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Ambitious Scheme for Building and Modernizing Roads Promulgated by U.S. President S OME people are inclined to be...
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TYRE fires are usually difficult to extinguish I and drivers require instruction in how to deal with them. If the driver of an...
Angels Two-two P ASSENGER transport operators would do well to examine, where they exist, the wording of their fare conditions...
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That all this "no waiting" means keeping customers waiting. That the careful loading of "smalls" can save much time and...
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F INES amounting to £500, with £12 12s. costs, were imposed at Thames Magistrates' Court, last week, on Boston Stevedores,...
pei cent. of the vehicle-only units it list 6, representing 67 per cent, of tht vehicles offered, had been sold. A...
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ZPECIAL list S2, published on Wednesday by the British Transport Commission, contains the biggest unit ever offered. It...
T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority has refused a number of applications by prominent operators to improve express services...
for the Show ? IT is thought likely that a revolutionary double-deck bus, built to the design of the British Transport...
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MR, B. FOSTER has joined Guy Motors:Ltd., antiTheSunbeam' Trolleybus Co., Ltd„ as passenger transport representative. MR. W....
rt A 15-CWT. van and a 4 by 4 e car, both on show for the first in this country, will be exhibite. Renault, Ltd., Western Asa...
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N enormous increase in wages, an 3. increased number of new vehicles, v equipment and outstanding wage ims," were given as the...
, C - 1 A DECISION of Birmingham Trans port Committee, granting facilities to the committee of inquiry into London Transport...
EVERAL municipalities and corn panics, apart from Lancashire aited Transport, Ltd., and South incashire Transport, Ltd., have...
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E . xPREss'bus services for workers obliged to travel long distances from central. London to the outer suburbs are called for...
vehi are to be exhibited by Ley1 Motors, Ltd., at the Damascus Baghdad Fairs, this year. A Royal Tiger fitted with an M.0 body...
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A DIRECT stage service running daily between Chesterfield and )erby has 'been authorized by the (orkshire Licensing Authority...
F OLLOWING the agreement which I has been reached in the negotiations concerning Persian oil, it is expected that there will be...
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S OUTHPORTS municipal transport manager, Mr. Jackson Haggard, is anxious about the decline of traffic. It began last December...
A N extension to the previous prov sions relating to purchase tax o motor-vehicle conversions is embodie in the -Finance Act,...
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A FEATURE of a Trojan oil-engined long-wheelbase vehicle recently built for J. Good and Sons, Ltd., lolyport Dairy,...
T HE nation-wide campaign of the Licensing Authorities and police to iuppress the use of unroadworthy vehicles presents the...
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By John F. Moon A LTHOUGH Mack Trucks (Britain?, Ltd., have been sole concessionnaires in this country for the Mack Motor...
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p ROMOTION to Minister of Transport of the able and logically minded Mr. J. A. Boyd-Carpenter provides a good opportunity to...
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Six-wheel Drive, Fully Articulated Suspension and 12 Gear Ratios Put the Leyland 6 x 6 in the Tough Cross-country Class W 1TH a...
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.USSIA Fishing Dispute Gives Russia an Entry into Iceland's Vehicle and Oil Markets: Road Transport Vies with Internal Air...
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petition for road transport. On the Akureyri route buses often do not start until the owners have ascertained whether the...
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A SUDDEN lull has occurred in the announcement of the names of buyers of transport units. Such purchases as have been revealed...
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A PRACTICAL body designed for ti carrying market-garden produce has been produced by Messrs. Coates Garage, 10 Great Church...
A SAVING of two-thirds in weight without sacrificing strength is claimed for a new process of manufacturing aluminium bodywork...
T 0 simulate operating conditions for tyres, a new tyre test plant has been made by Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Worcester, for the...
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I AM surprised that there has not been more correspondence regarding your excellent leader of July 16 on "Fuel; Racketeers."...
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T N my previous article I gave some figures for operating costs under three heads: London, average and country. The data...
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Tankers Replaced Every 18 Months by Milk Hauliers: Every Vehicle Equipped with Comprehensive Set of Spares By P. A. C....
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THE first units of an articulated fleet, which will comprise 12 trailers and four prime movers, have been delivered to the John...
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K'ROM J. Bird& and Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 1 Albany Street, London, .N.W.1, comes, in patent No. 711,086, a design for a disc...