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W HAT better proof can there be that this journal possesses the largest and most influential circulation than when a member of...
TT IS always possible that familiarity with a situation will bring a certain 'rigidity of outlook. Continual efficient dealing...
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iclair N OBODY on the staff of the Birmingham and Midlani Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., least of all (I believe Donald Sinclair,...
T HE appointment of Vice-Admiral John Hughes-Hallett as an extra Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport is...
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A BOUT 40 more miles of peak-hour rA clearways, more one-way streets, and a determined attack on parking problems were among...
T HE national council of the Trade'rs' Road Transport Association have issued a statement saying that a considered study of the...
From our Political Correspondent M EMBERS of Parliament are now accepting the fact that no Government action to implement the...
" B RITAIN'S BUSES," an organization sponsored by the three main groups of bus companies in Britain—the British Electric...
B RITAIN'S best ambassadors of trade are her lorry drivers, said Mr. John H. Bustard. director and general manager of the...
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A NNOUNCED on Monday, the opening day of the Morris Commercial ;how at Longbridge, a new Morris oilalgined prime mover is...
Mr. A. Frazer, general manager of the company, stated that difficulties often arose with regard to maintenance. It was...
'HE Transport Committee of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce has given the sociation of British Chambers of CornTee its views on...
LIVE vehicles are to be exhibited by I Commer Cars, Ltd., at the British Trade Fair which opens in Moscow next Friday. The...
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Mr. Brian Pavey has been appointed technical manager of Burtonwood Engineesing Co., Ltd., of Warrington, Lancashire. Mr. J. J....
of the Institute of Transport will be a busman. He is M James Amos, chairman of the Scottish Omnibuses Group. He will take °die...
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A POTTERIES haulier was warned by Mr. J. Else, the West Midland Licensing Authority, at Hanley on Tuesday that a contract A...
Operation of Unlicensed Vehicles Alleged A "pennymoor, County Durham, on Tuesday, Dent's Transport (Spennymoor), Ltd., faced...
A N internal reorganization and rationalization of the Scottish Omnibuses Group came into effect on Tuesday. A new controlling...
11-17.—bternational Union of Public Transport Congress. Copenhagen. lay 16-18.—Public Transport Association Annual Conference....
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T HE new A.E.C. sales and service depot at 21 London Road, Glasgow, was officially opened on Monday by the Lord Provost of...
From Our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE Government has at last given the "go-ahead" to the 36-ft. bus. The Minister of...
T HE speed limit for buses and coaches outside built-up areas is to be raised from 30 m.p.h. to 40 m.p.h. "shortly." Announcing...
From Our Industrial Correspondent T HE board of arbitration into the pi claim of 100,000 provincial busmt in private company...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent I N 18 months' time, owners of ail cornmercial vehicles up to two tons unladen weight will...
W HEN Double Ess Transport, Ltd., applied at Leeds last week to transfer eight vehicles from contract-A to open-A licence. the...
A NEW range of long-life silencers, carrying a two-year guarantee, has been put into production by Servais Silencers, Ltd.,...
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Milestone Passed: Leyland Motors, Ltd. have sold the cne-thousandth rear-enginet Atlantean double-deck bus. Delaney Gallay...
MERRYWEATHER FOR LONDON: A Merry weather 100-ft. hydraulic turntable ladder has been ordered by London Fire Brigade. BIG...
T HE Perkins Four 99 oil engine ha been adopted by Vauxhall Motor Ltd., as optional equipment on thei Bedford CA-series of...
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NEUMAROTOR is the name adopted by Bona!lack and Sons, Ltd., for the atest addition to their range of pneuma'e-discharge...
'A has been developed in the U.S.A. by 7 airbanks Morse and Co., whereby a 'chicle can be weighed without having o come to a...
H AULIERS in America speak of disaster for their industry if the Administration's proposals for higher taxation on commercial...
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A HEAVY increase in operating costs. mainly because of a substantial increase in basic wages and in the rate per hour, was...
Dauphin, Ltd. Cap, £100. Subs.: S. H. Incas. F. A. Dean. 6 Surrey Street, W.C.2. Sec.:. S. H. Lucas. Reg. office: 6 Surrey...
To meet higher costs, mainly brougl about by the recent wage award, th transport and, finance committees c Edinburgh Council...
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F OLLOWING the closure of the rail service between Waterford and Tramore, three double-deckers have been epecially constructed...
West Hertfordshire C.C. ask for two new 4-wheeldrive vehicles complete with tanks. 1,000 gallons :opacity, for the drainage...
A MERICA'S "economic barometer" —commercial vehicle sales—having just registered the first major increase since last summer, is...
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Reader in the Economies and Organization of Transport, Nuffield College, Oxford T HERE has been little public criticism of the...
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A S a lorry driver I think" the system of marking laid " down by . the .Lorry Driver of the Year Organizing Committee requires...
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Bodywork Highlights at Morris Show B ODYWORK highlights of the Morris Commercial Show, which opened at Longbridge on Monday...
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British Vehicles Have Invaded the Continent! Running in Convoys, They are Bound for Moscow With Valuable Loads for the Trade...
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T "Nvorld's , first " Rolling Liquid Transporter," consisting of a carriage, two huge tyre-like containers each five feet high...
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OMETIMES it would be better for the heavy vehicle operator if he took a stronger line with his critics. The carrier of the...
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T HERE are still many hauliers without any real knowledge of the law regarding licences. One of the biggest misconceptions...
ram' time to time there has been I comment concerning the alleged delays caused by Licensing Authorities bringing unopposed...
carriage is being accelerated by rising prices, the West Midland Licensing Authority was told recently by a representative of...
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Who is Liable When a Vehicle is Involved in an Accident Outside Working Hours? by A LEGAL CORRESPONDENT k RECENT ease in the...
(Continued) s. refused a two-vehicle switch from entract-A to B . licence. the Northern icensing Authority, Mr. J. A_ T....
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life. Elimination of the expense and inconvenience of major docking, without loss of reliability. A highly organized working...
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A N exterior, transparent sun visor designed to fit the Bedford C.A. van and other models in the same range is now made by...
now marketed in the U.K. by Alpha Accessories, Ltd., Halifax House, St - 55 Strand, W.C.2. A standard Ray-O-Vac 6-volt battery...
which can be used to determine the centre of gravity and overturning angle of heavy objects. The title of the standard is...
products made by Valay Industries, Ltd.. Davis Road, Chessington, Surrey, is Jove Aluminium Polish. In addition to aluminium...
introduced by Progress (Universal), Ltd., 590-594 Wandsworth Rd., London, S.W.8, is claimed to cover a wider path than any...
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As the Size of a Fleet Expands it Becomes Increasingly Necessary to Record Concurrently Essential Details of Operation p...
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A N INTERNAL COMBUSTION engine in which the piston rotates as well as reciprocates is shown in patent No. 861,811. Wall ports...
in which the friction pads are applied by balls rolling on sloping surfaces. The patent shows a layout intended principally for...