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Reducing Dead Weight In Tilt Wagons
riURING the past six months, the Railway Co. has carried, out intensive research into tarpaulins for railway wagons and road vehicles. The object was to devise a new type of......
Luncheon Cluwinaugurated 1in Organizing A Club To Enable...
the motor trade to meet for monthly luncheons, Manchester had probably started something that was unique, said Mr. R. Hollingdrake, chairman, at the inaugural gathering of the......
Ten To One
T HE Southern Railway Co. and nine road hauliers appeared as respondents in an appeal, on Monday, by F. W. Parratt and Sons, Ltd., against a decision of the South-Eastern Deputy......
Multiple Trailers Solve Post-war Problems Dost-war Need...
trailers, operating with four-wheeled tractors fitted with Scammell conversion gear and quickly detachable couplings, was exercising an important influence on the company's......
More Pay For Railway Motor Drivers?
A LTHOUGH they are not spec ill cal ly mentioned in the recommendations, it is understood that the road transport workers of the railways will benefit by the improved wages and......
New Standards Awaiting Approval
QTANDARDIZATION is a subject of 1 , — ) great moment at the present time. In this connection, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders states that many new standards are......
Conductresses: No Union Opposition
G LASGOW'S decision to recruit 200 more single women as conductresses is not likely to meet with opposition from men employees of the municipal transport department. An official......
Transport Managers' Club Manchester Area Of The...
meets on the ,first Thursday of each month at 1245 p.m., at the Engineers' Club, 17 Albert Square, Manchester, 2. Transport managers who wish to join should communicate with the......
Medal For Lime Spreader
ffillE Mark john electric lime spreader, I exhibited at the Royal Show by Markjohn Spreaders, Ltd., 28, F_ccleston Street, London. S.W.l, was awarded a Silver Medal by the Royal......