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N " processes and materials are often described as revolutionary, but sometimes with no real justification. However, this term...
Dangers of the Night A CAREFUL, almost analytical, study of night r - Ldriving risks in the U.S.A. is made by Phil Hirsch, a...
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That our first motorway might well be called Turpin Ride. That " self-service" seems to be the modern tendency in every...
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CONSIDERATION is to be given by the executive council , of the CON and General Workers' Union to a claim by London bus workers...
O appeal, the Transport Tribunal • -• 1 "last week reduced the revocation of a special A licence by the Northern Licensing...
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SHOULD the purchaser of a B-licence L•I business be entitled to revive a dead condition to the detriment of competitors, simply...
from Goole to Manchester could not be effectively done by British Road Services because their drivers were not sufficiently...
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Mu.-GEN. SR ARTHUR L. WiLuisms has joined the board of the Autolifts and Engineering Co., Ltd. MR. A. S. WILLIAMS has been...
N O more special.yehicles were neededin Hull because there . was not enough work to employ all the vehicles licensed at the...
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using articulated vehicles to clear dock traffic was mentioned before the Western Licensing Authority last week when Western...
E ACH of 13 major London bus routes 1 —+ is to be halved on October 16, so that fewer buses need cross the congested central...
A N appeal by Skidmore's Transport, London, N.1, against a refusal of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority to grant five 3-ton...
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IT was wrong for a haulage company Ito enter into a contract-A agreement iti order to obtain temporary extra tonnage while...
No Co-operation in Staggering Hours : Big Undertakings Granted Higher Fares HE policy of Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., is...
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PA A NEW hydraulically controlled dump truck has been introduced by the Thwaites Engineering Co., Ltd., Cubbington, Leamington...
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A 1R.COOLED engines and air t springing were future trends forecast. by .Mr._ Ronald Cox, general manager of Rochdale Transport...
TWO types of aluminium-alloy food' van body to suit the B.M.C. .12 chassis are being built by Commercial • Vehicle Repairs...
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1 - 1 A RESOLUTION calling for better rural transport services and more simple licensing for small bus operators was passed at...
A MEMORANDUM on country bus travel, which is being prepared by the District Councils Association of Scotland, will be presented...
DARTIAL success was gained by Cleeve Hill Transport, Ltd., Cheltenham, last week, when they sought to add six vehicles to...
A SYSTEM of share-buying in the road transport industry, as opposed to direct nationalization, would not satisfy members of the...
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R OAD haulage rates had a marked effect on the amount of traffic passing through a port, Mr. F. D. Arney, general manager of...
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Great Britain, Czechoslovakia and Austria. The sole British exhibit is a Bedford CA van, although in the Grand Palais among the...
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C °MEETING against two Dutch champion drivers and a team of five Americans, the four leading English lorry drivers, selected...
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F INAL objective of the Milk Marketing Board's bulk milk scheme in the West Midlands, first announced in The Commercial Motor...
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than 210 vehicles, .Road Services (Forth), Ltd., hold a key position north of the Border. The basic unit was an old-established...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. Services (Forth), Ltd., the Manchester branch operating.from Radcliffe. This is a buy;. depot...
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VEEN interest was shown in a variety IS. Of -subjects during' the discussion', last week, of the papers presented at the...
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C HARGES for the carriage of goods and passengers have been the subject of many books and of innumerable articles. In respect...
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Removers Told of Road Transport's Role in Another War : Britain Leads in Ferries if NION leaders can choose between...
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M OST noticeable feature of the latest modification to the Trojan • normal-control • 1-ton oil-engined chassis—independent...
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IT may be something to do with the recent scare, that I the police have been taking a more than usually active interest in the"...
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A S usual, this year's Paris Salon was a journalist's nightmare, particularly for those concerned with the commercial-vehicle...
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A SPECIAL type of refuse collector which the Dennis and Taskers companies are building to the patent design of Liverpool...
A TRAVELLING showroom with bodywork by Messrs. John Lirnond, of Ayr, on a Commer Avenger chassis has been introduced by the...
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earn a living in transport while operating solely 1 within the confines of a . sparsely .populated area has always presented a...
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A SERVO unit for steering gear I -1 comes in patent No. 781,751 which shows a compact unit comprising wormbox, power piston and...