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Page 6 BIBBY DISTRIBUTION has purchased £31m-turnover haulier TM Logistics for an undisclosed sum, marking...
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CM COVER STORY DISTRIBUTION COSTS would rise by £.6.2m at John Lewis if the retailer was forced to...
Page 8 TRANSPORT MINIS1 ER Mike Penning has decided that ecodriving training will not become a compulsory...
Ocado plans E210m West Midlands DC OCADO HAS CONFIRMED it will open a 2.210m DC in the West Midlands to service the north of...
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CM COVER STORY rocs a r.h rownid,uk THE GOVERNMENT must invest in key mad improvement projects to stimulate economic...
And then a hero comes along... EVERY BUSINESS has an unsung here — but by the end of this year they shall be unsung no more,...
Freight Shepherd went into Liquidation owing more than E500,000 A SERIES OF LARGE had debts pushed Oxford haulier Freight...
Page 10 THE ADMINISTRATORS of Kent haulier Time Critical International (TCI) say they are investigating a...
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ray ROWLANDS TELECOMS has lost an appeal against the revocation of its 0-licence for failing to meet...
THE DVLA SAYS it will launch a consultation by the end of the year into whether people with diabetes should be allowed to drive...
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your peril The UK's road infrastructure is in dire need of investment, but will the government heed hauliers' calls and plough...
The transport network is inextricably linked to sustained productvity and competitiveness. However, our existing transport...
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As executive VP of Daimler Trucks, Hubertus Troska is able to give unrivalled insight into the challenges truck-makers face CM...
1988: After four years working for an international construction contractor, he joins Daimler-Benz AG, starting in sales at the...
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If Troska can be said to have a soapbox, it is Euro-6 (and alternative powertrains) — not that he rants, you understand, more...
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The chairman and CEO of Paccar rarely gives any interviews, so it was with some trepidation that CM took a seat in front of him...
• Born in 1954, Pigott has been with Paccar since 1978. He is fourth generation family member to lead the company. Pigott was...
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Euro-6, lead times, the world truck: all these issues hold no fear for Dr Georg Pachta-Reyhofen, CEO of MAN Words: Justin...
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CM asks whether MAN has learnt the lesson of the 07/08 truck production boom (and the subsequent bust) with ensuing enormous...
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Nightline has dominated the Irish parcel and pallets market for the past decade, and now has its sights set on the UK Words:...
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10 years later and nothing to show for themselves DID TONY BLAIR see it coming? ('The war that wasn't won?' CM 9 September) No...
JUST A SMALL point about the Cheryl Cole story (CM 30 September). A haulier's goods-in-transit insurance premium is based on a...
AS A SUGGESTION to ensure that Commercial Motor is as popular as ever, how about reprinting within the magazine, road tests...
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TC Tom Macartney's disqualification of the director of Roadmaster Logistics is upheld THE BOSS OF Roadmaster I .ogistics a...
is for ownerdrivers to adopt a thorough approach to informing the TC of changes of address and key personnel, such as the...
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1 A 10 SDA h.c r e ANT d S 41 AUT I HORISATION for op e rat ing centre — the XDC Hurricane Building, Redl to ase Interchange,...
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In what circumstances is a haulier allowed to sell a customer's goods that he holds to recover an outstanding debt? Words:...
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introduced primary legislation to more closely mirror the British system, including the introduction of restricted licensing...
The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2010, from 1 May 2010 Changes to car tests and holders of Cl and...
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But with most manufacturers having cleared any stocks they built up during the downturn, he says hauliers already need to...
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Rental and teasing market is still growing If there is a sudden upturn, hauliers are likely to turn increasingly to the rental...