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national 1-/council of the average association and the metxtbers, regarded nationally, there is more frequently than not a...
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Travelling by Rail 140W passengers by rail for Next to NothI obtain still cheaper facili ing ties than those ordinarily avail...
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Appreciations of our new "Silver Mask" caricatures. That Sir Cyril has put a cat amongst the ancillary pigeons. That by...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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It is understood that the local conciliation officer of the Ministry of Labour is now dealing with several cases of alleged...
T ROUBLE has arisen in the South Wales Area by reason of alleged breaches of the conciliation agreement. It is contended that...
Sauter, Gairnsheil, Abbotsford Road, Aberdeen, trading as Souter and Co., had one of his licences revoked, last week, by Mr....
VOLLOWING a statement that the employers panel of the Yorkshire Conciliation Board was in debt, and an appeal for help from...
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The Royal Agricultural Society of England has taken the step of conferring with tractor manufacturers and .agricultural...
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An appeal • by Howard Robinson, Ltd., Brighton, against a conviction in respect of drivers' hours, made on February 11 by the...
MR S. BErneetExr, J.P., has been reelected president of the Belfast Transport Officials' Club. CAPT. J. S. IRviNG is to be...
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The abridged specifications of all classes of municipal motor, published in the Special Municipal Number of The Commercial...
In Parliament RAILWAY LIABILITY—AN UNFAIR ANOMALY. IMPORTANT questions regarding the rights of railway passengers were...
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On the left is seen the Bithell Giandayton cast-steel spoked wheel, complete with detachable rim and tyre. Heat-dissipating...
W ITH the object of increasing safety at night, a new series of reflecting signs has been designed by Adams and Benson, Ltd.,...
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COUNCIL CONTRACTS INVESTIGATED. Investigations into the rates paid under council contracts have recently been carried out by...
A T the annual general meeting of the London and Home Counties Haulage Contractors' Association, of which Mr. R. P. Bailey is...
Mr. Norman J. Bennett, of Plymouth, has now taken up his new post as whole-time secretary of A.R.O. Devon and Cornwall Area....
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At a joint' meeting of A.R.O. Hull Sub-area committee and the local C.M.U.A. committee it was decided to take concerted action...
Determination to Operate Counter Prop° . sals. Scheme to Stabilize Haulage Rates R ESOLUTIONS supporting not only the...
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BODIES for heavy duties " I TOOK the liberty of looking I around that new drop-sided lorry of yours, Hardy," said Hawkins,...
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to whom I referred at the close of the previous article, raised a curious, • but, nevertheless important, point concerning...
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Our Agricultural Correspondent There is a Firm Place for the Specialist who cart Offer Comprehensive and Efficient Service,...
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N . Act in recent years, however rashly conceived or hurriedly thrown together, has been interpreted and applied with greater...
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W HILST the leading motor and accessory manufacturers in this country are constantly engaged upon research work and...
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T HE long-standing wages dispute in the North-Western Area was brought a step nearer settlement at a meeting. on Wednesday of...
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H A U LI ERS' ACCOUNTS S. Howard Withey, F.C.I. (Senior Fellow of the International Accountants and Executives Corporation)...
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An Interesting Analysis of Troubles Which May Follow Prolonged Running on a Deflated Cover The Essential Ledgers. Order...
r - I F the two materials commonly used %a/for the manufacture of brake drums —steel and cast-iron—both have disadvantages and...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Leiters should be...
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A Morris-Commercial 2-tonner Adapted for Parks and Golfcourse Duty by the Allan Taylor Engineering Co. T HE latest product of...
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be rim I by Brighton Corporation between Love and Rottingdean would result in considerable competition, not only with the...
I N Hamilton Sheriff Court, Sheriff Brown gave judgment in a test case concerning contract carriages. Messrs. James Hunter and...
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A DISPUTE with a railway company concerning the advertising of road-transport facilities has led to Mr. Samuel Ledgard, of...
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed the appeals of Baillie Brothers, Ltd., and Clyde Bank Motors, Ltd., against the...
DURY Corporation's transport under tak ing has had an interesting history extending over a period from September, 1880, when...
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'WHENEVER I attempt to point out IT to members of the road-transport industry the fact that a considerable degree of road-rail...
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F ROM Societa. Italiana Pirelli, 21, Via Fabio Filni, Milan, Italy, comes patent No. 443,878 disclosing an unusual design of...