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iE CHANNEL TUNNEL issue is back in the news but this time with a Fference. In Brussels last week it was suggested that it and a...
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ISH road hauliers have gained another 63 European unity quota permits, following a Council of Ministers ting in Brussels last...
0 MORE Road Haulage Association areas have agreed £77 1 . -• e awards for top-weight drivers, and Transport and General !?'...
NEXT MONTH's threatened steel strike could pose longterm problems for major manufacturers. Leyland Vehicles Ltd says it has...
THE SHELL tanker drivers' dispute concerning contract vehicles appeared to be easing as we went to press on Tuesday; but the...
TALKS wre still in full session at 6pm on Tuesday as BL executives met Co Durham businessman David Brown to discuss his bid to...
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CHANGES in dismissal procedure, the law on picketing, and the repeal of Schedule 11 of the Employment Protection Act are all...
THERE WILL probably be another Road Haulage Association Road Transport Show, but not before 1981. RHA senior executive Bob...
COMMON MARKET assis ance could be given to a pla for a cross-Britain motorwa and to the Channel tunnel as way of reducing the...
A ONE-DAY CONFERENCE on the theme of 'Physical Dis tribution in the Eighties' for the food industry is to be held o February 27...
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ELEAVY GOODS VEHICLE testing staions could be sold to the private sector inder Transport Minister Norman Fowler's plans to trim...
THE YORK GROUP has pulled out of the 1980 Motor Show, saying that the National Exhibition Centre does not meet its...
THE TRANSPORT and Road Research Laboratory has concluded that structural damage to roads is caused almost exclusively by...
New EVA chairman Mike Sharman said: "We'll still be around when the OPEC oil runs out." He claimed that it was now clear that...
Lord Avebury — once Eric Lubbock, ti Liberal MP — is not the Gov eri ment's greatest friend. As far as he concerned it is...
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EEC PROPOSAL for restricted lorry dimensions should be pted in principle, but the general concept of heavy lorries Id not,...
, EAK-HOUR lorry ban is in )spect for one of wcastle-upon-Tyne's censtreets. Fyne and Wear Highways mrnittee has agreed to ban...
HEAVY LORRIES are subsidised to the tune of £41.6m, according to British Rail's Armitage submission. It says that BR operates...
THE M25 remains a top priority for the Transport Minister in a series of road improvements passed ahead of his review of the...
THE NATIONAL Federation of Women's Institutes has thrown in its pennyworth to Armitage, with calls for enforced speed limits,...
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A BRADFORD haulier whose entire fleet was ordered off the road when his 0-licence was revoked failed to win its appeal before...
ROAD HAULAGE ASSOCIATION Security Committee chairman Jack Brown announced plans this week for the committee's 21st anniversary...
go West WEST COUNTRY operatO had their knowledge of tack graphs widened last wec when Veeder Root and C. joined forces with...
ANOTHER company pro viding tachograph trainin has published its 1980 semina programme. Trans Promotions of 137I-ugh Street,...
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• UNCOLNSHIRE road haulage company successfully defended an overloading charge brought by the police before 11 iddlesbrough...
3ILTSPUR'S half-yearly pro'its for the half year ended September 30 this year are up 'rom last year's £2.02m to E2.12m. The...
THE SIXTH International Commercial Vehicle Show takes place in Geneva next month, and is purely for commercial vehicles. There...
ADDITIONAL Sealink roll-on roll-off ferry services are being provided on crossings to Dieppe, Hook of Holland, and Dun...
PRINCIPAL speaker at th Freight Transpor Association's South Easter luncheon in February will b Energy Minister Davi Howell....
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;EVEN VEHICLES were deleted from the 11 vehicle licence held py J. Cox Limited of York when the company appeared at...
XPENDITURE cuts will duce the amount of inforation produced by the overnment's Business :atistics Office. The office's...
MERCEDES-BENZ repoits that its computer-operated Fleet Information Service is now being used by 30 British companies with over...
RYDER Truck Rental Ltd has opened a new contract hire and rental depot at Imperial Way, Purley Way, Croydon. The depot, which...
