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F OR the third successive time in eight years the British public have rejected the Socialists ' destructive policy. At the...
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Stanley Bond S OMETHING seems to happen to the British when they spend a long time in South America. I have seen them,...
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FROM OUR OWN REPRESENTATIVE LIVERPOOL, Monday. IMPORTANT economies are expected to result from the use in the I distribution...
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Lord Parker : Tourists' Right " Y ET another of these very difficult questions, which arise under the Road Traffic Act, as to...
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MR. H. REEVES HALL has been appointed Midlands manager of the Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd. MR. VERB DE MEL, chairman of the...
A S a fitting tribute to his work as Minister of Transport, Mr. Harold Watkinson held his seat at Woking in the General...
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FROM OUR OWN REPRESENTATIVE STOCKTON-ON-TEES, Tuesday 7 the purchaser of a special-A licensed articulated outfit has two...
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DROPOSALS by the North Western Traffic Commissioners to add conditions which would ban the linking of catchment areas and...
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I.P.C. Meeting: The autumn meeting of the Institute of Public Cleansing will be held at Birmingham from November 12 - 13....
IN a statement to The Commercial I Motor on Tuesday, Mr. J. L. R. Croft who appeared for McPhecs (Newcastle), Ltd., at a public...
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A SUBMISSION by British Railways that the A licences of Richmond Road Garage, Ltd., Sheffield, should be revoked or suspended...
T "question of whether a public service vehicle had been used illegally was at issue before magistrates at Kingsbridge, South...
T HE North Western Licensing Authority is to hold a further public inquiry concerning an application by Bulk Liquid Transport,...
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N experimental ban on smoking on lower decks will be put into ration by Ribble Motor Services, This was the outcome, at Black1...
R EFUSING an application for the 1 N.. addition to a vehicle of 3.1 tons to a B licence, Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish Licensing...
EN a predominantly A-licensed perator experienced difficulty over aangeability with B-1 icen se d es, the Transport Tribunal...
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First Non-stop Coach Run Between London ,and Moscow Reduces Journey Time to Below 45 Hours : High Standard of Comfort Given by...
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'['HE trip to Russia had its lighter I. moments and in view of the badinage that took place it is perhaps surprising that all...
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By Tom Walkerley T HE fertile fields of Lincolnshire, undulating gently between the Humber and the Wash, have a remote and...
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Says Rapier the taxpayer getting value for the £421m. which British ailways have spent out of the £1,500m. authorized for e...
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Its Way? T HE chief object of keeping cost records is to be able to check that one's business is being conducted efficiently....
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Expected A MONO the appeals heard by the Transport Tribunal in London last week were two upon the outcome of which, as Sir ir...
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By JANUS rHAT made the National Union of Railwaymen publish their plan for transport just before the General Election may...
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By G. Duncan Jewell O NE of the major transport links between the North Wales counties of Flint, Denbigh, Caernarvon and...
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of flour in bulk instead of in bags had been of tremendous value to biscuit manufacturers and was expanding. Mr. C. R. Hodgson,...
UNSUCCESSFUL attempts were made at meetings of two local authorities in East Anglia, last week, to discourage the purchase of...
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■ IG a machine produced by the Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Redditch, 'ores, it is claimed that an unskilled operator can...
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B RAKES on British commercial chassis of under 1 ton carrying capacity are adequate for normal operation in this country. Some...
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TERYDAY experience in his own phere had shown that there were ndeed very few persons who had ed a real aptitude for under1g...
Bendekart, Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: Jean Herbert and T. A. Herbert. 156 Strand, London, W.C.2. Sec.: T. A. He:hem McIntosh and...