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Q UITE naturally, the general attitude of the travelling public towards fires on public service vehicles is that they should...
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T HE Trades Union Congress last week gave unanimous support to the efforts of individual unions to establish a 40-hour week and...
Standee Buses ? Q UITE a controversy has been going on regarding the possibility of using, in London and elsewhere, buses of...
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That the film, "The Long Haul," might have been more aptly named, "Dear Octopus." That after the two recent "shockers "...
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A FTER winning the valuable Royal Show contract from the railways for the first time in 20 years, hauliers have moved more than...
D IRECT fish transport from Scotland to Italy is being pioneered by two Aberdeen concerns, Charles Alexander and Partners...
A N option to buy the majority of the stock of Smithsons Holdings, the parent company of an organization operating about 2,000...
L'OUR new bus stations, including a combined bus and helicopter station, are included in the Edinburgh Corporation Development...
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r APTTULATTON by the engineering employers on wages is described by, Mr. W. G. Allen, chairman of Atkinson Lorries (Holdings),...
F ill-Y-FOUR PER CENT. of the Mileage. of the Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd., was now being worked by...
. 1 - 1 Y applying for fenders for out-of season tours, and accepting the lowest bid, Blackpool Hotel and Boarding House...
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Ma. D. A. J. NlimsER has resigned his appointment of secretary-controller of Henry Meadows, Ltd. He has become group chief...
QEVERAL Thornycroft Big Ben 6 x 4 Psi oilfield lorries designed for operation off the road, have been shipped to South America....
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A N excursion business operated from one originating point with waitingroom facilities and Without intermediate picking-up...
THERE are. hopes that the dispute 1 between the clearing house group and the long-distance hauliers' committee of the Road...
A N applicant for a new B licence Pt knew, .for.. nearly a week that his witnesses would not be appearing before the North...
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Grants to Four Midland Companies, Northern ' General Group and Thames Valley S TRONG opposition from local authorities has met...
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A SUBSTANTIAL 1,7duction in run /A fling costs is c.aimed for an unusual semi-low-1)ading lorry intended to fill the p p...
the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., required a radical overhaul, said Mr. F. Williamson, chairman of the North Western •...
.D ha:TAT - IONS have been made by IX . the Minister of Transport relaxing the need for the holder of a. provisional driving...
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B FCAUSE vehicles exceedin g 12 tons Ls , g ross wei g ht are banned from crossin g Torpoint Ferry, D. Row and Sons, Lud g van,...
DROPOSALS of Eire's committee of 1 in q uiry into internal transport, one of which advised the Government to abandon over half...
I F all the hotels in Blackpool which were served by outside coach operators were allowed to run excursions employin g the...
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Potential Champions for International Event Seeded from Bramcote Finals of Lorry Driver of the Year Competition T HE driver of...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, M.I.Mech.E. Midlands Parcels Carriers Stress Importance of Drivers Having Equable Temperament:...
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F OR thc second time in succession, the overriding consideration of the majority of members at last week's congress of the...
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Greater Economy New Rover 2-litre Oil Engine Shows Clear 50 per cent. Improvement in Fuel Consumption Without Reduction in...
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Political Commentary By JANUS A GATHA CHRISTIE aims deliberately at much the same effect as that sometimes given, perhaps more...
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Drivers Among 73 Entrants L"LIMINATING rounds for the Scottish Commercial Vehicle Driver of the Year Competition were held...
Rird's Eye View By The Hawk A C-L10ENSEE had an agreement with the railways to pay £8 per ton for goods consigned for delivery...
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A NEW ferry ship, which went into operation last week, is the first to be built specially for the conveyance of loaded...
A PPLY1NG for four additional picking-up points on their extended tours, Feather Bros. (Tours), Ltd.; Bradford, claimed at...
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New Ingersoll-Rand Tools . THREE new air-operated hand tools L and a new hoist are to be introduced shortly by the...
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Flatten Revenue Standard Charges Should Embody an Incentive to Customers to Speed the Turn-round of a Haulier's Vehicles A...
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IMPROVEMENTS in the construction 1 of refuse-collecting vehicles are the basis of patent No. 779,418. (H. Linde, 44 St....