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UN TIL last weekend it might have been fair to assume that, from the absence either of organized comment )r of public...
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AFTER paying tribute to the Transport Holding Company as a sound business and commercial concern at a luncheon of the Transport...
TO establish the noise levels reached by commercial vehicles in service the Ministry of Transport is to conduct tests with...
FINDINGS OF COMMERCIAL MOTOR SNAP SURVEY By Ashley Taylor, Sam Buckley and John Darker N OW that it is apparent that the...
United Transport buys West-Friesland in surprise deal By H. BRIAN COTTEE L ESS than a year after acquiring a majority...
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T HE ability of lorries to move freely about their business "is essential to the prosperity of London," say the highways and...
PARLY-MORNING and night deliveries to retail grocers in the Manchester area are being considered. Mr. Alban Curtis, secretary...
THE following dates for eliminating rounds of the 1967 Lorry Driver of the Year competition have been announced:— Weymouth,...
THE TRTA traffic officer, Mr. W. S. Clark, will represent the Association on a working party on loading and unloading...
road-rail containers for Tartan Arrow Service's private liner - train freight haulage operation between London and Glasgow,...
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NEW FREIGHTLINER TERMINAL IN EAST LONDON A I outline of British Railways container services to the Continent from a new depot...
By a special correspondent rONTAINERS and professional education in road haulage were the major items discussed at the recent...
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THE Institute of Transport's annual Henry Spurrier memorial lecture will be given this year by Mr. Hubert Perring, chief...
"A r this time road hauliers are facing a very serious position due to the imminence of the discontinuation of the 10 per cent...
CHEAPNESS and ease of maintenance are claimed as particular virtues of glasstibrecoated plywood freight containers which, says...
A . COST and revenue comparison scheme may be started by the Centre for Interfirm Comparisons on behalf of the RHA's East...
THE County Councils' Association is con' sidering a suggestion by Leicestershire and Rutland Police, supported by...
THE RHA's highways and vehicles committee has decided to take another look at an SMMT draft scheme for classifying tractive...
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NA WK conference warned: One commercial fire in five starts in a stockroom. By S. Buckley AssocInstT D ISCOUNTS of up to 55 per...
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A ROAD haulage link operated by F. V. Carroll and Son Ltd., of Hounslow, which is classified by British European Airways as a...
A WARNING on possible changes in the pattern of vehicle thefts has been given by Mr. J. T. Brown (Atlas Express Ltd., London),...
H EAVIER goods vehicles should be undergoing their first tests at Government centres in 1968 and 1969, with annual testing in...
IN two years of a Labour Government the annual rate of taxation on motor vehicles had increased by no less than a third, said...
T HE Ministry of Transport hopes to publish early next year the first report of its research into the comparative costs of road...
PROVIDED the local education authority con cerned agreed, an operator who wished to carry fare-paying passengers other than...
L A ST year 78,448 goods vehicles were involved A '"" in accidents which resulted in personal injury, said Mr. John Morris,...
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A BREAKDOWN of the number of spot checks carried out since 1962—and of their results —was given in the Commons last week by...
RRITISH Railways has to defer the re placement of road vehicles because of the £10m. cut in its capital investment. Mr. Stephen...
THE review of the workings of the Travel Concessions Act will take some time, said Mr. Stephen Swingler in the Commons this...
two years for the Ministry of Transport to see whether a practicable road pricing system can be developed. This estimate was...
year ended March 31 a total of 4,791 goods vehicles were checked for weight and 1,146 found to be over the declared unladen...
THE hearing of the application by the HE Pool operators, Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd., East Midland Motor Services Ltd., West...
AT was described as "a woeful story of neglect and indifference to good maintenance" this week cost a Monmouthshire haulage...
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p UBLIC concern about the condition of some commercial vehicles was referred to by the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. A. B....
T HE ban on Northern Ireland road freight operators entering Great Britain will soon be removed. As soon as the Ministry of...
