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.exhaust Fumes
'BY Our 'Parlia m entary C o rrespondent T HE 'Minister of Transport_is keeping a close eye on the way California is tackling . the problem of exhaust fumes— but he thinks it......
Token Strike Off
nRIVERS and conduttors employed by Tynemouth and District Transport Co., Ltd., have rescinded their decision to hold an unofficial token .strike every Saturday in a campaign to......
Staffordshire Service Area
T HE Minister of Transport announces that he is now prepared to consider proposals for the development of a service area at Keele, near Newcastleunder-Lyme, on on the......
Thermo-king Price Cut
S UBSTANTIAL .price reductions fortheir Thermo-King vehicle-refrigerating plants have been announced by Petters, Ltd. These are a direct result of increased production at the......
Laminaire Option For Thames Model
WITH the exception of the passenger $1` chassis, all Thames Trader models and Thames 1+to 4-ton semi-forwardcontrol vehicles are now available with Laminaire progressive steel......
More " Clearways" Planned
A NETWORK of new "clearways" in London where no vehicles will be allowed to stop in peak traffic hours, except for the dropping of passengers, is now being planned by the......
Tank Vehicle Marking P Rogress Had Been Made In Drawing Up
a• scheme for marking tank vehicles carrying dangerous substances in hulk. said Mr. R. A, Butler. the Home. Secretary, in the Commons last week. He added that it was not yet......
A New Russian Goods Vehicle
R USSIA'S most-operated goods vehicle, the PAZ-51, is to be replaced by a new model with the designation of PAZ-52. The PAZ-52 will, like its forerunner, be manufactured at the......