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Lota The Next 25 Years
CONGRATULATIONS to to the Institute of Traffic Administration on celebrating its silver jubilee this spring. Founded in 1944, but holding its first elections in 1945, loTA's......
New Companies
Lewins Removals Ltd. Cap.: £10,000. Objects: To carry on the hustnesi of funiture removers, haulage and cartage contractors. etc. Dirs.: Brenda Hall, 5 College Gardens,......
Dates For Your Diary
The next seven days kora April 17-April 23 FRIDAY loT (Glasgow discussion group) agrn and visit to me Lion at Ardrossan: Conference Room, Glasgow Corporation Transport......
Business Briefs
BLAKEYS Blakey's Boot Protectors Ltd, parent company of a number of subsidiary companies in the Leeds area, changed its name on April 1 to Blalteys IMalleable Castings) Ltd.. No......