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Putting One Over
BEFORE he retired as chairman of the National Freight Corporation a year ago, Sir Daniel Pettit gave a trophy for the best attempt by an NFC company to 'explain its annual......
End Of An Era
APART FROM submitting the best report overall, National Carriers won the competition class for companies employing more than 1000 people. Cartransport Ltd, with 377 employees,......
Bl's Gift To Kremlin
I AM a mite tired of left-wing bleating about the iniquities of the Establishment and its pro clivity for looking after its own. The trades union movement, which can hardly be......
The Older The Better
FOR MANY YEARS I have had a strong impression that the rate of wear decreases as the life of a tyre advances, but I have been unable to explain it. I should have asked Pirelli.......
Not So Mud A Service. .
WHERE do London buses go in the winter? Four of them, seven years old, have gone to City of Oxford Motor Services for use on their successful "park and ride" services. The rest,......
Life In The Old Bus Yet
CHANGES in shopping habit and buying in bulk have killed, or at best are killing, the bus as the shopper's means of transport, says the Chartered Institute of Transport's......