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What It Takes To Be A Loser
IN THE CPC examinations a question has appeared several times which runs something like this: Under the "'totting : up" procedure a driver will be disqualified if: (a) He is......
A Fanfare For Leyland
IN VIEW of the recent correspondence in CM regarding Leyland vehicles, readers may be interested to learn that we have purchased one of the last Scammell Crusaders with the......
The Saga Of Old Faithful
WE WERE very interested to read in Commercial Motor (January 26, p49) about the ten-year-old Bedford CF van, which is on a ten-week tour round Norway. We were also very pleased......
Stoking The Fuel Of Controversy
AS USUAL, in his letter (CM, January 26) about our evidence to the Armitage Inquiry, John Ockenden of the RHA has got his facts wrong. The last ten years have seen a marked......
That Which Wa Lost Is Now Four
MY ATTENTION has be directed to the issue of Co mercial Motor dated January page 32. I note with interest the hig important information c( tamed therein. It is, hower, noted......