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I N considering the merits of the new code of conduct for long-distance hauliers approved by the national council of the Road...
Goodyear Tyres Which Talk 0 VER the past few weeks, at peak television viewing times on Sunday evenings, a new style of...
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That a new device for "quick-action lashing" has been developed. That something similar is required for those who beat up and...
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T HE first Seddon passenger chassis with a horizontal underfloor engine has been completed. Known as the Mark 20, the chassis...
Log Sheets court Decision D RIVERS' records are not legally documents identifying their vehicles, Dundee Sheriff Court has...
I -1 A REPORT that vehicle insurance premiums were to rise on and after July I, and that C-licensees in particular were likely...
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D ECIS1ON was reserved on Tuesday by Mr. J. R. Lindsay, North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, when B.R.S. (Pickfords),...
A SEVENFOLD increase in the number of examiners would be necessary if the issue of certificates of fitness for goods vehicles...
H AVING received the report of experts 1 I who studied the Parisian disc system for parking control, the Minister of Transport...
B ECAUSE of inadequate road facilities -UP between Wigan and North Wales, some Wigan residents had foregone Welsh holidays...
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MR. M. C. CULLIMORE has been elected chairman of Stroud Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association. MR. J. R. GODDARD is...
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the rules for the All-England Lorry Driver of the Year Competition were approved on Monday by the national organizing...
A N additional A-licence tipper was granted on Monday to A. Tenth and Co., Blaydon, after the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr....
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cAMILY squabbles had caused serious troubles in an old-established County Durham haulage business, the Northern Licensing...
TUT-PRICE snoW-clearing operations Is- , by C-licence vehicles in the Newcastle-upon-Tyne area have brought protests from from...
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LTHOUGH the Socialist threat of renationalization seemed to be limited to long-distance road haulage, traders would also be...
R EDUCTIONS in services over 41 't routes, together with adjustments to timetables, were granted on Monday to the West Riding...
A FTER they had demolished their old PI depot at John Street, Brierley Hill, Birmingham, Round Oak Motor Services, Ltd., were...
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IF the public relations organization of I an undertaking were to be fully effective, it must operate two ways. The operator...
PPLYING to extend their Warrington-Rhyl expr,ess service to Llandudno, Crosville Motor Services. Ltd., were last week accused...
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about to be loaded on the s.s. Tregenna for shipment to Cape Town. it is the most powerful vehicle of its kind to be made in...
T HE London busmen's claim for a 25s, a week pay increase will g o before the Industrial Court within the next two weeks. This...
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D AMAGES of £1,250, with special damages of £352 35. 4d., were awarded at Worcester Assizes, last week, to a man whose right...
New 'York Trailers: A new range of lowloading trailers is to be introduced next month by York Trailer Co,, Ltd., Burnley....
IT is utterly. wrong that an employer, who takes proper steps to comply with the law, should be prosecuted and automatically...
1 up to 253, Uttar Pradesh Roadways, India, have ordered a further 65 of these models from Ashok-Leyland, Ltd., Madras. Bombay...
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DARCELS traffic is now bein g carried in collapsible ca g e pallets from the Southern Area of B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd., based at...
T O be sold at about £330, a steel-bodied van version of the Lambretta threewheeled scooter has been introduced into this...
IN his annual statement, Mr. W. A. I Paton, chairman of Mann E g erton and Co., Ltd., says that the motor departments have made...
will not solve the town's traffic problem, the watch committee were told last week. Mr. W. T. Davies, chief constable. said the...
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W ITH the prospect of a European free-trade area, numbers of British hauliers are wondering whether there will be any fresh...
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A PROTOTYPE Polish bus, named the ri San (a river in Poland), has been produced with a 98 b.h.p. six-cylindered petrol engine....
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A NOV-EL method of mounting tanks on vehicle chassis has been evolved by Thompson Bros. (Bilston), Ltd., Bilston, Staffs. It...
I MPROVEMENTS are being made to the range of articulated eight-wheeled vehicles, machinery transporters and tractors produced...
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T • WO unusual types of trailer have been constructed recently by Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., Dereham, Norfolk, for use in...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.L. A LTHOUGH heavy vehicles on test frequently attempt the ascent of Mow Cop, a fearsome climb...
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IT/HEN hauliers forgather, the conversation usually turns to W clearing houses and, as often as not, one in particular is the...
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I WAS interested to read the article "F Licences Are a Threat to North Wales Hauliers," by G. Duncan Jewell, in The Commercial...
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E DUCATION and training for work in road transport have been offered from several quarters for, a number of years, but the...
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T O make overtaking safer in British vehicles on Continental roads, Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Great King St., Birmingham. 19, are now...
A NEW semi-trailer built by Carrirnore Six-Wheelers, Ltd., for the Metal Box Co., Ltd., has a roof which may be raised to...
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T HE part that pneumatic tyres play in the suspension of a road .vehicle is likely to decrease with the advent of...
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A TWO-SPEED electrically operated overdrive gear is now available on Eoden goods chassis. In the case of four-wheeled chassis...
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When Traffic is Scarce a Haulier's Knowledge of Relative Costs Can Indicate the Best Compromise that Can be Made in Difficult...
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P ATE N T No. 788,800 refers to large machines such as bulldozers, tractors and others which must exert great power and are...