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H AULIERS and C-licensees seem, apart from isolated exceptions, to be satisfied with the life they are now getting from brake...
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A S IS entirely right and proper, the chairman of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee is a Londoner who...
British tanker operating fraternity must surely be 86-year-old Mr. John Horrocks, of Handforth, Cheshire, who is still a...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT B ECAUSE of the anomalous state of transport law, twice the number of heavy road vehicles will be...
MR. A. E. SHERLOCK-MESHER has 0'1 relin q uished his position as Editor of The Commercial Motor. Mr. Alan Havard has been...
By our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE campaign for a Budget reduction in the rate of tax on . dery has -started. Last week...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE battle over the future of Covent Garden Market begins before a Select Committee of the...
From our Political Correspondent I OCAL authority associations, Women's 11 —. 1 Institutes and M.P.s from rural constituencies...
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of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., has left this country on a six-week sales tour of Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Aden and Somaliland. MR. M....
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• BY •OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT But wise counsel prevailed and no threats are being issued at this time. Instead, it was...
T " Minister of Transport has turned down the appeal by the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., against the decisions of the...
A N exhibition called "New Roads for London," designed to encourage the recruitment of staff which will be required now that...
INCREASING demands for storage and warehousing facilities resulted ' in a Stokc-on-Trent haulage company being granted two...
nNE of the many speakers at the con ference of the Institute of Materials Handling at Southport from May 10-12 will be Mr. J....
G IVEN that the maker's instructions 1 --. 1 are closely followed, it is now accepted that a typical operator of a turbocharged...
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'BY Our 'Parlia m entary C o rrespondent T HE 'Minister of Transport_is keeping a close eye on the way California is tackling...
nRIVERS and conduttors employed by Tynemouth and District Transport Co., Ltd., have rescinded their decision to hold an...
T HE Minister of Transport announces that he is now prepared to consider proposals for the development of a service area at...
S UBSTANTIAL .price reductions fortheir Thermo-King vehicle-refrigerating plants have been announced by Petters, Ltd. These are...
WITH the exception of the passenger $1` chassis, all Thames Trader models and Thames 1+to 4-ton semi-forwardcontrol vehicles...
A NETWORK of new "clearways" in London where no vehicles will be allowed to stop in peak traffic hours, except for the dropping...
a• scheme for marking tank vehicles carrying dangerous substances in hulk. said Mr. R. A, Butler. the Home. Secretary, in the...
R USSIA'S most-operated goods vehicle, the PAZ-51, is to be replaced by a new model with the designation of PAZ-52. The PAZ-52...
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for Hired Fleet Mr. G. H. Minshall, managing director of T. W. Nobles and Sons (Manchester), Ltd., Ashton, objecting,...
W HEN Thornbury Transport, Ltd., of The Old Mill, Thornbury, Glos. applied to the Western Licensing Authority at Bristol for a...
D URING January, 5,113 Bedford goods and passenger chassis were shipped overseas, a record figure which beats the previous best...
wpm the merger of certain Lancashire VV and West of Scotland interests, Dalzell Electrical Welding Co., Ltd.. Bellshill, will...
T HE next meeting of the Devon and Cornwall Centre 'of the Institute of Traffic Administration will be held at the South...
T HE Transport Tribunal last week reversed the decision of the Northern Licensing Authority refusing an applica tion by...
PA A N order for the compulsory windingup of David and Doyle (Hauliers), Ltd., whose registered office is at Berkeley Street,...
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O NE of three Leyland Titan PD2.31 double-deck buses delivered to Colchester Corporation has been equipped with Adamant...
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A T Glasgow last week, Mr. William Miller , Calderbank, applied successfullY to inaugurate an express service between Airdrie...
A NEW company, Molyslip World r/tDistribution, Ltd., has been formed by the Slip Group of Companies to deal with overseas...
T WO new transformer-oil tankers will shortly be going into service with the. Mobil Oil Co., ltd. They are articulated vehicles...
LTHOUGH existing smokemeters rA may not be considered ideal for measuring the density of exhaust smoke emitted by all types of...
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TWENTY Leopard coach chassis with leaf-air suspension at front and rear are at present in production at Leyland • Motors, Ltd....
BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT TUEMBERS of Parliament will soon be I.V1 faced with the difficult task of deciding which...
THE ambition of a carpenter to run an express coach service from Bristol to Salonika for Greeks going on holiday, took a step...
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FIGURES issued recently show that in many countries production of commercial vehicles is on the increase. Production in France...
T "application by Peter McCallum and Sons, Ltd., Stirling, for six articulated units on "General goods, Great Britain," was...
G REEKtobacco worth £40,000 is to be. REEK shipped to Britain in exchange for bus chassis made by Guy Motors, Ltd.,...
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This Analysis of a Controversial Braking System Indicates That. it Has Many Proven • Advantages, Particularly Saving on...
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Take but degree away, untune that string And hark what discord follows: each thing meets In mere oppugnancy. S ERIOUS though...
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The Possibilities of Changing the Present System are Discussed by RALPH CROPPER M.Sc.(Econ.), B.A., A.M.Inst.T. S HOULD the...
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A NEW spare-parts depot was officially opened last week by Renault, Ltd., at their Western Avenue, London, W.3, headquarters....
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- affic Family Atmosphere Plays Vital Port in the Efficiency of Notts. Concern , Specializing in Docks Traffic: Recent...
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Atkinson-Dyson Artie Carries " Red-hot " 50 Tons D ESIGNED to transport an ingot load of 50 tons, a special articulated outfit...
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Tipping Body rA A SPECIAL mortar-carrying tipping body, known as the Anglfloor type, has been provisionally patented by Mr....
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Sought by Tipper Operators A AND B licence applications to fireplace contract A licences loom large this week, led by 28...
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Drop Back November Figures T HE risin g trend in re g istrations of new commercial vehicles, which started last September and...
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Policies Offering Substantial Economies in One Item of Operating Cost Can Prove Ill-Advised if the Effect on Other Expenditure...
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P ATENT No. 857,674 discloses a design for a disc brake giving a degree of self-servo action, through motion of the disc....