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—1's the Motto of the Authorities in Dealing with s London Traffic Sr O E representing t n r i a z n a s t i p o o n r s t °...
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H AULIERS who have changed the nature of their .1 businesses during the currency of their licences should take note of...
Big Business p ECORD orders for commercial vehicles had been placed before the Scottish Motor Show officially opened last...
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That it is usually "a frost" if operators do not employ anti-freeze in time. That in Yorkshire, at any rate; wits that g o...
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A PERTHSHIRE haulier, John Wann, Main Street, Methven, was fined a total of £600 at Perth Sheriff's Court on Monday, after...
be Needed Mr. A. Samuels BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A S the inquiry into the proposal to ban loading and unloading at 23...
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WHEN applying for additional VV vehicles a haulier did not have to prove that he had been unable to hire, the North Western...
A N application for the transfer of f. eight contract-A vehicles to - -an A licence was withdrawn by W. R. Wilson (Transport),...
B ECAUSE they had not informed the North Western Licensing Authority that a separate company had been formed to run the haulage...
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MR. D. TURNER has become deputy traffic superintendent of Halifax Transport Department. MR. B. G_ RocrrEs, a director of...
MINE hauliers a n d British Railways I objected at Bridlington, last week. when McVeigh Transport, Ltd., HulL sorght an...
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n ESPITE strong opposition from Stockton's deputy town clerk, Mr. E. Matthews, workers' fares on the municipal undertaking are...
W ORK study can be applied as effectively to the problems of transport as to any other section of industry, provided method...
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A FARM worker admitted at Bridlington, last week, that he had carried livestock with a trailer for three years without a...
T.R.T.A. Submit 70-page Census Report on Loading and Unloading at 23 Sites S EVERAL problems arising from the proposed ban on...
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into force delivery methods would have to be reorganized, which would entail the use of only a small proportion of extra...
W HEN W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., Falkirk, applied at Edinburgh, last week, for a new one-day coach tour to Fort William from...
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hAILK transport by rail has proved so 1V.I. unsatisfactory that the Nestle Co„ Ltd., have decided to transfer to road tankers....
QER VICES from Sheffield to the s.-) Norfolk Broads, operated by Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., and British Railways. were...
P RINCIPAL features of a small vacuum-mechanical sweeper known as the Litterlifter are its compactness and manceuvrability....
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N EW four-wheel-drive chassis, more powerful engines, higher gross-weight ratings, automatic gearboxes and power steering are...
A COAL merchant, who sought a varia tion in the conditions of his B licence, admitted at Perth, last week, that he bad been...
E VIDENCE by council representatives .1—+ from Larkhall, Carluke and Forth failed to convince the Scottish Traffic...
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N O one who is familiar with the evils of rate-cutting in Great Britain will lightly dismiss the American system of statutory...
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THREE appeals were dismissed by the Transport Tribunal in London last week. One case concerned the continuance of a business...
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DIRECTIONS Apart from gains in performance, increased power to weight ratios usually bring an improvement in fuel economy...
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QTRIK1NG results have been obtained P. , by fitting a Simms-Eberspacher exhaust turbocharger to the 11.3-litre sixcylindercd...
A SPECIAL trailer of 50-ton capacity has been produced by R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., Grafton Street, Liverpool, for the...
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N EW among the wheeled exhibits at the Building Exhibition, which opened at Olympia. London, on Wednesday for two weeks, are a...
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Fewer Light-alloy Bodies at Glasgow Show: Plastics Maintain Their Popularity: New Methods of Construction By P. A. C....
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Bird's Eye View N OT all the passages between the police and counsel at the London waiting-ban inquiry have been acrimonious....
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Little Hope of a Halt in the Steady Fall Caused by Competition from "Foreign" Operators and Low Rail Quotations By G. Duncan...
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QCOPE exists for the development of cheap and effective shock-absorbing dampers to be fitted in conjunction with the mountings...
r 0 special vehicles for the carriage of metal in bar and sheet form, based on Karrier Gamecock 3-4-ton lowloading chassis,...
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64 I F the Socialists would only listen to me," said Maggie's brother Cromwell, "They would win the next election with no...
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"Artics" are Cheaper to Buy and Run Comparative Costs fbr a Popular Articulated Outfit and a Rigid Six-wheeler, Both of 20...
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D ESTINED for work in the oil lands of Saudi Arabia, a new Atkinson 6 x 6 vehicle, the Omega, has just been completed. Although...
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A SCHEME in which a load container can be onor off-loaded single handed forms the subject of patent No. 783,130. The scheme...