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A Slice Of The Coke Leyland Has Regained A Share
of the Iraqi bus market, but the state transport authority is also buying more MAN doubledeckers from West Germany. After ordering 400 MAN SD200 Berlin-style doubledeckers,......
Lt Given Reprieve
GREATER London Council has given London Transport two kmonths to take action on the auditors' reports on overmanning and inefficiency in its organisation. Following the......
GODFREY MESSERVY will succeed chairman Sir Bernard Scott as executive chairman at Lucas Industries Ltd. Mr Messervy, who joined the Lucas Organisation in 1 949, will remain......
Delivering A Right Hander
MAN'S first Brit's specification double-dee& will be in this country by ea 1981. Plans to build a right-ha drive Berlin-style SD200 //104 for British trials have be dropped as......