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Petrol-engine Design Not Stagnating
A CCORDING to a well-known authority on internal-combustion engines, Mr. A. E. L. Chorlton, M.P., so great have been the recent improvements in the petrol engine that these,......
The Minister Retains His Post
W HATEVER we may think of the Ministerial reshufflings that have resulted from the change of Government, that was effected last week with the minimum of public excitement, we in......
Passing Comments
T N a recent bankruptcy case it was mentioned that 'the taxicab owner-driver concerned had 'bought his cab in 1922 at a cost of over MO, and still had something over £100 to......
Special Features Of This Issue
Good progress is being made with the German roads for fast motor traffic, as is indicated by a recent article from our correspondent in Germany. Page 600. Starnmell Lorries.......