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It would be appropriate this week to call for three hearty cheers for the furniture removing industry. Sometimes regarded by...
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Also criticized: manufacturers who won't help stamp out shop bribing by John Darker • Last week's one-day conference "Freight...
• The commercial services group of the Transport and General Workers Union called last week for the Road Haulage Wages Council...
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from our political correspondent • The Chancellor of the Exchequer's Budget decision not to change the Selective Employment Tax...
• There were heated exchanges in the Commons this week when it was revealed how much has been paid in benefit during the...
by David Spain • On Wednesday afternoon I witnessed two police detectives and Mr G. Sinden and Mr W. Smith, of the Metropolitan...
• A new pay deal giving London Transport's 23,000 busmen a 12+ per cent rise was accepted on Wednesday. A 70-garage delegate...
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• Hundreds of removal firms have recently been the subject of a survey by 5700 members of the Consumers' Association and in the...
• A walk-out by 100 British Road Services drivers at the Grays, Essex, depot on Tuesday rapidly spread to nine other depots in...
• The Road Haulage Wages Council is to meet on .May 1 to consider the claim for a £16 lOs minimum by the trade union panel, and...
• "Distribution problems and potentials for the 1970s" is the title of three one-day seminars to be held on April 22, May 22...
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• The Commission of the Common Market (EEC) considers that, as a matter of priority, a measure should be drawn up to prohibit...
• During the past year the express carriers group of the RHA made a number of suggestions to the Home Office concerning the...
• Motor Rail Ltd, tile Bedford-based trailer manufacturing concern which two years ago acquired the Low Loading Trailer...
Picture 1 Avon Rubber's largest TIR consignment to date, over 2,000 car tyres worth £10,000. leaving the company's Melksham...
I The Standing Advisory Committee on langerous substances should complete its ;urrent work on regulations relating to the...
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• The Road Transport Industry Training Board announced on Wednesday that it has proposed to Mrs Castle that the training levy...
• Less money is to be spent in the current year on capital equipment for heavy goods vehicles' safety measures, reveals the...
• About 25 South Wales operators have contracted maintenance, with MoT approval, to Transport Engineering Services, a division...
• A new driving school costing /31,000 was opened on Thursday for National Carriers Ltd (Scottish area) by Mr H. Kinsey,...
• The articles by Mr R. P. C. Block under the title Costing for Maximum Profit which attracted so much attention when they were...
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• Northumberland County Council has named a two man watchdog team to check on hauliers who overload their vehicles. The...
• Long established at Barford, Warwicks, W. Inson and Son Ltd, haulage contractors, has now moved to larger premises at Warwick...
• Anticipating Britain's entry into the Common Market, Con.tainerway and Roadferry Ltd is extending its operations on the...
• A further extension to the working times at Liverpool's Gladstone terminal now enables container collections and deliveries...
• A new freight groupage service, carrying European cargoes between London International Freight Terminal, Manchester...
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Ian R. Kydd has been appointed general manager of Scottish Omnibuses Ltd (Eastern Scottish) in succession to J. W. Tweedie,...
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• "If this appeal were allowed it would, in effect, take away a B licence held by the company since carriers' licensing began,"...
• It was in the national interest to grant an A-licence application for two attics to W. H. Stott and Co Ltd, shipping broker,...
• A B-licence variation application by Jiltsways Haulage Ltd, of London N3 was refused on Friday after the evidence of Mr David...
• The appeal of F. E. Moss against the refusal of the North Western LA, Mr C. R. Hodgson, to grant it a B licence was dismissed...
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• The financial risk attached to entering the road haulage industry as a small private operator was stressed repeatedly by the...
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I Mr D. 1. R. Muir, Chairman of the Aetropolitan Traffic Commissioners, said in written decision this week that he found it...
Halifax Passenger Transport and ebble Motor Services Ltd each applied in eeds on Tuesday to add three circular , urs within...
• Two appeals to the Minister of Transport by Bee Line Roadways Ltd have been dismissed with costs awarded against the...
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operator by Ashley Taylor • Out of an entry of 48 for last weekend's National Coach Rally, the associated companies of...
• Work on roofing over the bus terminus at Victoria main line station—next stage in London Transport's plans to make...
• Higher fares were inevitable if reasonable service was to be maintaine said Dr Tony Ridley, Tyneside Passeng Transport...
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London Transport buses operating vices southwards through Tottenham an to use a new contra-flow bus lane on nday, thus bringing...
Derek Moses The coach day-trip to the seaside which s with a "pub crawl" on the journey le will end soon—indeed, so far as some...
• A 24-page booklet has been produced by Newcastle Corporation to commemorate the life of the Newcastle City Transport...
• The East Midlands Traffic Commissioners have rejected an application to increase all adult bus fares by Id on services...
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Rubber producers told 'it's feasible' • The feasibility of producing a one-piece wheel and tyre was included in a number of...
• Last week the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co (Great Britain) Ltd, introduced a new vanand truck-size radial tyre. Already well...
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—and powers up to 420 bhp • "Tailored rather than "new" was how Mr J. A. Gray, managing director of Cummins Engine Co Ltd,...
• Trebled output is expected from a 35,000 sqft. factory, claimed to be the first tarpaulin plant to be built in Britain for 30...
• Specially designed for breweries and similar users, a new Primrose-Laird conversion, with eight-wheel chassis, is to be shown...
• Big orders for trailers have been placed in the UK by the American-owned Transport International Pool Ltd, which operates a...
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We welcome letters for publication on transport topics. Address them to Commercial Motor, 40 Bowling Green Lane, London, Ed....
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by Handyman Benchwise: lathe sense (12) QUITE AN AMOUNT of vehicle and trailer MoT preparation work calls for the renewal of...
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by the Hawk • On the campus The splendid parkland setting of Nottingham University made an unusual venue for the RHA East...
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CARRYING a payload of just over 9.25 tons, a Boxer dropside truck has just completed our full operational trial route at an...
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Deferred expenditure • An 8-ton lorry averaging 600 miles a week costs £64 6s 9d a week to run. The standing costs, which are...
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IN applying themselves to important aspects of "Tomorrow's bus world" those taking part in the Newcastle upon Tyne University...
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What price road safety? by A. E. Teer, Road safety officer. Cadbury-Schweppes, and secretary, AIRSO. • It is gratifying to...
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Training course for the training board by Janus R EACTION by the Road Transport Industry Training Board to recent criticism...
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matters by John Darker AMBIM Science in transport (2) Computer developments in BRS Parcels Ltd ANY sizable transport...
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI Plating and testing (4) THIS WEEK, continuing the consideration of alterations to a vehicle...
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on Contract A licence, keeping the vehicle at home each night The nearest quarry is 10 minutes' journey from the house, the...
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CONGRATULATIONS to to the Institute of Traffic Administration on celebrating its silver jubilee this spring. Founded in 1944,...
Lewins Removals Ltd. Cap.: £10,000. Objects: To carry on the hustnesi of funiture removers, haulage and cartage contractors....
The next seven days kora April 17-April 23 FRIDAY loT (Glasgow discussion group) agrn and visit to me Lion at Ardrossan:...
BLAKEYS Blakey's Boot Protectors Ltd, parent company of a number of subsidiary companies in the Leeds area, changed its name...
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The demand for a powerful multi-purpose high-pressure cleaner which is simple to operate and inexpensive to run is said to be...
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Ron Cater With the advent of roller brake-testing equipment, work. shops have been able to dispense with expensive, dangerous...