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W HENEVER there is talk these days of vehicle maintenance, the subject nearly always boils down to a rather cold, statistical...
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Geor ook A SCERTAINING facts for himself is one of the practices of Mr. George Brook, general manager of Ribble Motor...
A MAN who claims to have worked on the first successful hydraulic tipping gear to be produced in Britain retired recently from...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT nR. BEECHING'S reorganization plan for British Railways could lead to a big increase in the...
T HE Minister of Defence has reveale that an order worth nearly £2 r has been placed for 125 of the produ■ tion version of the...
T HE Minister of Transport has di missed an appeal by the Nort Western Road Car Co., Ltd., against decision by the North...
T HE size of the national council of the Traders Road Transport Association is to be halved. The decision was made at last...
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T HE first public presentation of a new version of the Guy Warrior Light-6 tipper took place last Saturday at Flookburgh,...
T HE new test in the final of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition this year is to be based on vehicle position ing. in...
"COMMON MARKET transport ‘.--• policy with particular reference to road -transport" will be among the subjects covered by...
H AMBURG and Cologne are the two centres for the visit to Western Germany in 1963 which is being planned by the Institute of...
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Mr. E. E. Hughes has been appointed a director of Castrol Equipment, Ltd. This company was, until July 2, 1962, known as John...
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NEW coach design for 36-ft.-long underfloor - engined chassis, a special ersion of the double - deck bodywork roduced for the...
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for the Show T HE Leyland Octopus series of maximum-capacity eight-wheeled goods chassis has been augmented by a new...
A 36-FT. x 8-ft. 24-in. 44-seat luxury coach body will be exhibited by Plaxtons (Scarborough), Ltd., on an as yet unannounced...
TWO axle designs will be exhibited by the Moss Gear Co., Ltd., for the first time at the Commercial Motor Show next month. One...
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I N an attempt to improve the overall efficiency of their fleet, Walker Bros. (Morecambe), Ltd., applied for a substantive A...
T "joint project of the Jelecz goods vehicle plant, of Poland, and the Liaz lorry works of Czechoslovakia, producer of the...
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11'1 Britain and the lack of a national parking policy are strongly attacked by the Roads Campaign Council in the August...
T O enable them to accept a wider range of work on larger vehicles and to offer facilities for body repairs from the South...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE Transport Ministry, and Scottish Home Department are to get tougher with contractors...
B US fares in Carlisle and Kendal and places between the two towns are to go up from August 25. An application by Ribble Motor...
A LTHOUGH Glasgow's municipal transport services are expected to show a loss of £25,500 in 1962-63, no further fares increases...
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T HREE examples of corrosion resistant tanks for road vehicles will be shown by the A.P.V. Co., Ltd., at The Commercial Motor...
T WO articulated tankers will be exhibited by Universal Boilers and Engineering Co., Ltd., at The Commercial Motor Show. The...
£1.4m, A.E.C. URUGUAY BUS ORDER: Orders for A.E.C. buses, worth £1400000. froth Uruguay, brings the value of contracts from...
T HE suspension systemdeveloped for the new Morris 1100 c.c. car has many interesting technical features. The system is known...
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" W E feel that the decline in rural bus services has been exaggerated." These are the words of the Western Traffic...
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idOTEWORTHY among new items of ' 11 equipment announced by the Smiths 4otor Accessory Division and to be xhibited at the...
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)eployment for Tanker Fleet Ashley Tay lo A.M.1.R.T.E., Assoc.Inst TN the past couple of years a fresh petroleum brand name...
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A MONG recent assessments, Mr. Colin Buchanan's paper on Building and Planning in the Motbr Age," and Raymond Baxter's...
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T HE Glacier Metal Company have in recent years turned their interests to the application of the selfdriven continuously...
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• • FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE transport industry has been given a clear and understandable breakdown 1 of a group...
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RALL PERFORMANCE. Every top transport man realises the coming of the motorway age imposes even greater .nds on his trucks. So...
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reported in . our issue of June 29, to introduce a fleet of A.E.C.-Park Royal doubledeck coaches of the Routemaster type on...
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By FRANK BURRAVOE A T last after many stumblings, the Transport Act of 1962, regarded by the Government as a major measure,...
R ECENTLY placed in service by Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., are three vehicles designed specifically for deliveries of...
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F HE handling of palletized loads is made easier with the Unit-Lift equipsent available from the York Trailer ;o., Ltd....
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By_ P. A. C. Brockington A IVI I IVIech.E.— A N appraisal of transport requirements when a building is being planned...
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to Containers D ESPITE the increasing use of piggyback rail services throughout the North American continent, capital...
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T HE East Midland publication notifies two fairly substantial app l i . cations-one of them a contract "switch "-this week, In...
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Whilst the underlying principle of commercial vehicle costing is inherent in contract hire agreements the proportioning of...
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B RAKE mechanism that provides its own hydraulic amplification is shown in patent No. 89,1.951. 'Though intended mainly for...