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)ESPITE the fact that the road haulage industry settled its industrial elations problems and its wage negotiations without a...
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ITIONAL Freight Corporon is planning to centralise headquarters, and there are ier signs of a big economy ye in time for its...
:REASES in transport .trators' costs were less ere in the last quarter or 9 than during the previous ee-quarters of the year,...
ROADLINE UK is continuing with its plans to reorganise parcel deliveries, and announced a Scottish reorganisation in Edinburgh...
NORTH-EAST England lorry drivers have been given a specific instruction that they should not cross steel strikers' picket...
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BRITAIN must accept the• tonne lorry just as it accepi the tachograph, Lord Day of Leek told the House Lords last week. If the...
WORK on ERF's new plant f the production of 16to 40-ti vehicles at Wrexham starts the summer. The agreement betwel ERF and...
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TES are afoot to restrict the use of rbar trailer vehicles in London, and ter London Council will consider a rt on the subject...
E, International Road Transport Union (IRU) again issued a warning to European hauliers rating in Afghanistan. ollowing the...
ALL for the completion of the M40 and M42 iects has gone out from the Road Haulage ociation following the House of Lords'...
PORTSMOUTH City Council's attempts at preventing the transit of animals for food purposes (other than breeding stock) through...
STICK YOUR NECK OUT far enough and you may get away with it as your opponents sink back, knocked out by your effrontery....
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TRANSPORT ACTION Scot. land, the road user pressure group, has strongly criticised the slow progress in the con• struction of...
ALLPORT Freight (Holdings) Ltd of London NWIO has bought Chris Hudson (International) Ltd as a going concern. Most of the jobs...
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VIASTER of the Rolls Lord Denning was quoted last week when Vlanchester Industrial Tribunal awarded £330 to the manager of a...
PANDORO will now act a agents for Ferrymasters both Northern Ireland and th. Republic of Ireland. A variety of Ferrymasters...
SEALINK will operate large] vessels on the Heysham tc Belfast route throughout 1980 The vessels, the Lume Bridg( and Lagan...
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3 0TATO merchant had good reason to dismiss a lorry driver o wanted time off for an interview for another job, according...
PAIRS to the IV15 Taunton pass will start at the earlier e of February 26 and are for completion by the end une. he southbound...
UNFAIR dismissal payments have been increased, and their has been a rise in minimum payments for staff laid off or forced to...
RENAULT Trucks and Buses UK Ltd has appointed Rix Trucks Ltd of Stoneferry, Hull, as the main dealer for North Humberside. In...
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THE ON-OFF saga of the Leyland Titan lurched last week into what the manufacturer hopes is a temporary "off". The Eastern Coach...
PLANS to ban organised group visits to Windsor Castle on Sunday afternoons have been dropped, following protests by the London...
WEST LONDON coach opt tor Valliant Coaehlines has won its application to t; over excursion and to licences previously grant&...
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:LGIAN coachbuilder Van Hool launches an integral coach at Amsterdani Motor Show (closing today, Saturday). rhe new model,...
TIPPING BODIES TIPPING BODIES * Normal length body available on all chassis — no loss on body area as is normal with front-end...
Al SERVICE'S attempts to stem the tide of onelman operation in Ayrshire have failed. The Scottish Traffic Commissioners have...
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of the Iraqi bus market, but the state transport authority is also buying more MAN doubledeckers from West Germany. After...
GREATER London Council has given London Transport two kmonths to take action on the auditors' reports on overmanning and...
GODFREY MESSERVY will succeed chairman Sir Bernard Scott as executive chairman at Lucas Industries Ltd. Mr Messervy, who...
MAN'S first Brit's specification double-dee& will be in this country by ea 1981. Plans to build a right-ha drive Berlin-style...
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:ING TRAILERS Ltd of Maret Harborough, whose name , as recently changed from .ing Truck Equipment (CM ebruary 9), has...
ENRY VENABLES Ltd of Stafford, one of the largest hardrood sawmills in Britain, has just taken delivery of a Highland...
INTERTRUCKS'S 1980 catalogue is available in a pocket size edition, measuring 15 x 11 cms (6 x 4in), making it suitable for...
PRODUCTION of commercial vehicles in1979 was more than 23,000 up on 1978 according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and...
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FOLLOWING the official UK launch of the joint MAN-VW MT range next April, MAN-VW Truck and Bus Ltd is to launch a new 10-tonner...
UK SALES of Leyland Sherpa panel vans increased by six per cent in 1979 reaching a new record level of over 17,000 sales for...
LEYLAND has won an Iraqi order for three of its new Lan( train models, and the Ugandan Government has ordered 15 Redline range...
A NEW RANGE of ply-met panel doors for containers an vehicles is now being mat keted in this country b Thomas Sim son and Co...
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THE AMSTERDAM Motor Show held at the RAI exhibition centre attracts visitors and exhibitors from all over Europe and some...
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Eight-leggers are pouric to catch e eye at e Amstercarr Show, out, Bedforc opal - , British makers keeo a law profilE Steve...
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e by Graham Montgomerie With energy at an ever-increasing premium, the power needed tc overcome air drag resistance is the...
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IN THE CPC examinations a question has appeared several times which runs something like this: Under the "'totting : up"...
IN VIEW of the recent correspondence in CM regarding Leyland vehicles, readers may be interested to learn that we have...
WE WERE very interested to read in Commercial Motor (January 26, p49) about the ten-year-old Bedford CF van, which is on a...
AS USUAL, in his letter (CM, January 26) about our evidence to the Armitage Inquiry, John Ockenden of the RHA has got his facts...
MY ATTENTION has be directed to the issue of Co mercial Motor dated January page 32. I note with interest the hig important...
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SIX-CYLINDER Scania DS11 engines for the Swedish market will from now on feature some changes to reduce maximum revolutions and...
ONE of the most important north-south transit routes in the Rotterdam port area, the Benelux Tunnel, has been taken over by the...
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Smi field may not exactly be as smooth operation, but it colourful, bustling and._ it worKs. John Durant tells why MOVE...
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"SMITHFIELD? It needs blowing up," Yorkshire driver Chris Beal told me when I asked him what he thinks of the market. "Ask Fred...
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Traffic problems are choking the City's oldest market, and t( survive - f's being relocated at the old West India Dock site....
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CCORDING to Bi I Giliiham, narketing director o MAN-VW, ycle racing is enjo ing a sharp . evival and is one of the...
A TWO-YEAR programme of the Department of Employment's work research unit - will be particularly concerned to encourage the...
EVEN IN liberated 1980 I am mildly surprised to hear of a prince of royal blood engaged in the commercial vehicle business. HRH...
A POSTCARD in the shape and colours of a Bournemouth single-deck bus is being used by the transport department to ac knowledge...
IN my piece on February 2 saying that "the responsibilities of existing institutions for raising standards in the engineering...
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David Wilcox finds out that what detractors used to say is right fl E \ew Covent Garden isn't like the old... it a lot bete...
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If small is beautiful the the United Road Transport Union with only 38,000 members must look well indeed ; anc, what's more,...
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'Road operators have maintained that the Channel link should be available for road as well as rail' ; CERTAIN AS the return of...