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functions of the general trade licence is to permit vehicle manufacturers and agents to give demonstrations of the capabilities...
A CCORDING to a well-known authority on internal-combustion engines, Mr. A. E. L. Chorlton, M.P., so great have been the recent...
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W HATEVER we may think of the Ministerial reshufflings that have resulted from the change of Government, that was effected last...
T N a recent bankruptcy case it was mentioned that 'the taxicab owner-driver concerned had 'bought his cab in 1922 at a cost of...
Good progress is being made with the German roads for fast motor traffic, as is indicated by a recent article from our...
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That a determined fight is to be put up for reduced taxation on commercial vehicles. Of someone who thought that A, B and C...
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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There has so far this year been a slight falling off in the overseas demand for American commercial vehicles, this, however,...
Hull Transport Committee has appointed Mr. G. A. Cherry, of Rotherham, as bus mainteiaance engineer. Major J. B. Elliott,...
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• There were some sharp passages during the hearing by Sir William Hart, Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, of an...
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Great public interest was shown in the ambulance-teams competitions for passenger-carrying concerns of Cardiff and District and...
I N the North-Western Traffic Area, a bombshell has been dropped on railway opposition to B-licence variations, the contention...
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At Dundee Sheriff Court, Mr. Alan Miller, Carnous tie, was fined £1 for having, on March 16, used a lorry without a licence. He...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent ROAD AND RAIL MOTOR-DRIVER WAGE RATES. THE question of wages paid...
A S briefly reported last week, the Scottish Conciliation Board has decided to continue until January, 1936, the present...
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After Less than a Year of Work, the First Section Has Now Been Opened. Exceptional Speeds by Commercial Vehicles W ORK on the...
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A Goods-carrying Threewheeler Weighing Under 2 Tons and Possessing Great Manceuvrability. Suitable for Use as a Refuse...
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With a Fleet of 27 Motor Vehicles, Cattermoles (Transport), Ltd., Concentrates on Carrying Awkward Loads, such as Large...
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Trade Weight Formula Disregarded by Court. Customs Fee Hampering Business with I. F. S. Braking Efficiency with a 30-cwt. Lorry...
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IT is an axiom of commercial-vehicle .1. use that the lower the proportion of standing time the more economical is its...
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A Simple and Practical Machine to Fulfil a Variety of Purposes. Ease of Control and Manceuvrability are Features of this Useful...
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I N recent years welding has come much to the fore, and it is curious to observe how this process has • risen from a despised...
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By a Timberman IN an interesting article on the pro' duction of lift vans with wood frames, which appeared in the issue of The...
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Flexibility Association. and Fillitq Vital Factor in the Transport Organization of the Bleachers' fondling the Collection and...
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itfiANY operators use hoops, covered 1Y.Lby a tarpaulin, to protect loads on open-type lorries. A disadvantage of this method...
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BID TO ENCOURAGE AIRMINDEDNESS. A NEW line of propaganda for air tittravel is being started by the Commercial Aviation...
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Passenger Transport All the latest news of important developments affecting p ubli cservic e vehicle owners ROAD-RAIL TRIPS...
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I EICESTER BUSES CARRY TRAMS. A S in many other towns, Leicester Corporation's revenue from " its buses continues to rise,...
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THE Great Southern Railways Co., Ireland, has decided to close to passenger traffic the Cork-Macroom branch line and to convey...
A T a meeting of Fife County Road .Board it was reported that W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., which has recently acquired the...
rpE value of bus services to the 1 promoters of sports or other meetings was exemplified at Cardiff, when Mr. William Forbes,...
I F the sanction of the East Midland Traffic Commissioners be obtained, Barton Transport, Ltd., Beeston, is to take over a...
C ARDIFF City Council is to apply to the South Wales Commissioners for sanction to run the stage service at present operated by...
A IVIONGST the applications for the transfer of licences recently received by the Traffic Commissioners are three to the East...
o'ver a number of years, on the part of Cornwall County Council, were made at the annual meetting of the Devon and Cornwall...
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Bus Lighting, Heating and Ventilation papers on " Lighting as an Aid to Passenger Trans port " and" Heating and Ventilation of...
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How the Value of the Assets of a Haulage Business may be Considerably Depreciated if Goodwill be Lacking I T has been...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that 'have Recently been Published rROM F. Ritz, 1263, Eaton Avenue, Beloit, Wisconsin,...
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Company's Sales Increasing. Further Expansion Anticipated. The sixth annual general meeting of The Young Accumulator Company...