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rr HE British Transport Commission is certainly reaping increasingly the tares resulting from the nationalization of railway...
I aging director of Guy Pertinent Remarks... Motors, Ltd., Mr. Sydney Guy, had the amusing experience of being part of his...
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That most Government departments still run true to " form." Of many who would joyfully swap an increase in rations for a...
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A LTHOUGH Sir Hartley Shaweross, Attorney-General, last week called for an even greater volume of exports (see this page),...
S PEAKING at the annual dinner of the' Institute of the Motor Industry. last week, Sir Hartley Shawcross. Attorney-General,...
A S a result of the installation of a special Multigraph duplicator, internal documentation has been speeded up in the Nuffield...
A LTHOUGH Gateshead Corporation P1 has objected to Newcastle-on-Tyne City Council's plans to run busesin place of trams on...
centre of the town at Cheltenhatn. which has been described during its three-month trial period as the " Hampton Court maze,"...
policy of not issuing workmen's tickets outside the usual times, to bus passengers working on staggered hours because of...
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that the United States is aclosed market for British heavy commercial vehicles, Leyland Motors, Ltd., is taking the bold step...
A CCORDING to the magistrates at ri Doncaster, S.R. and 0., 1941, No. 291, does not alter the definition of a heavy motor car...
L AST year Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., exported 23,813 Bedford goods and passenger vehicles. This figure represented 61.4 per cent....
A NOTE of regret that the Licensing Authorities continued to protect the public against increases in bus fares was detectable...
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"Men in the News" appears this week on page 665. A DVISING its members to express I - 1. their views on the northern area...
T HE national council of the Road Haulage Association has considered a recommendation that an approach be made to the various...
T AKING over the duties formerly carried out by the solicitors to each region of the Railway Executive, the London Transport...
PA A LICENCE to operate an express service between Elmdon airport and Manchester and Liverpool was granted to the Birmingham...
WHILST having only just begun its VI! 19511 campaign to attract overseas visitors, the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus...
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W ITH export orders in hand worth over £2,500,000, and with an increase of over 25 per cent. in output, Leyland Motors, Ltd.,...
F ACING an estimated deficit of £316,000 on the operation of the transport undertaking by March, 1951, Manchester City Council...
O F the 7,783 new C-licence vehicles authorized in November. 1,624 were for existing fleets and 6,159 were for new...
A FTER an interval during December, the Road Haulage Executive has resumed the acquisition of longdistance haulage businesses,...
QOME 330 members and guests k--/ attended the annual dinner and dance held by the Scottish Centre of the Institute of Road...
O NE of the reasons why the Road Haulage Executive is losing traffic formerly carried by businesses now acquired was explained...
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S ALES of Austin vehicles and spares achieved a new record during 1949 with a total value of £52,041,000 for the year....
the Road Haulage Executive and hauliers over the relevancy of spare parts when businesses are taken over. In a case just...
HE appeal of Associated Deliveries, 'Ltd,. against a decision of the East Midland Licensing Authority, in which Donaldson...
Q ALFORD CITY COUNCIL has tsi decided to increase the pay. of transport maintenance men by 3d. an hour, despite a move to defer...
Institution of Mechanical Engineers include the following: February 14, lecture on crankcase lubricants by A. Towle,...
nESPITE opposition from the Road Haulage Executive, the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson, at a recent sitting at...
THE road staff of the Royal Auto1 mobile Club is constantly investigating complaints from members and other road users of road...
FOLLOWING the recent announce ' ment by Mr. J. M. Birch, chairman of the PasSenger Vehicle Operators .AssoCiatiOn, that...
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A NEW product of Associated Coachbuilders, Ltd., ,Southwick, .Sunderland, has many points of special interest to operators of...
T HE first of a range of Vulcan passenger chassis will form one of the exhibits of Vulcan Motors, Ltd., Victoria Works,...
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the U.D. SUM visory Systems By Alan Smith I N the previous article on the transport organization of United Dairies, Ltd., the...
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BRUSSELS Products of 20 British Makers to Include Representative Examples of Light Van, Medium and Heavy-duty Goods Vehicle,...
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I N describing the South Wales municipal systems in "The Commercial Motor" on April 22, 1949, I referred to the way in which...
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By JAN US W HEN we visited the circus 20 years or more ago we were satisfied to see a lady in tights standing on the bare back...
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THE letter in your issue dated December 30, signed I " D.E.," has caused me much amusement. In my opinion, " D.E." knows...
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in the News MR. F. JEWELL, C.A.V. assistant service manager, has left for a visit to India. - MAJOR-GENERAL W. S. TOPE has...
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I N the previous article on rate-cutting my complainant referred to a case of the haulage of chippings (road stone) over a...
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T Oprovide improved suspension and to prevent the transmission of twisting stresses to the frame are the chief objects of a...