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An increase in traffic is taking place, whilst rates show a gradual upward tendency. The improvement in charges is partly due...
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Tests for H.G.V. A LEEDS man who recently Licences Conducted ( - 1, presented himself for his by Women . . Ministry of...
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That it was the " C.M." that long ago coined the term "Raid Fund." Suggestions that our mobile darkroom might be popular at...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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TNCREASED wages for a large 1 number of drivers within a radius of 10 miles from the centre of Manchester will come about as a...
for Man's Offences A N important decision to employers was given at Newport (Mon.) County Police Court, last Saturday, when...
the L.M.S. Railway Co., heard by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, at York, last Friday, for permission to operate seven...
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By Using •a two-piece valve collar, Messrs. W. E. Hutchinson and G. Gronow, 21, Park Lane, Queen Street, Cardiff, have invented...
The directors of Trust of Transport shares, managers of Trust of British Transport, announce the appointment of SIR HERBERT E....
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I F the Minister of Transport intro duces measures for the stabilization and control of road-haulage rates, railway rates for...
THE bludgeon of the Barratt appeal was brought into use by the railways in the North-Western Area, at a Manchester sitting. The...
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The 1936 summer ]meeting of the Institute of Automobile Engineers will take place in Scotland, with headquarters in Glasgow,...
vehicle Figures Show An maintain healthy tone Encouraging Improvement O UT of a total of 52,909 new motor vehicles registered...
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A Nimportantpoint in connection with the formation of subsidiary companies was involved in an appeal by Gerrard's Transport,...
a "loophole" discovered? By Forming Subsidiary Haulage Companies, Can B-licensees Become Public Carriers ? Strong Opposi tion...
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NEW ASSOCIATION FORMED IN THE WEST. N'e,rs is received of the fonnation o f a new association. To be known as the Welsh and...
To Break Away rrHE possibility of A.R.O. Devon 1 and Cornwall Area severing itself from headquarters and becoming a separate...
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New Silent Gully Emptier T HE diminution in the noise of operation of gully-cleansing machines has, of. late, received much...
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I N moving the adoption of the report of the executive committee of the Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association, at the...
A REVISED agreement concerning the wages and working conditions of operatives in the furniture-removal industry has been...
his own design has been added to his fleet by Mr. Arthur Batty, of Beckside Road, Bradford. The body length is 22 ft. 6 ins.,...
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(3) Mr. Clifford King, chairman, Norfolk and Suffolk East centre, and a director of Wallace King, Ltd., Norwich. (4) Mr. R. H....
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Established. 40 Years Ago, Evan Codk's Depositories, Ltd., Specializes in Valuable and Difficult Removals. Storage and Packing...
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Ben falls, Ltd., of Kingston, Operates Some 30 Vehicles on Furniture Removal and Delivery Work. Fleet Efficiency is Promoted by...
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A Logical Assessment o priate Charges for An: Close Agreement Shown t Basis on which Approlob Can be Calculated. Rates of the...
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M R. SMEDLEY, manager of the Rosedale Furnishing Co., was chatting with Mr. Smith, the chair manufacturer. 4 I have noticed...
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I N a King's Bench Divisional Court, on Tuesday, Mr. Frank Chamberlain, an inspector of weights and measures for Hertford...
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BIG GROWTH OF BOURNEMOUTH REMOVAL CONCERN. I T was 52 years ago that J. J. Allen, Ltd., The Quadrant, Bournemouth, was...
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Practical Steps in the Stabilization of Rates taken by the W.R.A. Advice to Removers who Seek AdditionalTonnage 'THE...
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The Latest Product of Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., a 9-1.-cwt. 6 h.p. Track laying Tractor, Offered at an Attractive...
R ECENTLY supplied by Carrimore Six-Wheelers, Ltd., North Finchley, London, N.12, to Cattermoles (Transport), Ltd., Islington,...
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T HE requirements of many traders are for light vehicles which will transport a considerable built load, and in order to meet...
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One of South Shields Corporation's Daimler COG.5-type buses, with Willowbrook bodywork. The bus is notable for its dean,...
L./ LEVENTH-HOUR attempts to settle the differences between Brighton Corporation and Thos. Tilling, Ltd., and Southdown Motor...
R EGULATIONS known as the Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Conductors and PassengerS) Regulations, 1936, will come...
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A PPLICATIONS to permit road 1 - 1,fares of 65. to be charged from Cinderford and district to Birmingham and Weston-super-Mare,...
when booking, were allotted not only their seats in the coach, but also the hotel bedrooms which they would occupy en route,...
Operators' Conduct S USPENSION for a month of the excursions and tours licence of the Star Motor Hiring Co., was the decision...
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First Model of Design Announced Last October now Complete. A 68seater with M.C.W. Body rI N October 25 last we ' , ./published...
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In Parliament PROVISIONS OF DRIVING. LICENCES BILL. lk /1R. STOREY'S Road Traffic (Driv1V1ing Licences) Bill was discussed on...
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A CCORDING to Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., and S. H. Edge, both of Titanic Works, Lincoln, it is desirable at high speeds to...