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Leyland Breaks Output Records
W ITH export orders in hand worth over £2,500,000, and with an increase of over 25 per cent. in output, Leyland Motors, Ltd., made another export trading record in 1949. During......
Manchester Is In Financial Straits
F ACING an estimated deficit of £316,000 on the operation of the transport undertaking by March, 1951, Manchester City Council has nevertheless turned down a scheme for......
7.783 New C-licence Vehicles
O F the 7,783 new C-licence vehicles authorized in November. 1,624 were for existing fleets and 6,159 were for new operators.The number of new operators was 3.:0l 1. Of the new......
R.h.e. Aquisitions Resumed
A FTER an interval during December, the Road Haulage Executive has resumed the acquisition of longdistance haulage businesses, and took over 48 from January 1-7. They are:—......
I.r.t.e. Scottish Centre Beats Headquarters
QOME 330 members and guests k--/ attended the annual dinner and dance held by the Scottish Centre of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers in Glasgow, last Saturday. The......
R.h.e. Misses The Boat
O NE of the reasons why the Road Haulage Executive is losing traffic formerly carried by businesses now acquired was explained to "The Commercial Motor" this week by a London......