IF the merits and circumstances of a case do not in themselves justify the granting of an A licence, the grant ought not to be...
M R. F. Deadman, of Seasalter, Kent, appeared before the South Eastern LA, Major General A. F. J. Elmslie at Maidstone last...
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A PLEA that his client was seeking greater productivity was made by Major S. G. Champion when he represented A. A. McNaughton,...
AN application by T. Davies Transport Ltd., of Canute Road, Southampton, for an A licence to operate six vehicles between...
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the transport group which he was instrumental in forming in 1960 and which is now controlled by the Transport Holding Co. In...
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NEW measures to be introduced by Stockton Corporation Transport to improve its transport system include a greater use of...
I N the next five weeks officials of Ribble Motor Services will be selling "package holidays", particularly in the north-west,...
A FURTHER 150 busmen employed by strike-bound East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd., went back to work this week. But 350—half the...
TN a hid to recover passenger traffic in the Edinburgh-Glasgow-Stirling triangle, British Railways has introduced cuts of up...
THE first production Leyland Atlanteans for Dublin's city services are due to be placed in service by Coras lompair Eireann...
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Ti E problem of providing larger coaches to link west London air terminals with the larger aircraft now regularly using...
A four - point plan to ease inner London's peak-hour traffic congestion and improve public transport services, was put forward...
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By the Technical Editor N EW consolidated Construction and Use Regulations which take effect on December 1 this year lay down...
I N a reasonably well-run vehicle overhaul shop with suitable tools and staff for each duty, there is little that should go far...
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General Motors give news of experimental fuel-cell and battery-operated vehicles A NEW type of high-speed high-powered...
now offerin g a combination of Transit van special seatin g arran g ements providin g seats for up to nine people (includin g...
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DORTABLE high-pressure greasing equipment of a new type, the Lube-ette, will shortly be marketed in the United Kingdom by...
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H AVING long enjoyed a measure of independence, Traders' Road Transport Association members in the Hull district at irst had...
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the tipper theme TIPPER operators-160 of them—gathered at Buxton last weekend for the first-ever Tipping Vehicle convention...
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46 DATES, costings and operations of tipping vehicles" was the - 1 - 11 final paper of the convention—presented by Mr. Edgar...
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B ACK over the years prominent people representing a wide range of interests have used strong language in criticising the...
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MOOD Left: An Italian-made twin-steer p.s.v. is shown for the first timetti Turin by Pedane. Fiat 309 components are used....
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J OSEPH FOULKES (WEDNESFIELD) LTD. is an oldestablished family firm of road hauliers whose main speciality is the carriage of...
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MODERN military vehicles have demonstrated to many young men just what can be done in the way of routine movement of heavy...
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WE ARE very concerned about arrangements at Heathrow Airport, London, for coaches meeting passengers arriving in ch er groups....
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BY IAIN SHERRIFF, MITA rr HE Road Transport Organization of the Irish Republic, is totally opposed to the cross-border...
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Wider experience in programming computers to find good routes in a short time is providing opportunity for increasing transport...
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Transport Industry Training Board when the time comes if! am still only a parttime haulier? A As the Board has only just had...
A Both phenomena are the subject of a lot of hard thinking on the part of engine designers, particularly with regard to units...
tipping vehicles on B licence but am advised that I would have to make fresh application for these licences which would be open...
A Clearly there is a limit beyond which public reaction to a reduced frequency of service could be fatally damaging to...
schemes applied to road transport, what improvement has there been in productivity nationally in this field with particular...
reporting on road haulage rates suggested that there was opportunity to promote greater accounting responsibility in the...
countries enjoy better holiday benefits than their British counterparts? Could you give an example? A Yes, it is correct that...
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I T is hard to recall the time when the annual results of British Motor Corporation were given the comparatively scant...
Training inside the bus industry T HE Tilling Association—one of the two State-owned bus groups within the Transport Holding...
of training. Non-engineering graduates undertake a course of two to three years. The early phases of the course are spent in...