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L AST week we referred to the possibility of a change being made in the system of taxation used for goods vehicles. This is a...
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A PROMINENT transport manager remarked to us the other day that, in his experience, economies effected by paying drivers low...
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That the benefits of Drikold refrigerant are well shown in the days of dry heat. Of crowds at the display of Commer commercial...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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SERVICE. and PROPOSALS The fire-brigade committee of Todmorden Corporation has decided to make the following charges to...
Fresh Evidence Admitted T HE hearing of the first appeals under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, was commenced, on Tuesday...
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A Handsome Dodge Articulated Outfit Seats 32 Persons and Incorporates the Latest Developments in Cinematography A N elaborate...
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BRAZING as assets to the transport engineer 1' l'O.GENOVS wold ing is now becoming . One of the most important adjuncts to...
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K NOWN as the Dragon semi-trailer, and produced by the Truck and Tractor Appliance Co. (Manchester), Ltd., Trafford Park,...
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HOME AND EMPIRE AIR-MAIL RATES. The opinion is widely held that the best way of developing our Imperial air services is to...
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I3RITISH-BUILT OIL ENGINES FORGING AHEAD. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 143811 Sir,—The accompanying graph clearly...
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T HE absorption of engine vibration by means of rubber mountings is now general practice in the design of . commercial...
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%L5—Lessons from the First Case T .HIS week marks a vital stage in the history of the development of the goods-transport...
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A Scheme Which Would Not Be Legal. (117) QUESTION : Would a milk retailer, who is operating under a Class C licence, be in...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT RESULT OF THROUGH BOOKINGS AND RETURN FARES APPEALS result of appeals against decisions as to through...
IRREGULARITIES IN MANCHESTER ALLEGED. A LLEGATIONS concerning the nonobservance of licence conditions by Manchester operators...
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A S a result of his appeal to the Minister of Transport, Mr. George Galley, of Newcastle, is to be allowed to run a restricted...
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MOUNTED on A.E.C., LeyIVIland, Daimler and Dennis chassis, 11 bodies (five double-deck and six singledeck) have recently been...
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-THE importance of noting develop ments in general trade and of keeping in touch with the state of the heavy industries,...
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A FEW days ago we witnessed a convincing demonstration of the Bulldog Kwikfiks semi-trailer attachment, made by J. Prockhouse...
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..C - 1 A NEW model of the Millars three wheeled Tructractor, designed to conform with the present road regulations, and...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I CHOSE a 2-tonner to exemplify the suggestions I have been making for the maintenance of a sinking fund to...
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CI A RAILWAY wagon having a detachable portion that can be used on the road as a trailer is described in patent No. 414,598 by...