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New Vehicles Granted
for Hired Fleet Mr. G. H. Minshall, managing director of T. W. Nobles and Sons (Manchester), Ltd., Ashton, objecting, expressed concern that the new vehicles had a capacity of 7......
"serious Mistake" Admitted
W HEN Thornbury Transport, Ltd., of The Old Mill, Thornbury, Glos. applied to the Western Licensing Authority at Bristol for a licence to substitute one truck in place of a flat......
Bedford Export Record
D URING January, 5,113 Bedford goods and passenger chassis were shipped overseas, a record figure which beats the previous best (achieved in November, 1960) by 15 per cent. This......
New Name—new Home
wpm the merger of certain Lancashire VV and West of Scotland interests, Dalzell Electrical Welding Co., Ltd.. Bellshill, will be renamed Holmes Alexander, Ltd., and will......
I.t.a. Branch Meeting
T HE next meeting of the Devon and Cornwall Centre 'of the Institute of Traffic Administration will be held at the South Western Gas Board demonstration theatre, Plymouth, on......
Tribunal Reverse L.a.'s Decision
T HE Transport Tribunal last week reversed the decision of the Northern Licensing Authority refusing an applica tion by Tyneside Haulage, Ltd., to add to their A licence three......
PA A N order for the compulsory windingup of David and Doyle (Hauliers), Ltd., whose registered office is at Berkeley Street, London, W, was made by Mr. Justice Buckley, in the......