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A CURIOUS coincidence is that the preceding eading article was written before an invitation was received to inspect and travel...
German Expert and Our Roads IN an interesting recent talk to the House of Commons I All-Party Roads Croup, Professor Max...
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That Simms are likely to produce a large number of sealed headlamps. That these will be replaceable at a very low cost when...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT WAGES for road haulage workers are to be increased from next " Wednesday by between 2s. 6d. and 5s....
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A FTER an article about C-hire had been published in The Commercial Motor I -1 on March 28, Hoover (Electric Motors), Ltd.,...
IF Birmingham Transport Department were to operate only those routes which were economic, the service given to the public...
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MR. ERIC LORAM has been appointed general sales manager of Small and Parkes, Ltd. MR. H. HASTINGS DEERING, chairman of A.E.C....
A RESOLUTION passed by the 1 - 1 Howden (Yorks) Division of the Conservative Association expresses alarm at the growing...
B ETWEEN 50 and 100 new buses will be bought in 1962 by Birmingham Transport Department, the transport committee announced last...
T HE heavy vehicles' section of Hull Road Safety Committee's road courtesy trials has been won by Mr. J. W. Wilkinson, a driver...
T HE Northern Traffic Commissioners last week granted an application by O.K. Moffir Services, Ltd., Bishop Auckland, to run...
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A SCOTTISH haulier was invited by the Transport Tribunal, on Tuesday, " to 'state what vehicles he needed least, because the...
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A LARGE volume of fuel-injection equipment was being shipped to the U.S.A. by Simms Motor Units, Ltd., said Mr. G. E. Liardet,...
B ECAUSE Dutch operators engaged upon international haulage cannot enter Germany unless their vehicles comply with the latest...
Passenger Who Threw Away His Ticket IT was held by West Hartlepool magis1 trates on Monday that there is no obligation on any...
Florence Excursions (Morecambe), Ltd., Kin Ora Excursions (Morecambe), Ltd., and Frank Binns. Ltd., have been taken over by...
A MANAGER. aged 35-40, with wide experience of commercial-vehicle sales in London, and sound administrative knowledge, is...
A PROPOSAL to build a bus station in 1 - 1. the centre of Rochdale has been shelved for six months. Rochdale Transport...
A N increase in the profits tax from 3 per cent. to 10 per cent. would badly hit bus undertakings. Mr. R. GreAham Cooke (Cons.,...
is a sterile approach to solving congestion problems, unless it is supported by adequate off-street parking facilities, the...
W HEN Mr. G. R. H. Nugent, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, introduced a clause into the Finance...
Vauxhall Motors, Ltd:, exported the record number of 10,914 vehicles in June. In the same period, the best-ever monthly...
Spennymoor, Co. Durham, have been rejected by the Northern Traffic Commissioners. J. and W. Shaw, Byers Green, wanted to run...
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cut down the 1 -- k nuisance of black smoke from some oil-engined vehicles was launched last week by the Birmingham area of the...
T HE report of the Committee of Inquiry, set up by the Minister of Labour to inquire into the • causes and circumstances of the...
ins . • • • Wider Bridge: The Hohenzollern Bridge, across the Rhine at Cologne, is to he widened to accommodate four lanes of...
A LOSS of £23,205 was incurred by I – % Sunderland Transport Department during the year ended March 31. The annual report of...
Traffic Commissioners last November, for permission to reduce the frequencies of many local services, has now been withdrawn by...
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XPER1ENCED operators seeking licence renewals or additional tonnage should know better than to waste a traffic court's time by...
E XPORTS in April of 9,949 commercial vehicles fell below a level maintained since September last year, and were 859 fewer than...
claimed to increase the life of bearings by up - to 30 times has been invented by an Edinburgh 'engineer, Mr. John McGregor....
D ESPITE higher costs and a decline in traffic, Bury Corporation buses made a profit of £6,485 in the year ended March 31,...
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QIX tippers were last week added to the B licence held by Mr. T. E. Swainson, Brunswick Road, Penrith, doubling the size of his...
A DMITTING that they had operated 1 - 1 irregular excursions to Margate and Torquay from the Manchester district for three...
ized street in Torquay, the owners, Embankment Motor Co., Ltd., Plymouth, were prosecuted last week. They were accused of...
A HAULAGE company operating 21 1 - 1. vehicles were granted an additional A-licence lorry by Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western...
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A NEW vehicle was last week added to the A licence held by Mannings (Devon), Ltd., Dawlish, despite a submission by the British...
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W ITHOUT asubsidy from the British Transport Commission an annual loss of about £3,000 would be sustained by Hebble Motor...
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A LTHOUGH they have been established for 85 years, Baylis the Grocers, Ltd., Reading, are not entrenched in tradition: they...
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D ID you know that in 1938 the average man earned enough in an hour to entitle him to 24.5 miles of travel on the railways,...
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By Alan Smith F.R.S.A. T WELVE years ago, Mr. Harold Aitken left the Army and began to revive the haulage business which he...
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Another Parcels Van for 1968 DEFERRING to the article "The Parcels Vehicle of " 1968," by R. B. Brittain and John F. Moon, in...
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A COMBINATION of modern features is found on the Loadmaster 800TC mobile shovel produced by the Chaseside Engineering Co.,...
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25-tonner By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. A MAXIMUM speed approaching 50 m.p.h. makes the A.E.C. 40-ton-gross prime mover a...
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[ - TOLLAND AIDS OPERATORS By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. HEN fitted with a Mobilophonc P.T.T. unit, a commercial...
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" I REGRET the necessity for the exist ' ence of the present very substantial rate of duty on fuel. I recognize that 2s. 6d. a...
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Fleet Allocation and Control AST week I dealt with the problem of recording the activities of a large and widely scattered...
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B QUILT by Carmichael and Sons (Wort- , cester), Ltd., to the design of the operators, Oldhams Livestock Transport (au-ford),...
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ANA N injection pump for oil engines is shown in patent No. 794,116. It is of the single-plunger type and has a rotary...