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Bill Alters Laws On Dismissal, Picketing
CHANGES in dismissal procedure, the law on picketing, and the repeal of Schedule 11 of the Employment Protection Act are all included in the Government's Employment Bill, it was......
Rha May Show Again
THERE WILL probably be another Road Haulage Association Road Transport Show, but not before 1981. RHA senior executive Bob Duffy said this week that last October's show was......
Eec Paper Set At Go
COMMON MARKET assis ance could be given to a pla for a cross-Britain motorwa and to the Channel tunnel as way of reducing the dispute £1000m budget contributio to the EEC. Last......
More Food For Thought
A ONE-DAY CONFERENCE on the theme of 'Physical Dis tribution in the Eighties' for the food industry is to be held o February 27 at London's Cafe Royal. It is being jointly......