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• Northumberland County Council has named a two man watchdog team to check on hauliers who overload their vehicles. The team-—thought to be the first of its sort in the......
Address Changes
• Long established at Barford, Warwicks, W. Inson and Son Ltd, haulage contractors, has now moved to larger premises at Warwick Road, Wellesbourne. Warwicks: telephones are......
New Belgian Company
• Anticipating Britain's entry into the Common Market, Con.tainerway and Roadferry Ltd is extending its operations on the Continent by forming a subsidiary company in Belgium.......
Night Shifts At Liverpool
• A further extension to the working times at Liverpool's Gladstone terminal now enables container collections and deliveries to be made over a 20-hour period. The previous......
London /manchester— Zeebrugge
• A new freight groupage service, carrying European cargoes between London International Freight Terminal, Manchester Containerbase, and Zeebrugge, has recently been started by......