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Another Irish Railway To Close
THE Great Southern Railways Co., Ireland, has decided to close to passenger traffic the Cork-Macroom branch line and to convey all passengers within this area by bus. The new......
Better Facilities After Trams Are Abandoned.
A T a meeting of Fife County Road .Board it was reported that W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., which has recently acquired the Dunfermline and District Traction Co.'s tramways, is......
Greyhound Association Subsidizes Buses.
rpE value of bus services to the 1 promoters of sports or other meetings was exemplified at Cardiff, when Mr. William Forbes, transport manager, reported to the transport......
Extending Barton System.
I F the sanction of the East Midland Traffic Commissioners be obtained, Barton Transport, Ltd., Beeston, is to take over a number of stage services and excursions and tours......
Cardiff To Buy Private Service?
C ARDIFF City Council is to apply to the South Wales Commissioners for sanction to run the stage service at present operated by Messrs. S. Harfoot and Sons; Barry Dock, between......
Another Lincs Merger Impending.
A IVIONGST the applications for the transfer of licences recently received by the Traffic Commissioners are three to the East Midland Commissioners for the granting of licences......
Bias In Council Contracts Alleged A Llegations Of...
o'ver a number of years, on the part of Cornwall County Council, were made at the annual meetting of the Devon and Cornwall Area of the Road Haulage Association, at Plymouth,......