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Vehicle weights must be taken out of the political arena. We can no longer afford the luxury of running vehicles which are...
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BEDFORD this week refused to comment on allegations that it is to import Japanese Isuzu commercial vehicles with Bedford...
TALBOT is the new name for Chrysler Europe — but commercial vehicles will continue to be called Dodge. The new name and logo...
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TWO recent decisions by Employment Appeal Tribu in Scotland published I week serve as a warning employers on the questior...
TRANSPORT Minister Norman Fowler announced a new code of practice for the recall of defective vehicles this week — and...
AROUND FIVE MILLION tons of lpg per yeaI will be available from North Sea fields starting in 1981/82, according to Calor Gas....
TANKER DRIVERS in South-West have taken act to stop fuel profiteering refusing to deliver to gara who they think are overcl...
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TERNATIVE motor show for .cial vehicle manufacturers will ,ce in London in late 1980 — but or venues have been fixed....
The House of Commons has before it a Private Bill authorising the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive to charge...
PORT Parliamentary Secretary Clarke visited the Department sport Driving Establishment at ton, Beds, last week and got an en'....
DISCUSSIONS have started about the EEC's proposals for aiding transport infrastructure investment said Environment Under...
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lE FREIGHT Transport ;ociation has come out in )osition to proposals from Department of Transport increase the range of tic es...
A MEASURE of freight could be moved off road transport, but it is not going to make a significant difference to the fuel...
THE LOTHIAN ROAD, Edinburgh park, owned by Edinburgh District and operated by Edinburgh Region as a lorry and car park is to be...
DAF TRUCKS has appointed a new dealer to cover the East Midlands area. RB DAF Trucks (Northampton) is situated in Gayton Road,...
A NEW "EUROWORD" has been coined at Perth Sheriff's Court, where Sheriff Harold Ford found himself in difficulty with an...
1ETHVEN, Perthshire, firm s warned it would have to iot.sly rethink its maintetee programme when it wared before the LA at th...
ORDER to improve traffic AT on the A3 Londontsmouth road, the Depart- it 3f Transport is to "remi le possible alternative tes "...
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National Carriers has promoted Mike Brook to manager of its North London branch in Paddington. Mr Brook joined National...
West and Wales and the Marches regions. He started his career with Southdown and is a past traffic manager of Trent Motor...
ELECTRIC DELIVERY is sure to come into use for inner c duties, says Chloride Group boss John Ray. It was difficult to forecast...
HERE ARE the most recent results from the Commercial Motor Lorry Driver of the Year Contest. All the class winners below will...
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) lorry drivers who committed offences while serving in the y had mixed success when they applied to renew their hgv ng...
ILIFACTURING industry will be making a major switch roads to rivers and canals within the next 10 years to part its goods. is...
TRANSPORT Minister Norman Fowler has appointed Hugh McNamara to succeed chairman of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners and LA...
Winter's cost THE HARGREAVES Group reports profits before tax and extraordinary items for the year ended March 31 at...
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WHERE a delivery team is banned from a loading point controlled by another body the team's job security cannot be assured and...
WORLD commercial ve production is likely to inc only slowly in the next 4:1( — despite currently boo commercial vehicle sal...
FREIGHT capacity on Townsend Thor Southampton-Le Havre route has been increase the addition of another Townsend Thoresen...
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%.TS DAILY chassis cabs 1 be available in this counfrom July 20, and Daily is soon afterwards. ELIE Iveco member company...
THE ENERGY crisis may not be biting at the transport industry quite as hard as first feared, even though companies with...
ROTOMASTER of Huddersfield, the manufacturer of turbocharger replacement parts, has appointed Turboscot, 97 Hawthorn Street,...
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A PROTOTYPE BODY design can carry ICI standard pallets where only eight would fit before. The new body, from Coachwork...
THIS four-wheel-drive Ford A-Series was converted by NAM Special Vehicles Ltd of Newton Abbot, Devon, who call it the...
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THE YEARS Kilmarnock bus driver Forrester Dobson spent with Western SMT were certainly not wasted. For while driving, he came...
LONDON'S 150th bus anniversary was again celebrated last Saturday when LT organised a parade of buses spanning 150 years on one...
LONDON Transport has now submitted its second fares increase proposal this year to the Greater London Council for approval. LT...
LES ARE bound to go up b s grant disappears in a cording to Leicester ransport General iage Geoffrey Hilditch. 3ea mg in...
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THE MINISTER of Transport has overruled his own inspector in an important decision for the coaching industry. He has decided...
THE BARR and Wall Arnold Trust, the parent c pany of Wallace Arnold To has announced record pre profits for 1978. The...
BRITAIN'S National Company has played hos Rodovaria National, a Po guese State-owned bus un taking. Four senior executi...
EDINBURGH bus inspectors have threatened to halt city services unless their bonus claim is settled soon. There coul one-day...
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wbstantial savings in cities tURING 1978 The Electric . eh . cle Association of Great ritain decided to allow users nd...
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Jets for he Swiss, gold palm trees for the Saudis—EPS is in the Rolls-Royce end of ne export packing market. By Alan Millar....
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rim of provenients New tools play an important part in improving rough-flow and turn-round of goods. But are British operators...
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Brian Chalmers-Hunt has been looking at the wide variety of fork-lifts and attachments UPING THE PAST few years, ork-lift...
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Chloride's improved mechanical handling system, wi e aid of Dutch fork-iifts and ERFs, is leading to big savings Feature, Alan...
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TO SAY THE LEAST, Alistair Carmichael (Dear Sir, CM, June 22) is unfair to Chrysler in suggesting that the new 50-Series is an...
I MUST APPLAUD the responsible manner in which the Commercial Motor is covering the serious problem of fuel shortage and the...
IN THE ROAD TEST of the Mercedes tractor unit, which was coupled to a Trailor trailer (CM, June 22) the point is made that:...
THANK YOU for your actic regarding our problems wi British Leyland. We had a r( from British Leyland up here deal with these...
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John Darker visits ne recently incorporated Institute of Management Services and finds that it's one of those concerns which is...
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is Bedford's decision to adopt the economical tu ocharged Cummins E290 for the TM. Road test by Bill Brock. Pies, Brian Wea...
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uch as I disapprove of the tensive breeding of livesck and poultry, this country in some ways well ahead of :her EEC states in...
rty vehicles are illegal in the imourless Soviet Union, I id. This spoils the fun of grafwriters but probably keeps lm out of...
Lorry drivers daily pound up and down Britain's motorways woefully unaware that they are driving through (in the AA's words) "a...
Who would have foreseen, 50 years ago, that future 15-metre lorries would have the performance of the sports cars that...
What do you do with all those ties, badges, and other goodies which publicity-conscious transport companies give out these...
A signal box from which the railway line leading into Fodens' foundry at Sandbach was controlled for 120 years will soon be...
Back-handers by hauliers to traffic managers are by no means unknown in Britain and have occasionally resulted in prosecutions,...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE. THE MOTOR VEHICLE (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No 5) Regulations 1978, which...
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LTHOUGH one takes motor 3hicle tyres for granted, in fact great deal of research and avelopment has been carried it since R. W....
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Buyer's guide updated Commercial Vehicle Buyer's Guide 3: compiled by Christopher Mann is published at £5.95, by Kogan Page...
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SO THE FUEL CRISIS has at last hit a serious all time high. Many lorry drivers are having to scout round for fuel which they...