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Earl of KHARTUM K ITCHENER was born in Ireland and entered the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, at the age of 18. When he was...
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T HE essence of road transport, the characteristic which confers upon it that pre-eminence over other forms of transport which...
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American Railways A N interesting comment on will be Hit by Tyre r". the rubber shortage from Shortage the American Director of...
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Spare he brake and save the rubber." Suggestions for amalgamating the R.A.C. with the That the U.S.A. has " frozen " 200,000...
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GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF PRODUCER GAS A N important point about the latest type of Government emergency producer is that it is...
PROGRESSâBy the end of this week the Government Scheme will have been in operation for exactly three months. It is therefore...
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QEEKING information on the 1.-.)measures taken to economize in tyres and to control stocks held by operators, Mr. Parker...
W ITI-1 the object of assisting the producer-gas movement and thus benefiting the Nation by reducing the demands of essential...
O VER 13,000,000 head of livestock in one section of the country alone had been carried to slaughter houses by road-transport...
A CTING through the Insurance and Companies Department, the Board of Trade is responsible for three wardamage insurance...
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T FIR best methods of using the small quantity of new rubber tyres that can be provided for farmers have been examined by the...
T HE Ministry of War Transport is to be congratulated upon the steps it is taking to extend the practice of reclaiming and...
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O PERATORS are warned that when applying for spare parts on the appropriate Certificate of Need, only one form may be...
Ward and Morison in Excellent I. of F. Paper Summarize Mass of Valuable Producergas Knowledge. Water Filtration Strongly...
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T "" calling-up " of young men with technical qualifications and the continued expansion of the engineering industry to meet...
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O N the trolleybuses in service in this country, the two most widely employed systems of braking are lhose relying for their...
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L AST week I showed, in this feature, that it is possible to reduce to five the number of classes in a schedule of merchandise...
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L IKE many another young man who had been in the Services during the 1914-18 war, Mr. J. W. Morris looked forward to taking up...
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O NE aspect of enemy bombing raids on this country, which is of direct interest to commercial,vehide operators, is that which...
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Comments on Topical Problems in the Seventh and Eighth Reports of the Select Committee on National Expenditure T HE Select...
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A SSIJMING that the ./ - 1. loss of power resulting from the conversion of a petrol vehicle to producer gas be a constant...
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A SUSPENSION system, if soft enough to give smooth riding, may sometimes tend to be laterally unstable,. and usually a...