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rTHE extent and diversity of services provided by local authorities I are seldom realized, still less acknowledged, even by...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT N EW regulations about driving licences, driving tests and driving fees have been laid before...
F RONT corner marker lamps for trailers and semis may be fitted under the trailer body as well as on the side or at the front:...
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concentrating upon smaller commercial vehicles and their loads is given by the Traders Road Transport Association. A statement...
WIEST GERMANY'S Federal Constitu" tional Court has given its judgment that special taxation levied on C-licensed transport•is...
THE speedy and efficient turn-round of vehicles is essential to every large concern's traffic department. For example, each day...
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From our Political Correspondent ov of e the 3.e the T° improve lot 000-4,000 ov of e the 3.e the T° improve lot 000-4,000...
IN spite of comments which could . be 1 taken as critical of British vehicle ers i manufacturers the papers read at the m. n...
IN connection with National Productivity 1 Year an open day was or g anized by Reed Transport Ltd., Larkfield, Kent. on...
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H IGHER bus and tube fares, to start from June 23, have been announced by London Transport. The effect of this will be that...
A T the 61st annual general meeting of the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co. Ltd., held last week, Mr. R. W. Birch,...
R EVENUE of the Aldershot and District Traction Co. Ltd. exceeded £1,500,000 for the first time in the year ended March 31...
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Application 'Very Near to Fraud' QUGGESTIONS that the actions of an appellant makin g an application before the North Western...
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A SSU.RANCES were sought by objecrNeors to an application by a Derbyshire haulier, who was, applying to vary an A licence by...
'THE Metropolitan Licensing Authority, .Mr. D, I. R. Muir, made it quite clear on Tuesday that he did not favour restrictive...
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T HREE 10-vehicle applications are notified this week—two in Scotland and the third in the West Midlands. Each is in respect of...
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THE Minister of Transport has parti1 . ally granted an appeal lodged by Mr. J. R. Cotton, trading as Pleasure Ways Tours,...
A LICENCE switch involving seven vehicles of 404 tons was successful at Manchester last week when '.1. A. Broster (Transport)...
T HE Northern deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. Herbert Buick, on Monday granted an A licence in respect of four artics to...
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been appointed jointly to the position of secretary of the Automobile Association; they succeed Mr. K. L. Kelly, who retired...
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A MONG the list of awards in the Queen's Birthday honours announced on Saturday were the following:— KNIGHT BACHELOR: R. E....
A VEHICLE-LEASING scheme has .CIL been introduced by Leyland Motors Ltd. and is to be operated for Leyland and its U.K....
A LONG-WHEELBASE version of the in• Mercedes-Benz L319 light commercial chassis has been put into production' by Daimler-Benz...
QHARP decreases in the Argentine pro duction of small goods vehicles, pickups and busand goods-vehicle chassis are reported...
THE Kenning Motor. Group and the B.M.C. recently announced an agreement to set up a distributorship for B.M.C. cars and light...
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James Booth Aluminium Ltd., Kitts Green, Birmingham, 33. They will stock a comprehensive range of the company's products at a...
T HE prevention of wheel locking as a means of improving vehicle stability on greasy or icy roads and of increasing the...
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A COMPLETELY new range of portI -1 able electric arc welders is being marketed by Ardleigh Co. Ltd., Ardleign, Colchester,...
A S a result of a recently concluded _ agreement between The Holset Engineering Co. Ltd., Turnbridge, Huddersfield, Yorks, and...
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U NDER ordinary conditions, servicemen entering for Lorry Driver of the Year contests suffer through having to handle military...
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WATCH out. Cpl. Readrnan! The WV Service threat to your chances of a hat-trick in the national final this year is building up:...
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By A. A. TOWNSIN, F IRES do not always occur within a few yards of a road, and fighting them can present difficult problems if...
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"W HY," I asked Mr. G. E. Jackson, of C. Williams and " Son Ltd., Aston, Birmingham, "is there such a lot of satisfaction in...
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I N Great Britain alone there must be a considerable number of local authorities who find a full-size mechanical road sweeper...
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P. A. C. BROCKINGTON, A.M.I.Mech.E. -1 N the four street-cleansing districts of the cleansing superintendent's section of...
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something of a collector's curiosity" A S far as possible and within reason goods should be moved by rail Journeys to work...
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Road Signs—Siting and Design I SEE that the Minister of Transport is to open an exhibi tion of proposed new road signs on July...
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V ISITORS to the vehicle parade at the Institute of Public Cleansing Conference at Southport will have the opportunity of...
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S INCE 1960, when the county's central vehicle workshops were set up, departmental officers in Nottinghamshire have been...
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Braking and Cornering T EN papers were presented at a symposium on the control of vehicles during braking and cornering held...
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I NDICATIVE of the growing responsibility of both local and central government, whether directly or through appointed agents,...