats 16 persons, and the vehicle includes a snack bar, separate kitchen, and washing facilities. The......
Single-decker For 80 Passengers
P LANS of a new Leyland-D.A.B. 80passenger articulated bus which is being built in Denmark for the Danish State Railways, show that the vehicle will be 54 ft. 10 ins, long and......
Yorkshiremen Demand Road Travel
P REPARED to wait all night, people began to queue for Bank Holiday coach tickets the day before issue was due at the Wakefield booking office of J. Bullock and Sons (1928),......
Acute Peak Problems In Market Towns
P EAK-HOUR problems, particularly in the late afternoon, were often as great in market and country towns as in the industrial areas, said Mr. R. P. Beddow, Minst.T., chairman of......
1260 For Safe Driving
E IG FITY-EIGHT drivers employed by Youngs' Bus Service, Ltd., and Paisley and District Omnibus Co., Ltd., have qualified for Safety First diplomas and medals awarded by the.......
Keeping Drivers Warm
R ADIATOR Vaters are being fitted in the cabs of Wallasey Corporation's fleet of Leyland buses. The element consists of two banks of five tubes, mounted under the driver's seat.......
Standardization Reduces Accidents Qtandardization Of...
according to the experience of Coras lompair Eireann. The organization has also, as a safety measure, increased the scheduled journey times of buses in Dublin by about 10 per......
Tilling-stevens Bus Order Book Full
O RDERS for passenger vehicles would keep the company fully engaged throughout this year and next year, but there was a serious delay in bodybuilding, said Mr. V. C. Ponsonby,......