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F , EARS of possible redundancy on the part of bus crews are tending to hold up a very necessary move towards increasing the...
Passenger Transport By Conveyor nN view for the first time in Britain at the Mechanical Handling Exhibition, Earls Court, is a...
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T WO operators—a haulier and a coach owner—had their licences suspended by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority in Leeds on...
N OTICE of a further claim for higher wages has been given to municipal bus undertakings by the Transport and General Workers'...
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A FTER seven years as vice-chairman of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. R. G. Crowther, of F. Crowther and Son (Wakefield),...
F LASHING-LIGHT traffic indicators, fitted at each side of the front of the vehicle just above the driving mirrors, are to be...
A GOVERNMENT . amendment to 4-1, be moved by the Earl of Selkirk during the committee stage of the Transport (Disposal of -Road...
nWNERS of eoaches who left their N-- 1 vehicles unattended on waste land in the city overnight were warned by the Liverpool...
AR. A. E. BREWER was on Monday al elected chairman of the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association. He succeeds Mr, F....
WHEN Mr. E. A. Padgett, assistant VV traffic manager of Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., admitted at a hearing of the Fast...
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MR. T. G. GRANT has been appointed home safes manager of Expandite, Ltd MR. J. G. THOM has been appointed sales manager for...
T HE new national council of the Road Haulage Association on Wednesday received proposals by the recently elected long-distance...
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L ABOUR relations, questions concerning the operation of vehicles and Government interference were the three main problems...
TT is understood that no appeal is to be 1 lodged by Frank Ward, Wolsingham, Co. Durham, against the decision of Alnwick...
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T HE North Western Licensing Authority on Monday gave permission to Manchester Corporation and a number of joint operators to...
D EFERENCE to the proposal by Stoke on Trent City Council to set up a municipal bus undertaking was made by Mr. Raymond W....
THERE were 441 municipal operators I of Perkins oil engines at the end of 1955, Mr. F. Perkins, chairman and managing director,...
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DECAUSE his insurance policy did not cover the drawing of a trailer, a building contractor was fined £2 and disqualified from...
PA A LARGE new coach station was opened on Monday at Borden, Hants, by Crearnline Motor Services ;Borclon), Ltd, The ceremony...
Simms Belfast Branch: The address of the Belfast blanch of Simms Motor Units, Ltd., is now 15 Grosvenor Road. Dodge Weight:...
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Per Larry CIGURES showing that each of the 1 two vehicles of Reliance Motor Transport (Leeds) Western, Ltd., earned at the...
D ECISION was reserved last Friday by the Transport Tribunal on the appeal by the British Transport Commission and two Wisbech...
A N unsuccessful application was made last week by Messrs. R. H. Nutland and Son, Cuttenham Farm, Wilsford, Wilts, for a B...
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of candidates from road haulage undertakings for the 1955 Royal Society of Arts examinations in road transport subjects is...
I N an appeal decision, the Minister of Transport has emphasized that, in his opinion, there is nothing in Section 72 of the...
E IGHTY-SIX letters from farmers and butchers, as well as from the local lime works, were submitted to the Northern LicenSing...
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B ECAUSE of the extensive scope of the organization, the methods adopted by the CO-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd., . always...
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distance bar, as used to steady a vehicle being hauled by a salvage crane, has been introduced by Harvey. Frost, Ltd., Bishop's...
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B Y storing 40-gal. light steel barrels on racks constructed from Dexion slotted angle, Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., have saved 76...
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PR1NGS without shackles or pins, tubular axles aligned by radius rods, and 6-in.-wide brake shoes are amongst the features of a...
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p ROGRESS in some directions can be reported when the second conference on the subject of delays to road vehicles calling at...
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H IGHLY organized operation, as practised by the Metal Agencies Co., Ltd., Bristol, demands a maintenance system which will...
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TRADE D ESIGN in the field of mechanical-handling appliances has proceeded along many paths. There are great differences...
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N OW that the oil engine is becoming more genera 11 y accepted b y operators of local delivery and municipal vehicles, it is...
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A SSIGNMENTS of ex-British Road Services' vehicles are reported from nine areas this week. A number of direct purchases of...
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Castlerord Co:pm - anon are to acquire a Dennis ref use col lector. Croydon Transport Committee recommend the purchase of five...
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_ T HE doors at Earls Court, London, opened on Wednesday to an exhibition of mechanical handling equipment. This Show is of...
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[twit Nicli ido ARC segikkkemAir So far as the petrol-engined machine is concerned it is estimated that a replacement engine...
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IVIANUFACTURED by Lodematic, Ltd., Clitheroe, Lanes, and 1 1 /1 initially designed for the speedy loading of goods on to a...
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P ATENT No. 743,688 (American Bosch Corp., 3664 Main Street, Springfield, Mass.), shows a design for a multi-cylindered...