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Co-operation Essential to Ensure Fair Shares of Fuel for All reduction of 10 per cent. in fuel supplies must c be regarded as...
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A LTHOUGH both the Minister of Transport and the chairman of the British Transport Commission have been careful to refute any...
More Kerb Drill Wanted PPARENTLY the training usually given at sckools on the subject of road accidents and their prevention,...
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That many workers want a permanent supply of anti-freeze for wage-agreement machinery. Of a member of the industry who claims...
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Union of Railwaymen last week reaffirmed their intention to honour agreements concerning the operation of one-man buses. The...
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CEAR of unemployment consequent I on any deterioration in the fuel supply position will almost certainly lead the Transport and...
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L ICENCE suspension was imposed on two haulage companies by the West Midland Licensing Authority on Tuesday. The Little Haywood...
West Mi dlan d Licensin r/T.thority, in a reserved clecisio announced this week, has granted a A licence to Starr Roadways, Ltd...
MR. B. H. Dutdorry was re-elected chairman of Silentbloc, Ltd., at an extraordinary meeting last week. MR. S. G. GATES,...
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F ARES charged by the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., on their services from Manchester and Stockport to Scarborough were...
THE Northern Licensing Authority reserved his decision last week when Mr. W. Tyson, Ratten Row, Caldbeck, Cumberland, applied...
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THE prototype of a new double". decker, with a seating capacity of 70 and a gross laden weight of less than 12 tons, has been...
A VEHICLE of 71tons unladen weight has been added to the A licence of A. T. Marriott, Ltd., Sheffield, by the Yorkshire...
T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Maj. F. S. Eastwood, has added a furniture van to the A licence of Selles (Removals and...
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rOLLOW1NG the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners' decision on the Yorkshire Torquay express service ipplications (see this page),...
VHEN Wright Bros. (Wolverhampvv ton), Ltd., Crown Street, Waiverampton, were called . before the .lorthern Licensing Authority...
West Midland Traffic Commissioners hear the application of Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., to take over the luxury coach service run...
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KIEGOTIATIONS for the export of 11 vehicles valued at more than £750,000 are pending, announces Mr. R. H. Seddon, chairman of...
Taskers for B.R.S.: British Road Services have ordered 100 8-ton platform trailers from Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., for...
• WHEN Road Materials (Middle: brough), Ltd., applied for an licence for four B-licence vehicles z Stockton-on-Tees last week,...
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A MONG new models at the Public Works Exhibition, which opened at Olympia, London, on Monday, is a mobile shovel known as the...
A FTER months of negotiation, improvements in paid holidays and sick-pay for white-collar workers employed by Crosville Motor...
THE number of objections made I recently by an applicant was referreth to by. .Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority,...
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FIE WEATHER row Bradford, Hull, Liverpool, Leeds, fanchester and Glasgow Organize to 'ombat Snow and Fog and Reduce...
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I T was announced late last week that an addition had been made to the range of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Birmingham, 8....
T HE Public Transport Association have charged the Government with subsidizing the railways at the expense of road passenger...
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B.T.C. and 28 Hauliers Object to Proposal to Substitute A-licence Work for C-hire k_ STRONGLY opposed application by Mr. Sam...
H E looked upon the plans for the railways as an historic document; there was advancement in the air and some progress on the...
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Volvo 14 tongross Chassis Tested in Britain for First Time .• Performance Compares Favourably with that of Equivalent British...
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/OU report in your issue of October 19, the belief of L Sir John Elliot, chairman' of the London Transport xecutive, that...
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How Reed Transport, Ltd., While Daily .1 a Heavy Volume . of Paper Olitpz Expanding Into a Nation-wide Orgc Alan Smith,...
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M ANY municipal undertakings may have to raise fares to meet the award by the Industrial Disputes Tribunal of an extra 5s. a...
T HE alternative would be to make substantial cuts in services, particularly in those where heavy losses were being incurred,...
1 — NESPITE the increases applied for, LI the applicant's weekly contract fare between Middlewich and Winnington would still be...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk I N ttie November 2 issue of The Commercial Motor I mentioned a high-speed oil engine that is in...
DROPH EC I ES were avoided by Mr. J. Skinner, A.M.I.Mech.E., product engineer, Fuel Injection Division, Simms Motor Units,...
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Government Not Averse to Principle, But Many Practical Difficulties Exist A LTHOUGH the conclusion is not I -1 specifically...
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A CCORDING to the legend, the swan sings only in the hour before its death. The Road Haulage Disposal Board were scarcely as...
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F URTHER URTHER control or transport to direct certain mineral traffic back to the railWays was foreshadowed at the Public...
THERE should always be room for 1 healthy competition between road and rail, but railway transport, being a public service,...
THE overall effect of converting normal crossroad layouts to one of staggered pattern was probably to decrease the accident...
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W ERE the curvature of the roads in rural Britain reduced, there would be a threefold gain: an increase in average speed, a...
WHEN judging the skid-resisting proVV pernes of a road, appearances could often be deceptive. Although it might be well known...
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R EFUSE collection at night on a IA piece-work system showed a saving of 51d. per ton in collection costs and 2s. lid, per ton...
INCLUDED in the exhibits of David Brown Industries, Ltd., Hanworth Park, Feltham, Middx., at the Public. Works Exhibition,...
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I N my previous article I dealt at length with the case of a haulier with a 3-tonner and a'5-tonner who wanted to know what his...
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A N ingenious chain adjuster which provides for the automatic take-up of slack as it develops has been introduced by Renold...
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a suspension system is described in patent No. 756,416 (Societa Applicazioni Gamma Antivibranti S.P.A., 88 Via Ripamonti,...