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Speak Now, Says A.m.c. : Another Independent Selling Out
"Men in the News" appears this week on page 665. A DVISING its members to express I - 1. their views on the northern area scheme, the Association of Municipal Corporations......
R.h.a. To Organize Bulk Purchase?
T HE national council of the Road Haulage Association has considered a recommendation that an approach be made to the various controlling bodies regarding the formation of a......
B.t.c. Sets Up Legal _service
T AKING over the duties formerly carried out by the solicitors to each region of the Railway Executive, the London Transport Executive, the Tilling Association and the Docks and......
" Bad-weather " Service For B.m.m.o.
PA A LICENCE to operate an express service between Elmdon airport and Manchester and Liverpool was granted to the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., by the West......
Signs _of Healthy Tourist Traffic
WHILST having only just begun its VI! 19511 campaign to attract overseas visitors, the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., has received many inquiries about tours......