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CRITICAL situation is developing at the Motor Industry ch Association (MIRA). Despite having just completed its t year, the...
HE CR (Chicago Rawhide) Scavenger" diesel fuel filter hown here is claimed to move 97 per cent of all pardes of dirt over 0.45...
AT a Norde Suspension Ltd seminar, transport men from the aggregate cement and ready mixed concrete industdes expressed concern...
CALIFORNIA'S Institute ol Technology, has produced a carbon fibre battery plate which is claimed to weigh only one tenth of a...
TO COUNTERACT the effect of spurious parts supplierE Perkins Engines have launched a £0.5m world-wide spare campaign. The new...
AUTOCRANE LTD has been appointed UK distrubutor fc hydraulic loaders manufactured by Italian Fassi Gru Idraulisl SRL. There are...
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'HE HFSTAIR DENNIS Bulkmaster Mk4 refuse collection ehicle is now equipped with control equipment designed and unufactured by...
HREE County Councils, mcashire, Humberside and arth Yorkshire, have chosen 3 5 ESA 100 as a lubricant and • rrosion inhibitor...
SAVINGS in time and mileage are forecast by Biffa Waste Services now that it has introduced three new 10.7cum (14cuyd) vehicles...
WEST GERMAN batter) manufacturer Deta hat launched an extended range ol low maintenance batteries in the UK. The range,...
LYKA Shuntlift elevating fifth-wheel couplings have been fitted to two Buffalo tractive units used for yard shunting of...
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SMALL COACH operators who have to pass a Certificate of Professional Competence can study at home or during rest hours with a...
GRAMPIAN Regional Council's Department of Public Transportation lost £282,524 ir the financial year endec March 31 this year....
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DELAYS in placing South Yorkshire PTE's fleet of five Leyland-DAB articulated buses in service are an inevitable result of a...
FIFTY administrative jobs will disappear from Traffic Commissioners' offices when the Transport Bill becomes law, according to...
TAPED MUSIC and sound adverts may be used to help subsidise South Yorkshire PTE's cheap bus fares. The PTE is negotiating a...
THE LATEST passenge transport executive to buy British Volvo B55 front engined double-decker i Greater Manchester which ha one...
INFORMATION to hel members of the public cam paign against threatened pub lic transport cuts and to hel them make their say in...
BUS TRAVEL in London wi be free over the festive seaso thanks to private and publi enterprise. As last year, London Trans port...
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E THREAT to the developnt plans of the Motor Ind try Research Association f1 its proving ground at neaton may not touch the h...
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Tim Blakemore_grows to like nis new study in blue with e Cummins ocharged 250 engine now offered as an option. Pictures by Dick...
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BEFORE he retired as chairman of the National Freight Corporation a year ago, Sir Daniel Pettit gave a trophy for the best...
APART FROM submitting the best report overall, National Carriers won the competition class for companies employing more than...
I AM a mite tired of left-wing bleating about the iniquities of the Establishment and its pro clivity for looking after its...
FOR MANY YEARS I have had a strong impression that the rate of wear decreases as the life of a tyre advances, but I have been...
WHERE do London buses go in the winter? Four of them, seven years old, have gone to City of Oxford Motor Services for use on...
CHANGES in shopping habit and buying in bulk have killed, or at best are killing, the bus as the shopper's means of transport,...
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Graham Vontgomerie, in is - wo-section article, reports from a region bristlinc with activN. He reviews first ne chassis anc...
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The Non West also boasts many famous names involved wi trailers, bodywork and components ...the area rich in commercial-vehicle...
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The RHA and FTA are both doing sterling work in the region, whiCh is an important one for them, But both could do even better...
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Despite being one of e foremost hauliers in ne coun - ry, e lacs from St Helens remain fai ful to their first love- -- )e...
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-IE MICROMETER described the last article (CM November 4) was capable of measuring om 0 to 1 inch and the range of I standard...
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y Les Oldridge, T Eng (CEO, AMIRTE 4 THE LAST article (CM, ovember 24), vehicle mainteance procedures provided by le holders...
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LOTHING TRANSPORT Decialist company in the SPD roup, Tibbett and Britten, has amed two new senior lanagers. Bob English...