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future of road haulage have been discussed at the annual conference of the Road Haulage Association in Blackpool this week. The...
M ANY hauliers complain that there is no readily actessible source of information from which they can assess transport trends...
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T HERE were _Bonallacks in Cornwall long before Duke William's henchmen, avid for plunder,. arrived from Normandy. With one...
T O a man of Mr. J. B. Mitchell's reticent nature, the task of presiding at a conference of the Road Haulage Association within...
dynamo bracket of my 16-month-old car broke on M1 and I crawled into Luton mainly under steam power. After two garages had...
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A PPLICATIONS by Road Services (Caledonian), Ltd., for A-licence variations to add five vehicles (174 tons) and five...
B RISTOL magistrates' co t was crowded to capacity on Tuesday when eight male defendants, all of them connected with the motor...
T HE Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Municipal Engineers are to amalgamate.
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T HE possibility of an early increase in rates by British Road Services was being canvassed in Blackpool this week, writes a...
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MR. LEONARD HODGES has retired from the board of Sheepbridge Engineering, Ltd., after an association with the company lasting...
w E regret to announce the death of Ma. DENNIS FODEN, chairman and managing director of E.R.F., Ltd., Sandbach, on Monday. Mr....
" DROFITABILITY may be distasteful —almost a dirty word, in these days when the pursuit of private profit is regarded by some...
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A LLEGATIONS that a group of heavy hauliers have formed a price ring and were charging exhorbitant rates for the carriage of...
THE•Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh on Tuesday upheld an. appeal by Arthur Nicol, haulage contractor, of East Side,...
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A N application by Highland Haulage, Ltd., Inverness, to add three eightwheelers (21 tons) to their A-licence was granted with...
get evidence I about removals. If customers were satisfied nothing More was heard; if they Were not satisfied they were...
A BIG rise in the number of vehicles crossing to the Continent on the Transport Ferry Service was reported last week by the...
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P appeared before the Birmingham REE directors of haulage.companies Stipendary Magistrate last week on charges arising out of...
N OT everyone in the Transport and General Workers Union agrees with the general secretary, Mr. Frank Cousins, about his...
The End: The last Sheffield tram was taken out of service on Saturday. Air - wave Ambulances: .Rao equipment has now been...
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R EVEILLE. on Monday next will come bright and early for the 543 competitors inthe Army Driving Championship which covers a...
IF allowed to grow unchecked by scientific analysis, transport could develop until each nation possessed a collection of...
THE Labbur Party conference at Scar". borough, last Friday, unanimously condemned the Government's policy on transport, because...
S UGGESTIONS by certain members of Parliament that there should be a discriminatory ton-mileage tax on Clicence vehicles were...
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W HEN . they raise their glasses i Ireland's select bars, like as nc it'll be a Phoenix ale they're drinkiial And the ale will...
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the official representatives of both passenger and goods transport. This fact was obvious from the views put' forward by...
Dr. C. 0. S. Blyth Brooke (medical officer of health, Finsbury) had been gratified by the response received when he had...
AS an experiment, timing will be an from the Lorry Driver ofthe Year Competition next year. This was one of the decisions...
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A N application for increases in fares for stage-carriage and trolley bus services was granted to Manchester Corporation by the...
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T HE Western Traffic Commissioner& last week in Salisbury refused an application by Silver Star Motor Services, Ltd., of...
A FTER hearing evidence all day, in an application by a Stafford coach operator for an express licence from...
PEAKING last week, at a safe-driving1 .--) award presentation, about the invitation to Coventry Transport Department to rejoin...
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Blackpool Delegates Get Away To A Slow Start : Things Warm Up Later, However From A. E. Sherlock-Mesher L ETHARGY marked the...
F OR the first time in years delegates to the conference launched an attack on British Road Services. It was led, by Mr. G. C....
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lunch on Tuesday. The first, which was carried, stated that in the interests of road safety local authorities should constantly...
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A N engine developing 262 b.h.p., an eight-speed gearbox and a rubbersprung driving axle are features of the forward-control...
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A NEW Preston depot for Road Services (Caledonian), Ltd., has been completed on Liverpool Road, Little Hoole, Preson. It will...
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T WO fresh-air cab heater units have been added to the K-L Norway range manufactured by the Key-Leather Co., Ltd., 5 Urswick...
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F OR once it is possible to detect distinct general trends from exhibits at the Paris Salon de l'Automobile which opened On...
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Faced with Rising Costs and Fierce Competition, it Has Been Found that 24hour Operation is the Only Economic Proposition By G....
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for the article puhlished in your issue of October 7, in , your " Planning for Profit series, headed " Costs Up— Output 'Down....
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k MONO the more important applications listed this week are . those by Smith and Robinson ..eeds), Ltd., in Yorkshire for 24...
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Doncaster Corporation is to buy six single-decker one-man buses. Nottingham County Council is to seek tenders for four tipping...
F. L. Tyler, Ltd. Cap, 41.000. air.: P. L. Tyler, 114 Salmon Street. London. N.W.9. Scc.: Bradley Securities, Ltd. Reg. office:...
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E VERY indication points to a recommendation next week from the rates committee of the Road Haulage Association for a...
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F ROM inquiries received at the Commercial Motor Show it is apparent that many small users are not completely conversant with...
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was being requested for 39 B-licensed vehicles was so wide that the fleet would be able to perform similar duties to open A...